


had。考点:语法。考察have sth. done结构。此句意为:在1978年,一百多万对夫妻解散了他们的婚姻;而另外三个动词都不能使用这种结构。


单选题Ellen Mason is most convinced of _____Athe way sleep deprivation affects health.Bthe link between sleep and heart diseases.Cthe hormones and chemicals changes in the body.Dthe importance of sleep for good health.


问答题What did Mother Rigby want to show by calling Feathertop her “pet”?

单选题Which of the following could NOT get benefit from the devaluation of US dollar?AForeign visitors in the US.BForeign investors.CExporters of America.DAmerican visitors to other countries.

单选题Which of the following italicized parts is a predicative clause (表语从句)?AA prosperity that had never been seen before appears in the countryside.BThe idea that you can do this work well without thinking is quite wrong.CIt is true that he has made a very important discovery in chemistry.DHis suggestion is that we should keep moving forward without hesitation.


单选题These stars form a group, the shape of _____ is rather like the shape of a watch.AthatBwhichCwhomDwhose



单选题Convinced of the importance of education, modern states “invest” in institutions of learning to get back “interest” in the form of a large group of _____ Young men who are potential leaders.AenlightenedBcultivatedCqualifiedDnourished

单选题There _____ an old man and two bodyguards standing on the platform.Ato beBbeingCisDare

单选题What can we learn from the passage?AA talk with other architects may annoy the one you have chosen.BIf your home is exclusive in your residence region, you cannot get along well with your neighbors.CYou should consider the issue of whether to move or to remodel from financial aspect.DYou will always take back the whole expense of remodeling when you sell the current home.

单选题Which of the following italicized phrases indicates RESULT?AThey lifted a rock only to drop it on their own feet.BTo see once is better than to hear a hundred times.CThe greatest happiness is to work for the happiness of all.DThe next person to attend the meeting is Dr. Baker.

单选题The real poet is a master of words. He can _____ his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men tears.AtransformBtransmitCmanifestDconvey

问答题What is the significance to understanding the sunspot component according to the passage?

单选题Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?AI had hardly got home when the telephone rang.BI had no sooner got home than the telephone ring.CShe said she had worked in that factory since 1980.DWe have been waiting here for almost an hour.

单选题By this passage, the author mainly wants to highlight _____Athe magic power of computers.Bthe importance of an optimistic outlook.Cthe power of creativity and intelligence.Dthe influence of technological development.

单选题Which of the following past particle (过去分词) is used as an predicative(表语)?AAutumn comes, and there are many fallen leaves on the street.BHis right hand got burnt in that big fire.CI want the letter posted.DHe wants to buy a used car.

单选题As the trial went on the story behind the murder slowly _____ itself.AconvictedBhauntedCunfoldedDreleased



单选题If you work under a car when repairing it, you often get very _____.AwaxyBslipperyCstickyDgreasy

单选题Everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time she finished the _____ tale.AdramaticBpatrioticCpatheticDsympathetic

单选题According to the second paragraph, Fleming accepted the job offered by Kemsley Newspapers _____Aand had to give up his yearly holiday plan to Jamaica.Bbecause he was offered to work in Jamaica every winter.Cso that he wouldn’t have to look for employment-elsewhere.Don condition that he took two months off to Jamaica every year.

单选题What kind of questions can you ask according to the passage?AIf the recruiter will put in a good word for you with the hiring manager.BIf the recruiter can give you some instructions on the job.CThe information of other applicants.DQuestions about the company or industry in general.


单选题AStatistics on other major disease epidemics.BEffects of war on the general population.CArguments for developing a better public health system.DThe connection between World War II and influenza.
