吆喝yāo he
吆喝yāo he
假设X、Y两个变量分别表示不同类型借款人的违约损失,其相关系数为0.3,若同时对X、Y作相同的线性变化Xt=2X。Y,=2Y。则X1和Y1的相关系数为( )。A.O.3B.O.6C.0.O9D.O.15
有如下程序includevoid main( ){float x=2.O,y;if(x 有如下程序 #include<iostream.h> void main( ) { float x=2.O,y; if(x<O.0)y=0.0; else if(x<10.O)y=1.0/x; else y=1.0; cout<<y; } 该程序的输出结果是A.0B.0.25C.0.5D.1
X: He likes dogs.Y: He likes animals.The relationship of X and Y is that“__________”.A.X is synonymous with YB.X is inconsistent with YC.X entails YD.X presupposes Y
X: He likes dogs.Y: He likes animals.The relationship of X and Y is thatA.X is synonymous with YB.X is inconsistent with YC.X entails YD.X presupposes Y
单选题X: He likes dogs.Y: He likes animals.The relationship of X and Y is that________.AX is synonymous with YBX is inconsistent with YCX entails YDX presupposes Y
判断题我(wǒ)喜欢(xǐhuān)猫(māo),但是(dànshì)丈夫(zhàngfu)小(xiǎo)喜欢(xǐhuān),所以(suǒyǐ)到(dào)现在(xiànzài)家里(jieli)也(yě)没有(méiyǒu)猫(māo)。我(wǒ)希望(xīwàng)有一天(yǒuyītiān)能(néng)有(yǒu)一(yī)个(gè)小(xiǎo)猫(māo)。★我(wǒ)丈夫(zhàngfu)想(xiǎng)要(yào)一(yī)个(gè)小(xiǎo)猫(māo)。( )A对B错
单选题X: He likes dogs . Y: He likes an,imals . The relationship of X and Y is that ______AX is synonymous with YBX is inconsistent with YCX entails YDX presupposes Y