单选题The Charterer is entitled to the benefit of the excepted perils during the transit of the goods from storing place to the actual place of loading,provided such transit substantially ()part of the operation of loading.Ahas the form of aBformsCis in the form of aDis to form a

The Charterer is entitled to the benefit of the excepted perils during the transit of the goods from storing place to the actual place of loading,provided such transit substantially ()part of the operation of loading.

has the form of a




is in the form of a


is to form a


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be entitled to(英译中)

A charter party is an agreement between________.A.the Shipowner and his agentB.the Charterer and his agentC.the Shipowner and the ChartererD.the merchant and the Charterer

If the Charterer loads or discharges the vessel in a shorter time than is allowed to him by the lay days,he may be entitled to ______.A.demurrageB.despatch moneyC.the payment for damage of detentionD.the payment for quick despach

If the Shipowner agrees to the voyage originally ordered by the Charterer,he is entitled to be paid hire ______ for the excess period.A.at a higher rate decided by the ownerB.at a lower rate decided by the chartererC.at a reasonable rateD.at the current market rate

Usually the Charterer has to redeliver the ship in the same good order ______ when delivered,fair wear and tear excepted.A.inB.byC.onD.as

The master of a ship must collect general average contributions for the benefit of those entitled to them,whether they are cargo owners or ship owner,and ______ the Shipowner's lien on the cargo,where necessary,until they are paid.A.exerciseB.takeC.makeD.have

Sometimes charter-party expressly prohibit the loading of dangerous goods,but sometimes a Charterer is entitled by an express term to load them provided that due notice is given ______.A.to the masterB.the chartererC.the merchantD.receiver

If the Charterer sends the vessel on her last voyage at a time when there is no expectation that she will be redelivered within a reasonable time of the end of the period of the Charterparty,and she is in fact redelivered late,he ______.A.has properly fulfilled the contractB.is not guilty of a breach of contractC.is entitled a right to take legal action against any loss or damage he suffered in this connectionD.is guilty of a breach of contract

When the charterer uses more time than time stipulated in a voyage C/P to load his cargo, the ship-owner is entitled to()A、overtimeB、dispatchC、demurrageD、deadfreight

What is one benefit of PVST+?()A、PVST+reduces the CPU cycles for all the switches in the networkB、PVST+automatically selects the root bridge location,to provide optimiz…C、PVST+allow the root switch location to be optimized per vlan.D、PVST+supports Layer 3 load balancing without loops.

What is one benefit of PVST+?()A、PVST+reduces the CPU cycles for all the switches in the networkB、PVST+automatically selects the root bridge location,to provide optimized bandwidth usage.C、PVST+allow the root switch location to be optimized per vlan.D、PVST+supports Layer 3 load balancing without loops.

A System x administrator is considering new storage subsystems. Which of the following is a benefit of SAS over Solid State? ()A、Higher transfer speeds B、Increased power consumption with Solid State C、Increased bandwidth D、Cost per MB

A System x administrator is considering new storage subsystems. Which is a benefit of SAS over Solid State of the following?()A、Higher transfer speedsB、Increased power consumption with Solid StateC、Increased bandwidthD、Cost per MB

单选题What is one benefit of PVST+?()APVST+reduces the CPU cycles for all the switches in the networkBPVST+automatically selects the root bridge location,to provide optimiz…CPVST+allow the root switch location to be optimized per vlan.DPVST+supports Layer 3 load balancing without loops.

单选题If the Shipowner makes an innocent misrepresentation which induces the Charterer to sign the contract,the Charterer may be entitled to()the charter-party.ArescindBchangeCalterDamend

单选题Usually the Charterer has to redeliver the ship in the same good order()when delivered,fair wear and tear excepted.AinBbyConDas

单选题If the Shipowner relies on an excepted peril,he must()that the loss or damage was caused thereby.AproveBapproveCdisproveDimprove

单选题The Shipowner is not()by the fact that a remote cause of the loss was an excepted peril.AexcusedBexceptedCexcludedDexported

单选题We must take the Charterer’s benefit()full consideration.AinBintoCforDwith

单选题Where a time charter-party is wrongfully(),the Charterer is entitled to claim damages amounting the difference between the contract rate for the balance of the period of the charter-party and the market rate for the chartering a substitute vessel.AreproducedBrepatriatedCrepudiatedDrecovered

单选题()loading has not been completed,the Charterer is entitled to delay the vessel’s sailing until the expiration of lay time.AAs long soBSo longCAs longDSo long as

单选题The carrier is entitled to limit his liability to the stated sum per package or unit even if he failedto exercise due diligence to make the vessel().Ato be seaworthyBbeing seaworthyCbe seaworthyDseaworthy

单选题Should it appear that war or blockade would prevent the vessel from safely reaching the port of destination and / or discharging the goods thereat,the Carrier().Ais entitled to discharge the goods at the port of loading or any other safe and convenient place and terminate the contract of carriageBis not entitled to terminate the contract of carriageCis not entitled to claim against the shipper or charterer any damage that he will suffer with the cargo on boardDis entitled to claim freight with the cargo on board

单选题C/P means:Charter--Party that is made between().Athe Charterer and the PartyBthe Charterer and the ShipownerCthe Charterer and the CargoownerDthe Charterer and the Shipper

单选题If the Charterer sends the vessel on her last voyage at a time when there is no expectation that she will be redelivered within a reasonable time of the end of the period of the Charterparty,and she is in fact redelivered late,he().Ahas properly fulfilled the contractBis not guilty of a breach of contractCis entitled a right to take legal action against any loss or damage he suffered in this connectionDis guilty of a breach of contract

单选题If the Charterer loads or discharges the vessel in a shorter time than is allowed to him by the lay days,he may be entitled to().AdemurrageBdespatch moneyCthe payment for damage of detentionDthe payment for quick despach

单选题The Charterer is entitled to the benefit of the excepted perils during the transit of the goods from storing place to the actual place of loading,provided such transit substantially ()part of the operation of loading.Ahas the form of aBformsCis in the form of aDis to form a

单选题Sometimes charter-party expressly prohibit the loading of dangerous goods,but sometimes a Charterer is entitled by an express term to load them provided that due notice is given ().Ato the masterBthe chartererCthe merchantDreceiver