









常用搭配题。license“许可,特许”,allow“允许,承认”,follow“追随,遵循”,neglect“忽视”。上文提到专家们的工作,本句中suggestions是填入的词的逻辑宾语,结合句意“如果____,这些建议将会使地震灾害成为历史”,可知选C。follow the suggestions意“遵循这些建议”。


Anyone who wants to watch the air show, ()to get in. A、has to own a permitB、allowedC、would book a ticketD、be sure to pay

If he my advice, he wouldn't have lost his job.A. followedB. should followC. had followedD. would follow

26. My cousin has been happy since he_________ to spend more time with his friends.A. will allowB. will be allowedC. allowedD. was allowed

You should take care that you have not ________ any detail in the design.A:disappearedB:thrownC:deliveredD:neglected

By saying "Newspapers like ... their own doom" (Lines 3-4, Para. 1), the author indicates that newspaper______.A.neglected the sign of crisisB.failed to get state subsidiesC.were not charitable corporationsD.were in a desperate situation

All sorts of violence must be ________. A.rescuedB.associatedC.condemnedD.neglected

I’m glad ____________ to look around your research center.A、to allowB、having allowedC、to be allowedD、being allowed

[A] neglected[B] avoided[C] emphasized[D] admired

Any vessel in need of carrying out deck washing must be ______ by the department concerned beforehand.A.RequestedB.AllowedC.ApprovedD.Inquired

If a ship is proceeding towards the magnetic equator, the uncorrected deviation due to permanent magnetism ______.A.increasesB.remains the sameC.decreasesD.is unimportant and may be neglected

He inspired many young people to take up the sport.A: encouragedB: allowedC: calledD: advised

Smoking will be banned in all public places here.A:forbidden B:allowed C:permitted D:promoted

He inspired many young people to take up sports.A:encouraged B:allowedC:calledD:advised

Many cities have restricted smoking in public places.A:limitedB:allowedC:stoppedD:kept

以下参数哪些设置的较大时有利于降低掉话率()A、PreprocessB、Zero AllowedC、Ny1D、BsRadioLKTmout

when eduar tried open the coming attractions view. he got the following error message: incorrect data type for operator or @function: text expected. What did he do to cause this to happen?()A、entered text in a number fieldB、neglected to place a formula in a validation eventC、neglected to place a formula in a translation eventD、combined a text field and a time field in formula

单选题What lessons can be learned from the past in this decade?APrivate issue has always been associated with data collection.BAttacks on freedom are new.CThe accumulation of data encourages oppression.DPrivacy has been a neglected issue.

单选题Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?ANatural disasters can account for disappearance of languages.BThe acceleration of language death didn’t start until 200 years ago.CThe study is conducted with the financial support of UNESCO.DThe language of Ainu was long neglected before the late l980s.

单选题The best title for the passage would be ______.APrivacy on data filesBHeated attacks on the computerCPrivacy issue caused by computerDPrivacy has been long neglected

单选题The best title for the passage would be ______.APrivacy on data files BHeated attacks on the computerCPrivacy issue caused by computer DPrivacy has been long neglected

单选题If a ship is proceeding towards the magnetic equator,the uncorrected deviation due to permanent magnetism().AincreasesBremains the sameCdecreasesDis unimportant and may be neglected

单选题The statement that children learn by imitation is incomplete because _____.Athey only imitate authorities and expertsBthey are not willing to copy their parentsCthe process of identification has been ignoredDthe nature of their imitation as a form of behavior has been neglected

单选题According to some teenagers and college students, what causes their multitasking?AOvercommitted schedules.BToo much time alone.CInability to focus.DFear of being neglected.

单选题The statement that children learn by imitation is incomplete because______.Athey only imitate authorities and expertsBthey are not willing to copy their parentsCthe process of identification has been ignoredDthe nature of their imitation as a form of behavior has been neglected

单选题Engine room fires have been started by neglected oil leaks dripping on to hot pipes or exhaust manifolds () insulation has not been replaced after maintenance.AwhichBwhenCwhoseDwhat

问答题Whose contribution shouldn’t be neglected by the educators in the teaching science history?

单选题The apple tree mentioned in the passage is most likely to _____Abe regarded as a delight in the neighborhood.Bhave been abandoned by its original owner.Chave been neglected by everyone in the community.Dbe attractive only to the author.

单选题72. A balanced B presented C neglected D educatedAABBCCDD