单选题The main function of tie rods in the construction of large, low speed diesel engines is to().Astiffen the bedplate in way of the main bearings to increase the engines longitudinal strengthBaccept most of the tensile loading that results from the firing forces developed during operationCmount the engine frame securely to the hull to prevent shaft coupling misalignmentDconnect the crosshead solidly to the piston rod

The main function of tie rods in the construction of large, low speed diesel engines is to().

stiffen the bedplate in way of the main bearings to increase the engines longitudinal strength


accept most of the tensile loading that results from the firing forces developed during operation


mount the engine frame securely to the hull to prevent shaft coupling misalignment


connect the crosshead solidly to the piston rod


解析: 暂无解析


Risk management methodology should be adhered to in:A construction projectsB system projectsC complex projectsD large projectsE All of the above.

186 Risk management methodology should be adhered to in:A. construction projectsB. system projectsC. complex projectsD. large projectsE. All of the above

The construction of the new building will cost () 1,000,000 dollars, and it’s not easy to get so much money. A.at lastB.at mostC.at leastD.at large

运行以下程序后,输出结果为_____________。 Private Sub Command1_Click() a=1:b=2:c=3 Call test(a,b+3,(c)) Print "main:";a;b;c End Sub Private Function test(p,m,n) p=p+1:m=m+1:n=n+1 Print "sub:";p;m;n End Function:A. sub:2 6 4 main:1 2 3B. sub:2 6 4 main:2 2 3C. sub:2 6 4 main:2 6 4D. sub:2 6 4 main:1 6 4

The closing of the exhaust valves used on a modern, large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine may be directly provided by_______.A.large conical springsB.compressed air pressureC.hydraulic pressureD.exhaust gas pressure

有如下程序: include using namespace std; int main() { void fu 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { void function(double val); double val; function(val); cout<<val; return 0; } void function(double val) { val=3; } 编译运行这个程序将出现的情况是A.编译出错,无法运行B.输出:3C.输出:3.0D.输出一个不确定的数

有下列程序:includeusing namespace std;int main(){void function(double val);doub 有下列程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { void function(double val); double val; function(val); cout<<val; return 0; } void fimction(double val) { vA.编译出错,无法运行B.输出3C.输出:3.0D.输出一个不确定的数

有如下程序:includeusing namespace std;int main(){void function(double val);doub 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { void function(double val); double val; function(val); cout<<val; return 0; } void function(double val) { val= 3; } 编译运行这个程序将出现的情况是( )。A.编译出错,无法运行B.输出:3C.输出:3.0D.输出一个不确定的数

Vee-type engines have the connecting rods from two cylinders connected to each _____ of the crankshaft.A.throwB.webC.main bearingD.deflection

Large pillars and corners may_____A.make sound rich and full.B.be cures for sound problems.C.be sources of sound problems.D.function as effectively as clouds.

下面哪个陈述最准确地表达Architecture(建筑学)的含义?( )A.form and function of buildingB.science and art of buildingC.art and style of buildingD.design and construction of building注:building-房屋;science-科学;design-设计;form-形式;art-艺术;construction-建造;function 功能;style-风格;and-和

Language is p()in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users. In other words, they can produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences which they have never heard before.


单选题On a large low-speed main propulsion diesel engine, lower main bearing wear is usually measured by using a/an ()Adial indicatorBoutside caliperCbridge gaugeDtram rod

单选题When a ship is entering to shallow water, ship resistance will be increased and the speed of main engine reduced.Due to the function of the governor, the main engine will()Areduce fuel feedingBincrease fuel feedingCkeep original fuel feedingDbe overspeed

单选题Because the tie bolts are so close to the crankshaft, some engines employ ()to hold the crankshaft main bearing cap in position instead of conventional studs and nuts.Athrough boltsBjack boltsCtap boltsDfitted bolts

单选题By definition,a spar deck is the().Alower most continuous deck not broken by water tight bulkheadsBafter most weather deck above the main strength deckCupper or weather deck above the main strength deckDdeck of light construction below the main or strength deck

单选题Large crosshead type engine generally has two lubrication systems, a function performed only by crankcase oil system is()AlubricatingBcoolingCcleaningDneutralizing

单选题The opening of an exhaust valve on a modem, large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine may be actuated by ().Adirect action of cam shaftBcompressed air pressureChydraulic “push rods”Ddirect action of the main piston moving down

单选题Large marine diesel engines of crosshead construction generally have two systems of lubrication: a total loss system feeding the () and a recirculation system lubricating the running gear and cooling the piston.Acylinder liners and piston ringsBmain bearingsCcrankpin bearingsDturboblower

单选题The main function of tie rods in the construction of large, low speed diesel engines is to().Astiffen the bedplate in way of the main bearings to increase the engines longitudinal strengthBaccept most of the tensile loading that results from the firing forces developed during operationCmount the engine frame securely to the hull to prevent shaft coupling misalignmentDconnect the crosshead solidly to the piston rod

单选题The main function of the lubrication system in to enable () of a film of oil between the moving parts.Athe informationBthe formationCthe scatterDthe friction

单选题()is not the main function of CCS.Aship products surveyBnotarization surveyCship safety inspectionDcounseling service and publishing ship name list

填空题Language is p()in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users. In other words, they can produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences which they have never heard before.

单选题The cylinders, with cooling jackets, are () to the engine frame by eight tie rods.AscrewedBweldedCfastenedDrotated

单选题In ship operations,hoisting and lowering pipe in and out of the drilled hole is the main function of the().AswivelBcathead spoolCdrawworksDstand pipe

单选题The main objective of the SOLAS Convention is to specify () for the construction, equipment and operation of ships, compatible their safety.Aat most referencesBat least referencesCmaximum standardsDminimum standards

单选题In some modern large diesel engines, which of the following is used as the support for the main bearings?()ABedplateBBlockCBaseDSump