











单选题______Ain Bto Cof Dfor

单选题If active measures are not taken, fossil fuel will be consumed soon in the world.Aused up Bbring up Cheaded out Dhanded down


单选题Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the last paragraph?ABiologists began to study new species of turtles for Chinese food markets.BBiologists discovered a few rare species of turtles as a result of search previouslyCSome species of turtles will soon be extinct if they are caught and killed at the present speed.DTurtles will soon be a target for rare collectors as dear as pearl and diamond.

问答题Power and Cooperation: An American Foreign Policy for the Age of Global Politics  The age of geopolitics in American foreign policy is over; the age of global politics has begun. Throughout the twentieth century, traditional geopolitics drove U. S. thinking on foreign affairs: American security depended on preventing any one country from achieving dominion over the Eurasian landmass. That objective was achieved with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now the United States finds itself confronting a new international environment, one without a peer competitor but that nonetheless presents serious threats to American security. The terrorists who struck the World Trade Center and the Pentagon neither represented a traditional state-based threat nor were tied to a specific geographical location. Nevertheless, nineteen people with just a few hundred thousand dollars succeeded in harming the most powerful nation on earth.  For more than three centuries, the dynamics of world politics was determined by the interplay among states, especially the great powers. Today, world politics is shaped by two unprecedented phenomena that are in some tension with each other. One is the sheer predominance of the United States. Today, as never before, what matters most in international politics is how—and whether—Washington acts on any given issue. The other is globalization, which has unleashed economic, political, and social forces that are beyond the capacity of any one country, including the United States, to control.  American primacy and globalization bring the United States great rewards as well as great dangers. Primacy gives Washington an unsurpassed ability to get its way in international affairs, while globalization enriches the American economy and spreads American values. But America’s great power and the penetration of its culture, products, and influence deep into other societies breed intense resentment and grievances. Great power and great wealth do not necessarily produce greater respect or greater security. American leaders and the American people are now grappling with the double-edged sword that is the age of global politics.


单选题______Aman Bman’s Che Dhim

单选题I have a tinge of regret that I didn’t accept her offer.Ataint Bsign Cshade Dmark

单选题If only I am enough vitality,I could probably do without my one-o’clock nap.Ahad enough had Bhad enoughChas enoughDhas had enough

单选题______Aplanet Bsky Cocean Dspace

单选题______Anumber Bdeal Camount Dlot

单选题______Athis Bthat Cwhat Dit

单选题The word “workaholic” is used in the passage to have____________.Aa positive implicationBa negative implicationCa neutral meaningDa satirical meaning


单选题The preliminary estimate of gains in gross national product indicated that recovery from recession was faster than anticipated.Aregression Brestoration Crestraint Dreversion

单选题From the last paragraph, we can see that __________.Aa teacher’s influence on children is always positiveBchildren should be encouraged to reach their own decisions by ignoring objective factsCif improperly handled, a teacher’s influence can be very harmful to the childrenDchildren may develop prejudices if the teacher’s attitude is wrong

单选题The plane was circling over the landing field for l5 minutes when the pilot was told that he should use the Westside Field.AisBWould beChas beenDhad been

单选题______Ato Bin Cfrom Dbeyond

单选题They tried to tell funny stories to cheer up John because he was so sullen this morningAgreedy Bmoody Cgiddy Dsaucy


