


circuit。考点:名词。integrated circuit指“集成电路”,符合上下文语义。


问答题How does the author most probably look at the African children?

单选题_____ to get a definition for this word!AHow it is difficultBhow difficult is itCHow difficult it isDIt is how difficult

问答题What can we infer from the last sentence in Paragraph 2?


问答题Who do you need to impress most according to the passage?

单选题The conditions of Robert include all EXCEPT that _____.Ahe had no problem going to sleepBhe falls asleep easilyCRobert always behaves well during the nightDhe would go to the bathroom several times each night

单选题That our environment has little to do with our abilities, characters and behavior _____ central to his theory.AisBareChas beenDhave been

单选题How is it _____ your roommate’s request and yours are identical?AifBsoCwhatDthat

问答题What did Fleming’s thrillers reflect?

问答题What’s the difference between “postal worker” and “postman” according to the passage?




单选题According to the passage, _____ may NOT be the character of the author’s father.AdemandingBpracticalCstubbornDliberal

单选题What can we learn from the passage?ABecause of the devaluation of US dollar, American visitors shorten their trip to Europe.BEurope does not forecast the huge drop of American visitors.CNot only Paris but the whole Europe witnesses the reduction of American tourists.DThe value of US dollar has become historical low.

单选题AIt is hard to believe.BIt is nothing strange.CIt is obviously nonsense.DIt is common phenomenon.

单选题Now it became customary for the husband to go out to paid employments, _____ the unpaid work of the home and family to his wife.AleaveBto leaveCleavingDleft

单选题After several nuclear disasters, a _____ has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.AquarrelBsuspicionCverdictDcontroversy

单选题John returned with two laborers, with _____ help we finally got the car out of the mud.AtheirBwhoseC/Dthat

单选题Small farms and the lack of modern technology have _____ agricultural production.AblunderedBtangledCbewilderedDhampered

单选题Under the present circumstances there seem fewer reasons for people to hug illusions than they _____ before.AwasBdidCwereDbeing

单选题If we _____ the oil company to build this paper mill, we _____ water pollution now.Ahad not allowed, would not haveBhad not allowed, would not have hadCdidn’t allow, would not haveDdidn’t allow, would not have had

单选题After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally _____.AdeterioratedBdispersedCdissipatedDdrained



单选题I wrote back to Charles _____ I received his letter.Awhen immediatelyBsoonCimmediatelyDsuddenly

