单选题The opening in the deck beneath the anchor windlass that leads to the chain locker is the().Ahawse pipeBfall pipeCdrop-pipeDspill pipe
The opening in the deck beneath the anchor windlass that leads to the chain locker is the().
hawse pipe
fall pipe
spill pipe
On an anchor windlass,the wheel over which the anchor chain passes is called a______.A.brake compressor wheelB.devil's clawC.wildcatD.winch head
If an anchor windlass has been idle for some time, you should ______.A.repack all valve stemsB.lubricate it prior to useC.replace the foundation boltsD.balance the warping heads
The sprocket wheel in a windlass,used for heaving in the anchor,is called a ______.A.capstanB.dog wheelC.fairleadD.wildcat
The opening in the deck beneath the anchor windlass that leads to the chain locker is the ______.A.Hawse pipeB.Fall pipeC.Drop-pipeD.Spill pipe
When the order “Let go the anchor” is received ,you should ().A、release the brakeB、hoist the anchor ballC、turn the windlass over slowlyD、A and B
单选题If the pump for a hydraulic anchor windlass is overheating, the cause may be ().Aexcessive drive motor speedBexcessive pump discharge pressureCtoo low of a tilting box angleDinsufficient drive motor speed
单选题Prior to taking over the deck watch in port,the relieving officer shall not be informed by the officer in charge of the deck watch as to().Athe depth of the water at the berthBthe ship‟s draughtCthe duty of the relieving officerDthe arrangement of anchor and the scope of the anchor chain
单选题The opening in the deck that leads the anchor cable outside the hull is the().AhawsepipeBfall pipeCdrop-pipeDspill pipe
单选题The part of the anchor windlass that engages the anchor chain for lifting is called the ().Awarping headBfairleadCwildcatDcapstan
单选题The riding pawl is().Aa safety interlock in a cargo winch that prevents the runner from overspeedingBa stopper that prevents the anchor cable from running free if the cable jumps the wildcatCthe device that locks the deck lashings of the Peck and Hale systemDthe lug that rides on the eccentric rib and engages the locking ring on the windlass
单选题A well in the uppermost deck of a shelter deck vessel which has only a temporary means of closing for the purpose of gaining an exemption from tonnage measurement is called a(n)().AExemption spaceBTonnage deckCCofferdamDTonnage opening
单选题A chock().Ais a deck fitting used to shackle gear to the deckBpermits easy jettisioning of deck cargo in an emergencyCprevents stress concentration in the bulwarkDprovides opening through the bulwark for mooring lines
单选题When dropping anchor,you are stationed at the windlass brake.The most important piece(s)of gear is(are)().AA hard hatBA long sleeve shirtCGlovesDGoggles
单选题When the order “Let go the anchor” is received ,you should ().Arelease the brakeBhoist the anchor ballCturn the windlass over slowlyDA and B
单选题On an anchor windlass,the wheel over which the anchor chain passes is called a().Abrake compressor wheelBdevil's clawCwildcatDwinchhead
单选题When anchored,increasing the scope of the anchor chain normally serves to().Aprevent fouling of the anchorBdecrease swing of the vesselCprevent dragging of the anchorDreduce strain on the windlass
单选题The purpose of the stripping bar on an anchor windlass is to().Aclean off any mud that may have accumulated on the chainBengage or disengage the wildcatCfairlead the chain from the hawse pipe to the wildcatDprevent the chain from fouling the wildcat
单选题In the stowage of deck cargo, cribbing is().Aplaced on deck to support the cargoBseparation pieces used to keep cylinders upright and steadyCshims for stowing balded cargoDnets placed across the hatch opening to keep the cargo from falling in the hatch
单选题打开锚灯! ()ASwitch on the deck light!BSwitch on the anchor light!CSwitch on the cargo light!DSwitch on the hold light!
单选题Freeing ports on a vessel with soild bulwards().Aprevent stress concentration in the bulwarkBpermit easy jettison of deck cargo in an emergencyCprovide opening through the bulwarks for mooring linesDallow water shipped on deck to flow off rapidly
单选题These include deck machinery such as mooring equipment, anchor handling equipment, cranes and ().AboilersBbow thrustersCstabilizersDhatch covers
单选题What is meant by veering the anchor chain? ()ABringing the anchor to short stayBHeaving in all the chainCLocking the windlass to prevent more chain from running outDPaying out more chain
单选题The sprocket wheel in a windlass,used for heaving in the anchor,is called a().AcapstanBdog wheelCfairleadDwildcat
单选题If the pump for a hydraulic anchor windlass is over heating, the cause may be ().Aincreased pump speedBexcessive pump discharge pressureCtoo low of a tilting box angleDlow pump speed
单选题What is a spill pipe?()AA drainage pipe that carries rain or spray from an upper deck to a lower deckBA pipe under the anchor windlass leading to the chain lockerCA chute,usually over the stern,to lead dumped garbage clear of the hullDAn opening in the deck leading outside the hull
单选题What is the principle behind dynamic braking as used on an anchor windlass?()AElectrical loadingBMechanical distributionCCompressibility of airDMechanical friction
单选题()is not a step for anchoring preparation.ATo take off the covers from the hawse pipes and clear the spurling pipesBTo make sure that the windlass is out of gear and the brakes are onCTo turn the windlass over slowlyDTo inform the engine room to ensure that deck power and water are off