单选题Electric circuits are protected against overloads and short circuits by means of a/an ().Acircuit breakerBamplifierCdiodeDcapacitor

Electric circuits are protected against overloads and short circuits by means of a/an ().

circuit breaker








解析: 暂无解析


( 13 )如果派生类以 protected 方式继承基类,则原基类的 protected 成员和 public 成员在派生类中的访问属性分别是A ) public 和 publicB ) public 和 protectedC ) protected 和 publicD ) protected 和 protected

In order to cut down on the carbon emission, more people choose to travel_.A.by electric car, bicycle or planeB.by private car, bicycle or busC.by bus, electric car or planeD.by bicycle, bus or electric car


It is impossible to finish the task____.A、in such a short timeB、in so a short timeC、in such short a timeD、in a so short time

访问修饰符作用范围由大到小是( )A)private-default-protected-publicB)public-default-protected-privateC)private-protected-default-publicD)public-protected-default-private

What are two benefits of the modular design of the Junos OS?() A. Each module uses application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs).B. Each module runs in its own protected memory space.C. Each module can be individually restarted.D. Each module is supported across all Junos platforms.

In order to cut down on the carbon emission,more people choose to travel______.A.by electric car,bicycle or planeB.by private car,bicycle or busC.by bus,electric car or planeD.by bicycle. bus or electric car

Electrical circuits are protected against overheating by means of a/an _______.A.circuit breakerB.amplifierC.diode (二极管)D.capacitor

Which statement is TRUE concerning protection of double bottom tanks against excessive pressure?A.Each vent for the tank must be equal to the area of the tank filling lineB.The tanks must be protected by overflowsC.The total area of the vents or the overflow shall be at least equal to the area of the fill lineD.There must be twice as much vent area as the area of the fill line

If an attempt is made to hoist a load that exceeds the capacity of an electric winch,an overload safety device causes a circuit breaker to cut off the current to the winch motor ______.A.when the line pull reaches the rated winch capacityB.after the line pull exceeds the rated winch capacityC.after a short build-up of torqueD.immediately

class A {  protected int method1(int a, int b) { return 0; }  }  Which two are valid in a class that extends class A?() A、 public int method1(int a, int b) { return 0; }B、 private int method1(int a, int b) { return 0; }C、 private int method1(int a, long b) { return 0; }D、 public short method1(int a, int b) { return 0: }E、 static protected int method1(int a, int b) { return 0; }

What type of protection is implemented when the DBA issues the ALTER DATABASE SET STANDBY DATABASE PROTECTED; command?()A、The standby database is protected against write operations. B、The primary database is protected against write operations. C、The primary database is protected against data loss and data divergence. D、The standby database is protected against data loss and data divergence.

单选题What type of protection is implemented when the DBA issues the ALTER DATABASE SET STANDBY DATABASE PROTECTED; command?()AThe standby database is protected against write operations. BThe primary database is protected against write operations. CThe primary database is protected against data loss and data divergence. DThe standby database is protected against data loss and data divergence.

单选题操作完后,关掉电动机。()AAfter operation, start the electric motor.BBefore operation, stop the electric motor.CBefore operation, start the electric motor.DAfter operation, stop the electric motor.

单选题Which statement concerning sweat damage in containers is TRUE?().ASweat damage in containers is unusual due to the small enclosed volume of airBIn general,containerized hygroscopic cargoes are the only ones subject to sweat damageCContainers should be ventilated,dehumidified,or the contents physically protected against sweat damageDSweat damage is not a problem except in insulated and refrigerated containers

单选题Electric generators can be protected against overload().AWith switchesBWith a governor on the engineCWith fuses or circuit breakersDBy using heavy wire

单选题If an attempt is made to hoist a load that exceeds the capacity of an electric winch,an overload safety device causes a circuit breaker to cut off the current to the winch motor().Awhen the line pull reaches the rated winch capacityBafter the line pull exceeds the rated winch capacityCafter a short build-up of torqueDimmediately

多选题class A {  protected int method1(int a, int b) { return 0; }  }  Which two are valid in a class that extends class A?()Apublic int method1(int a, int b) { return 0; }Bprivate int method1(int a, int b) { return 0; }Cprivate int method1(int a, long b) { return 0; }Dpublic short method1(int a, int b) { return 0: }Estatic protected int method1(int a, int b) { return 0; }

单选题The suggested plan was to _____.Aturn off the lights in factories and schoolsBobserve a few minutes of total silenceCdim all electric lightsDshut off all electricity for a short time

单选题Time delayed or delayed action-type fuses are designed to ().Aprevent grounds in branch circuitsBprevent opens in motor circuitsCpermit momentary overloads without meltingDguard lighting and electronic circuits

单选题现有:  1.class Over  {  2.int dolt (long x)  {  return 3;  }      3.  }      4.  5. class Under extends Over  {      6.//insert code here      7.  }  和四个方法:  short dolt (int y)  {  return 4;  }  int dolt(long Xr long y)  {  return 4;  }      private int dolt(short y)  {  return 4;  }     protected int dolt (long x)  {  return 4;  }      分别插入到第6行,有几个可以通过编译?()A  1B  2C  3D  4

多选题What are two benefits of the modular design of the Junos OS?()AEach module uses application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs).BEach module runs in its own protected memory space.CEach module can be individually restarted.DEach module is supported across all Junos platforms.

单选题Electric circuits are protected against overloads and short circuits by means of a/an ().Acircuit breakerBamplifierCdiodeDcapacitor

单选题When two DC generators operate in parallel, they are protected against motorizing by()Ablow out coilsBgovernor relayCunder voltage tripsDreverse current trips

单选题Electrical circuits are protected against overheating by means of a/an ().Acircuit breakerBamplifierCdiodeDcapacitor

单选题Prior to any overhaul work on electric equipment, it is important to ensure the circuits are ().AliveBdeadCexcitedDon line

单选题Which statement is TRUE concerning protection of double bottom tanks against excessive pressure? ()AEach vent for the tank must be equal to the area of the tank filling lineBThe tanks must be protected by overflowsCThe total area of the vents or the overflow shall be at least equal to the area of the fill lineDThere must be twice as much vent area as the area of the fill line

单选题What type of electric motor is most commonly used on board ship?()Anon-synchronous electric motorBsynchronous electric motorCfully enclosed electric motorDwatertight electric motor