问答题Tourism, Globalization and Sustainable Development  Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of the global economy and developing countries are attempting to cash in on this expanding industry in an attempt to boost foreign investment and financial reserves. While conceding that the uncontrolled growth of this industry can result in serious environmental and social problems, the United Nations contends that such negative effects can be controlled and reduced.  Before getting into the cold facts of global economics, let me begin with another story to warm up. I was perplexed when I recently read in the newspaper that Thailand’s forestry chief had said: “Humans can’t live in the forest because human beings aren’t animals. Unlike us, animals can adapt themselves to the wild or any environment naturally.” This was to legitimatize the government’s plan to remove hundreds of thousands of rural and hill tribe people from protected areas. This man, who is in charge of conserving the forests, is at the same time very strongly pushing to open up the country’s 81 national parks to outside investors and visitors in the name of “eco-tourism”. Can we conclude, then, that the forestry chief considers developers and tourists as animals that know how to adapt to the forest and behave in the wild naturally?  While authorities want to stop the access to forest lands and natural resources of village people, another group of people—namely tourism developers and tourists with lots of money to spend—are set to gain access to the area. While authorities believe that local people, who have often lived in the area for generations, are not capable of managing and conserving their land and natural resources—under a community forestry scheme for example—they believe they themselves in cooperation with the tourist industry can properly manage and conserve “nature” under a national eco-tourism plan. Taking the above quote seriously, cynics may be tempted to say there is obviously a gap between “human rights” and “animal rights”.  How is this story linked to globalization? First of all, that humans cannot live in the forest is—of course—not a Thai concept. It is a notion of Western conservation ideology—an outcome of the globalization of ideas and perceptions. Likewise, that eco-tourism under a “good management” system is beneficial to local people and nature is also a Western concept that is being globalized. In fact, Thailand’s forestry chief thinks globally and acts locally. A lesson that can be learned from this is that the slogan “Think Globally, Act Locally” that the environmental movements have promoted all the years, has not necessarily served to preserve the environment and safeguard local communities’ rights, but has been co-opted and distorted by official agencies and private industries for profit-making purposes. The tourism industry is demonstrating this all too well  Many developing countries, facing debt burdens and worsening trade terms, have turned to tourism promotion in the hope that it brings foreign exchange and investment. Simultaneously, leading international agencies such as the World Bank, United Nations agencies and business organizations like the Word Travel Tourism Council (WTTC) have been substantially involved to make tourism a truly global industry.  However, tourism in developing countries is often viewed by critics as an extension of former colonial conditions because from the very beginning, it has benefited from international economic relationships that structurally favor the advanced capitalist countries in the North. Unequal trading relationships, dependence on foreign interests, and the division of labor have relegated poor countries in the South to becoming tourism recipients and affluent countries in the North to the position of tourism generators, with the latter enjoying the freedom from having to pay the price for the meanwhile well-known negative impacts in destinations.

单选题______Abetter than Binstead of Cas well as Drather than

单选题The central idea of the above passage is that __________.Aattitudes affect our actionsBteachers are important in developing or changing pupils’ attitudesCattitudes can be changed by some classroom experiencesDby their attitudes, teachers inadvertently affect pupils’ attitudes


单选题Amateur cooks have joined the craze with the help of more than 20 cookbooks which devote exclusively with hot and spicy Mexican, Thai and Cajun foods.Athat devote exclusively toBdevoting exclusively ofCthat devotes exclusively withDthat devoting exclusively to

单选题There is something suspect about unanimous praise in this context.Acoincidental Bunacceptable Cconcordant DFormidable

问答题中国的饮食文化  俗话说“民以食为天”。饮食文化,即围绕着人们日常工作中的食物、饮料及其食用方法所形成的文化现象,亦称饮食习俗。  从新石器时代的半坡村文化遗址中发现,早在五六千年前,中国北方的黄河流域已普遍种植粟这种农作物。同样,在距今7,000年前的河姆渡文化遗址中,也发现了南方人种植水稻的痕迹。这两个发现证明:6,000年前,南方人食大米,北方人吃小米的饮食习俗已经形成。南北方的食品风格不同。以大米为主食的南方食品较为简单,而以面粉为主食的北方食品则较为复杂。明代,又从南美传入了甜薯、土豆和玉米等农作物。  筷子是人们日常生活中最常用的一种进餐工具,已有数千年的历史。一位西方人曾说过:中国的筷子充分利用了杠杆原理,必须通过全身130多块骨头和肌肉的协调动作,才能使用筷子。筷子的发明充分显示了中国人的灵巧和智慧。

单选题Diplomatic misunderstandings can often be traced back to blunders in translation.Amistakes Bfeats Cevaluations Dduplicates