单选题The cargo,when(),should be completely covered with plastic.AstowBstowingCstowedDbe stowed

The cargo,when(),should be completely covered with plastic.







be stowed


解析: 暂无解析


When we woke up, everywhere was ______ snow.A. coveredB. covered inC. covered withD. covering

Never______stowed like this.A.optional cargo should beB.should optional cargo beC.should be optional cargoD.optional cargo must be

What should a driver do when ascending?A) Rise slowly.B) Breathe faster.C) Relax completely.D) Breathe helium.

How should cargo tank hatches be protected when the ullage opening is open and the tank NOT gas free?A.With gooseneck ventsB.With warning signsC.With flame screensD.With pressure-vacuum relief valves

When commencing cargo operations on a container ship,one cell at a hatch is generally discharged completely (to the bottom of the ship) before removing any containers from the adjoining cells to ______.A.remove an existing list that would slow down cargo operationsB.initiate loading in conjunction with unloading at the hatchC.improve stability during cargo operationsD.allow longshoremen easy access to the hatch

When loading bulk liquid cargo,what is the first action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?A.Call the owner,operator,or terminal supervisorB.Unplug the deck scuppersC.Order the dock man to shut downD.Run out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose

When the dew point of the outside air is lower than or equal to the dew point of the air in the cargo hold,you should ______.A.secure all ventilationB.shut down the exhaust blowersC.shut down the intake blowersD.ventilate the cargo holds

The Chief Officer ______ told the stevedores to stow the cargo lot by lot.A.plainlyB.playfullyC.absolutelyD.completely

When using slings,cargo handlers should take all the following precautions except ______.A.Ensure that slings are securely fastened around the loadB.Avoid careless winch operations,especially when handling fragile cargoC.Exercise care when using hooks,crowbars,and similar toolsD.Keep the loads as close to the rail or deck as possible

When the inert gas pressure is being ______ in the cargo tanks,particular attention should be paid to obtaining an oxygen concentration.A.topped upB.bracedC.tommed downD.shored

If you came into contact with nitrobenzene while disconnecting the cargo hose, you should be aware that it is ______.A.highly toxic when absorbed through the skinB.a blood poisonC.a nerve poisonD.All of the above

The forwarders should always arrange for cargo insurance on behalf of the consignor when the consignor has made a sales contract with the buyer under the CFR term.

单选题The tallying of cargo refers to such kind of work that the amount and condition of all cargo should be checked().Aafter its arrival at the destinationBduring the ship's voyage at seaCbefore they come to the dockDduring the time when the loading or diacharging is going on

单选题Petroleum cargo tanks should not be topped off at deck level when loading on a cold day because().Aa subsequent temperature rise will cause the cargo to overflowBair pockets may cause the cargo to bubble out of the ullage holeCthe increased viscosity of the product requires higher loading pressure which increases the chances of a spillDthe tank valve may be stiff and a spill will occur before the valve can be closed

单选题When operating the air supply system in a covered lifeboat the().Afuel supply valve should be closedBhatches,doors,and oar ports should be closedCair cylinder shut-off valve should be closedDengine should be shut off

单选题When commencing cargo operations on a container ship,one cell at a hatch is generally discharged completely (to the bottom of the ship) before removing any containers from the adjoining cells to().Aremove an existing list that would slow down cargo operationsBinitiate loading in conjunction with unloading at the hatchCimprove stability during cargo operationsDallow longshoremen easy access to the hatch

单选题When arranging cargo for()in the holds,we should give first consideration to ship’s seaworthiness and her being in a good sea-going trim after loading.AdunnageBseparationCstowageDoperation

单选题When loading bulk liquid cargo,what is the FIRST action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?()ATrip the pump relief valveBOrder the dock man to shut downCCall the owner,operator,or terminal supervisorDRun out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose

单选题When loading bulk liquid cargo,what is the first action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?()ACall the owner,operator,or terminal supervisorBUnplug the deck scuppersCOrder the dock man to shut downDRun out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose

单选题A ship is responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded().Aonly when the cargo is within its railBafter the cargo is checked by tallymenCas soon as the cargo loading or unloading beginsDduring the time when loading or unloading is going on

单选题On a voyage charter,when a vessel is ready to load cargo,the Master should render to the charterer a().ANotice of ReadinessBMaster Certificate of ServiceCShipmasters DeclarationDVessel Utilization and Performance Report

单选题The ship will be responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded().Aonly when the cargo is within its railBduring the time when loading or ynloading is going onCafter the cargo is checked by tallymenDas soon as loading or discharging begins

判断题The forwarders should always arrange for cargo insurance on behalf of the consignor when the consignor has made a sales contract with the buyer under the CFR term.A对B错

单选题Long hair should always be covered by()when working with or near moving machinery.Aa helmentBsafety capCan ear plugDface mask

单选题The ship owner’s liability for cargo damage is covered under what marine insurance policy?()AHullBCargoCProtection and IndemnityDPollution

单选题When possible,what should be the FIRST step in combating a fire on deck resulting from a cargo overflow or a leaking cargo line?()ABlanket the cargo spill with foamBPrevent the spread of fire with a foam damCApply CO2 on burning fuel at its sourceDShut off the transfer of cargo

单选题When using slings,cargo handlers should take all the following precautions except().AEnsure that slings are securely fastened around the loadBAvoid careless winch operations,especially when handling fragile cargoCExercise care when using hooks,crowbars,and similar toolsDKeep the loads as close to the rail or deck as possible