单选题Which EPIRB transmits a distress alert that is received and relayed by an INMARSAT satellite?()AClass A EPIRBsBClass B EPIRBsCL-Band EPIRBsDCategory I EPIRBs

Which EPIRB transmits a distress alert that is received and relayed by an INMARSAT satellite?()

Class A EPIRBs


Class B EPIRBs




Category I EPIRBs


解析: 暂无解析


Which step should be taken,if possible,when the vessel must be abandoned because of a distress situation ________.A.Alert the Coast Guard by using the survival craft's portable INMARSAT unitB.Program the SART and EPIRB to transmit the vessel's location and situationC.Place the SART and EPIRB in the“ON”position and secure them to the survival craftD.No additional steps are needed as the SART and EPIRB will both automatically float free and operate properly

Acknowledgement by you of receipt of a distress message from a vessel which,beyond any possible doubt,is not in your vicinity and is a long distance away must be made when ______.A.vessels nearer the distress vessel acknowledge receiptB.vessels nearer the distress vessel fail to acknowledge receiptC.even you have not received the distressD.even the vessel in distress expressly prohibit you from providing any salvage service

Which categories of NAVTEX messages may not be selectively rejected through receiver programming ________.A.Navigational warningsB.Weather warningsC.SAR and distress alert informationD.All of the above

Which action should be taken on receipt of a GMDSS distress alert ________.A.Read the display screen and/or printoutB.Silence the alarmC.Listen for any follow up voice/telex transmission on the appropriate frequencyD.All of the above

Each vessel in ocean and coastwise service must have an approved EPIRB.An EPIRB______.A.must be stowed in a manner so that it will float free if the vessel sinksB.is a devise that transmits a radio signalC.must be stowed where it is readily accessible for testing and useD.All of the above

单选题If no distress acknowledgement is received()a DSC distress call transmission, then the ship in distress may repeat the DSC distress call attempt after a delay of between 3.5 and 4.5 minutes from the beginning of the initial call.Arelevant toBrelate toCin response toDin relation to

单选题What is the action that a GMDSS Radio Operator should take when a DSC distress alert is received? ()ANo action is necessary,as the DSC control unit will automatically switch to the NBDP follow-on communications frequencyBThe operator should immediately set continuous watch on the radiotelephone frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert was receivedCThe Operator should immediately set continuous watch on VHF channel 70DThe Operator should immediately set continuous watch on the NBDP frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert was received

单选题If a DSC distress relay is transmitted from coast station , it will().Aindicate the ship in distress that the alert has been receivedBalert ships in the area of a distress incident that a distress has occurredCinform other coast station of distress incidentDrepeat the distress alert in 5 minutes

单选题The distress alert should()the ship in distress.AidentityBidenticalCidentifyDidentification

单选题The basic concept of GMDSS is().ASearch and rescue authorities ashore will rapidly received an distress alert and acted uponBSAR units will be rapidly alerted to a distress incident and assist in a coordinated SAR operationCShips navigating in the immediate vicinity of the ship in distress will rapidly alerted to the alert and give their help accordinglyDThe RCC will rapidly alerted to a distress alert through satellite and terrestrial communication techniques and conducted a rescue operation immediately

单选题All stations which receive a distress alert shall immediately cease().Aany transmissionBany harmful transmissionCto use radiotelephoneDusing radiotelephone

单选题Which system may be useful for messages,such as local storm warnings or a shore-to-ship distress alert,for which it is inappropriate to alert all ships in the satellite coverage area?()ANAVTEXBEGCCAMVERDDSC

单选题()process the distress signal from EPIRB to determine its position and identity.ACOSPAS-SARSATBGround receiving stationsCstoring distress signalDNear-polar orbiting satellites

单选题When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will()in a coordinated search and rescue operation with the minimum delay.AassistBsend a rescue vesselCsearch the distress areaDreach the distress position at once

单选题When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will()soonest.Areach the distress areaBconduct a sector searchCsend rescue vesselsDassist coordinately in SAR operation

单选题When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will()in a coordinated search and rescue operation with the minimum delay.AassistBsend a rescueCsearch the distress areaDReach the distress position at once

单选题Which of the following statements about transmitting distress messages by radiotelephone is INCORRECT?()AIf no answer is received on the designated distress frequencies,repeat the distress call on any frequency availableBChannel 16 (156.8) may be used for distress messagesCIt is advisable to follow a distress message on 2182 kHz by two dashes of 10 to 15 seconds durationDDistress messages should first be transmitted on 2182 kHz

单选题Which channel and mode should be used when initiating a distress alert transmission().AChannel 6 DSCBChannel 6 RadiotelephonyCChannel 13 Radiotelephony and channel 16 DSCDChannel 70 DSC

单选题()process the distress signal from EPIRB to determine its position and identity.ACOSPAS-SARSATBground receiving stationsCstoring distress signalDNear polar orbiting satellites

单选题(), which consisted of seven short blasts and one prolonged blast, all passengers have to go to their assembly station.AWhen the distress alert is soundedBWhen the emergency equipment is switching onCWhen the general emergency alarm is soundedDWhen the distress broadcast is sounded

单选题Which categories of NAVTEX messages may not be selectively rejected through receiver programming?()ANavigational warningsBWeather warningsCSAR and distress alert informationDAll of the above

单选题What information will a distress alert contain?()Anature of distressBtype of assistance requiredCcourse and speed and time at which the information was recordedDA, B, C are all right

单选题Which action should you take after sending a false distress alert on VHF?()ASend a DSC cancellation message on Ch-70BMake a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-16CMake a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-13DMake a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-22A

单选题The Class A EPIRB transmits a signal().Athat follows the curvature of the earthBthat can be picked up by SARSAT satelliteCthat activates an alarm on board nearby aircraftDto alert shore stations and then transmits a homing signal

单选题It is quite()for an SES operator to send a distress alert.Aeasy and expensiveBsimple and certainCdangerous and stableDdifficult and compulsory

单选题Which step should be taken,if possible,when the vessel must be abandoned because of a distress situation().AAlert the Coast Guard by using the survival craft's portable INMARSAT unitBProgram the SART and EPIRB to transmit the vessel's location and situationCPlace the SART and EPIRB in the“ON”position and secure them to the survival craftDNo additional steps are needed as the SART and EPIRB will both automatically float free and operate properly

单选题What does the DSC control unit do if the GMDSS radio operator fails to insert updated information when initiating a DSC distress alert?()AIt will abort the transmission and set off an audible alarm that must be manually resetBIt will initiate the DSC distress alert but,as no information will be transmitted,rescue personnel will not be able to identify the vessel,its position or its situationCIt will initiate the DSC distress alert and default information will automatically be transmittedDIt will initiate the DSC distress alert,but any station receiving it will have to establish contact with the distressed vessel to determine its identity,position and situation