特制玉米粉(special maize flour)
特制玉米粉(special maize flour)
I’m going to buy Mary a birthday gilt. Do you have _____in mind?A. special somethingB. special anythingC. anything special
In the refining process, rice and flour lose much of their__. A.acidB.alcoholC.vitaminD.sulphur
小麦线条花叶病毒的学名是:( )。 A、Maize chlorotic mottle virusB、Arabis mosaic virusC、Cucumbergreen mottle mosaic virusD、Wheat streak mosaic virus
已知4个关系: S(sno,sname,sex,age,dept,special) C(cno,cname,credit,dept,precno,tno) T(tno,tname,sex,tspecial) SC(sno,cno,grade) 检索“通信”和“计算机”专业情况的语句是( )。A.SELECT* FROM S WHERE special='通信' OR special='计算机'B.SELECT* PROM S WHERE special='通信' AND special='计算机'C.SELECT* FROMT WHERE special='通信' OR special='计算机'D.SELECT* FROM T WHERE special='通信' AND special='计算机'
单选题Some rural people in southern China still use water power to convert grain into flour.AdivertBmanufactureCtransformDthrust