


cope。考点:动词。观察选项,这里要注意deal with和cope with的区别;首先两者都有“处理,对付”的含义;区别:deal with“对付,处理”,对象主要是日常事务;而cope with“对付,处理”,更偏有感情色彩,对象主要是一些困难,难关,压力等难以解决的问题。因此,选N项最贴切。



单选题AA bookBThe Internet.CMagazines.DThesis.

问答题What is the passage mainly about?

单选题According to the author, which group might NOT benefit from virtual reality applications to education?AStudents with mental illness.BStudents with behavioral disorders.CStudents with physical handicaps.DStudents with developmental problems.




单选题What can we infer from the last paragraph?AThe exploration of a little-known coral reef must be continued.BRainbow Warrior is determined to forbid bottom trawling in international waters.CRainbow Warrior will unearth crucial evidence to stop the bottom trawling.DThe UN is determined to forbid bottom trawling in international waters.

单选题Language, culture, and personality may be considered _____ of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact.AindistinctBseparateCirrelevantDindependent

单选题What can we learn from the passage?ABecause of the devaluation of US dollar, American visitors shorten their trip to Europe.BEurope does not forecast the huge drop of American visitors.CNot only Paris but the whole Europe witnesses the reduction of American tourists.DThe value of US dollar has become historical low.

单选题Ellen Mason is most convinced of _____Athe way sleep deprivation affects health.Bthe link between sleep and heart diseases.Cthe hormones and chemicals changes in the body.Dthe importance of sleep for good health.

单选题Which of the following italicized phrases indicates CAUSE?AWhy don’t you do it for the sake of your friends?BI wish I could write as well as you.CFor all his efforts, he didn’t get an A.DHer eyes were red from excessive reading.

单选题Margaret Mead’s reputation was established with the publication of her first book in 1982 and was _____ by her many subsequent contributions to anthropologyAhardenedBenhancedCseparatedDjudged

单选题What is the main idea of the passage?AHuman activities are changing the climate.BDams make local meteorological conditions worse.CDams alter local weather and make themselves unsafe.DExtreme precipitation events around large dams have increased.

单选题Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?AI would rather stay at home than go out with them.BI prefer staying at home to going out with them.CI prefer to stay at home rather than going out with them.DThe book is said to have been translated into many languages.


单选题AAsk their professor for advice.BMeet again to discuss their research.CInterview people who survived the flu.DChange the topic of their oral report.

单选题Which of the italicized parts functions as an object?AShe was the first to learn about it.BThe third tree that I planted was cut down by someone again.CThis was the first increase since the second quarter of 2008.DHow many do you want? —I want two.

单选题The prison guards were armed and ready to shoot if _____ in any way.AintervenedBincurredCprovokedDpoked

单选题Theoretically, a good screwdriver should last a lifetime, but it rarely _____, usually because it is used at one time or another as a substitute for some other tool.AhasBisCshouldDdoes



单选题“Has he gained weight?”“He would gain weight, but he _____ much.”Adoesn’t eatBdidn’t eatChadn’t eatenDcouldn’t eat


问答题What does the passage mainly talk about?

问答题What is the foundation of the unique deep-sea communities?

单选题AFrom annoyed to appreciative.BFrom frustrated to excite.CFrom surprised to frustrate.DFrom appreciative to surprise.
