单选题______Athis Bthat Cwhat Dit












When ________, John did not reply. (A) he asking what his name was(B) was asked what his name was(C) asking what John’s name was(D) asked what his name was

Yes,_____is difficult to find a job nowadays, but_____is more difficult is try to find such a job with a high salary but few things to do. A、it, it.B、what, what.C、it, what.D、what, it. C

–– James: Hi, Harry. ____–– Harry: Hi, James. I just bought a new camping tent. I can ’t wait to use it.A: What’s up?B: What’s on?C: What’s wrong?D: What’s right?

–– Robert: I’m going to the cinema this evening.–– Bill: ____–– Robert: It ’s a Western “Cowboy Comes Home ”.A: What’s on?B: What’s in?C: What is acted?D: What is perform?

“行李内有哪些主要物品?”的英文为( )A.What are the major problems in your baggage?B.What are the major articles in your baggage?C.What are the minor articles in your baggage?D.What are the articles in your baggage?

舵角多少度?A.What is your rudder?B.What is your course?C.What course?D.How course?

下面哪些句子表示"真可惜,真遗憾!"() A、What a day!B、What a pity!C、What a shame!D、What the hell!

what is IMO ?what is ISO 9000?what is ISM ?what is SMS system ?

If there were only one question left ,what would it most probably be?A.What was your childhood dream?B.What is your biggest achievement?C.What is your parents view of you?D.What was your handest expenrience in the war?

Which of the following may illustrate the difference between "competence" and__________ "performance"?A.What a person "knows" and what he/she "does".B.What a person "can do" and what he/she "does".C.What a person "does" and what he/she "knows".D.What a person "does" and what he/she "can do".

( ) beautiful car he is riding ( ).A. What a …on B. What…inC. How…in D. What a …in

( ) beautiful Car he is riding ( )A What a …onB What…in C How..in D What a …in

“午餐准备什么菜肴”用英文表示为()。A、What are we going to prepare?B、What is my job for today?C、What dishes do we prepare for lunch?D、What are we do for lunch?

舵角多少度?()A、What is your rudder?B、What is your course?C、What course?D、How course?

单选题Surely it doesn’t matter where the clubs get their money; what _____ is what they do with it.AcountsBappliesCstressesDfunctions

单选题Although a teenager, Tom could resist ______ what to do and what not to do.Abeing toldBthinkingCto be temptedDon trying

单选题One of the best features of the journalist’s lifestyle is you never know what’s next.Ayou never know what’s nextBit’s so unpredictableCthat you never know what’s nextDone can never predict what’s nextEits unpredictability

单选题身份认证的要素不包括()。A你拥有什么(What you have)B你知道什么(What you know)C你是什么(What you are)D用户名

单选题56.A what B where C which D whenAABBCCDD

单选题Teacher: After listening, answer the following two questions according to what you have heard on the tape.(1) What is the relationship between the speakers?(2) What are the speakers’ attitudes towards each other?What listening strategy does this listening activity help to train? _____AinferringBgist listeningClistening for detailsDdictation

单选题Before writing a book, the first thing is considering what to say.Ayou must first ponder what to say and what not to be said carefullyBit’s extremely necessary that you know what to sayCthe first thing is to consider what to sayDyou must first ponder what to say and what not to say

单选题What you said is not________with what you do, which has a bad effect on our kids.AconsistentBcontroversialCconfidentDconsiderate

单选题______ is it ______ made Peter ______ he is today?AWhat; that; thatBThat; that; whatCWhat; what; thatDWhat; that; what

单选题Your TestKing trainee Bob asks you what 11111001 binary is in decimal. What should you tell him?()A6B193C225D241E249

单选题According to the author, consumers’ best policy towards advertising is ______Ato doubt its truthBto disbelieve itCto distinguish between what is true and what is not trueDto know what products the advertiser is going to sell

单选题63 A that B which C what D whereAABBCCDD


单选题56 A what B how C why D whichAABBCCDD