单选题Think about when a teacher handed out a list of twenty Past tense sentences and asked students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What is the teacher's grammar teaching method?AInduction.BPresentation.CConsolidation.DDeduction.

Think about when a teacher handed out a list of twenty Past tense sentences and asked students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What is the teacher's grammar teaching method?











The teacher____the examination papers. A、hand outB、handed outC、hand inD、handed in

25. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The writer never fights with Grace.B. When Grace has problems in her studies, she asks the teacher.C. The writer is not as tall as Grace.D. The teacher doesn’t think the writer is improving in her drawing.

Just as she was about_,she was handed a note.(speak)

Believe me, there’ll be trouble when they find out about this matter. (英译汉)

—______—In My opinion, reading、The teacher really challenges us to work hard. A、Reading is hard to learn.B、I dislike reading.C、Reading is my favorite、How about you?D、Which do you think is harder to learn, listening or reading?

() is when people are focused on the present or past and consider them more important than the future. They care more about immediate gratification than long-term fulfillment.

After the teacher’s words,all the students in the class _________.A. 1ooked very seriousB. thought they would be richC. began to think about their designsD. began to play games

A teacher showed students an example and explained the usage of past perfect tense, and asked students to list ten"past perfect tense" sentences by imitating that example. What's the teacher' s grammar teaching method?A.Consolidation.B.Presentation.C.Deduction.D.Induction.

A teacher handed out a list of twenty"Fature tense" sentences and asked students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What is the teacher's grammar teaching method?A.Induction. B.Presentation.C.Consolidation.D.Deduction.

A teacher handed out a list of twenty "Future tense"sentences and asked students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What is the teacher's grammar teaching method?A.Induction.B.Presentation.C.Consolidation.D.Deduction.

When a teacher says to the whole class,"Stand up and act out the dialogue", he/she isplaying the role of a(n) _________.A.monitorB.organizerC.assessorD.prompter

A teacher handed out a list of twenty"Fature tense" sentences and asked students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What is the teacher's grammar teaching method?A. Induction.B. Presentation.C. Consolidation.D. Deduction.

A teacher showed students an example and explained the usage of past perfect tense,and ask students to listen“past perfect tense”sentences by imitating that example.What’s teacher's grammar teaching method?A.Consolidation.B.Presentation.C.Deduction.D.Induction.

__________his exercise book,he was scolded by the teacher.A.Not having handed inB.Having not handed inC.Not handing inD.Handing not in

初中英语?语法一、考题回顾二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students will master the rule of the Simple Past Tense.Ability aim:Students will able to talk about the things happened in the past in their daily life.Emotional aim:Students will learn how to cooperate with others.Key and difficult point:Key Point: Students will master the structure of the Simple Past Tense.Difficult Point: Students will use the structure of the Simple Past Tense in daily life.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Ask students a question: what are you reading recently? And ask some students to share with the whole class.Step 2: Presentation1. Review the knowledge about the past tense of verbs: write some verbs on the blackboard and ask students to change the verbs into their past tense.2. Ask students to read the dialogue and pay attention to the background information about Mark Twain. Then ask students some questions: What’ Mark Twain’ real name? When did he born? When did he begin to work? And then invite some students to share the answers with the whole class and write down on the blackboard.3. Then ask students when these things happened and then tell them the rule of past tense: Simple Past Tense refers to the actions or states happened at a certain moment in the past, or a certain period of time in the past. It is often used with temporal adverbial, such as yesterday, last week and so on.4. Ask students to read the dialogue again and try to find other sentences which used the Simple Past Tense and share with class. Then tell students the rule of general and special interrogative sentences in the past tense: general interrogative sentences use auxiliary verbs (did) and special interrogative sentences use special interrogative words (what, when, how...).Step 3: Practice1. Ask student to role play the dialogue and ask two groups to show in class.2. Play a game: magic box. There is a magic box which is full of all kind of verbs, ask students to choose one card and then make a sentence with it using the Simple Past Tense.Step4: ProductionDiscussion: ask students to talk about what happened to them in the last weekend, they should use the Simple Past Tense and then invite two of them to show their conversation.4 in 1, 5 minutes will be given.Step5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.Homework: ask students to practice the usage of Simple Past Tense learned today with desk mates after class.Blackboard design:1. Could you list any other temporal adverbials which can be used in The Simple Past Tense?

单选题What would help customers know better about your business when doing business with them?AInviting them to kinds of exhibitions related.BShowing them the price list of your products.CAsking them to find out the subtle differences between you and the competitors.DGiving them a catalogue of all the products or services your business provides.

单选题When students are asked to go to the local museum, libraries, etc. to find out information about endangered animals and work out a plan for an exhibition, they are doing a(n)__________.AsurveyBexperimentCprojectDpresentation

单选题Every teacher ought to()kids to think about current issues.AincorporateBreinforceCchallengeDtransform

单选题When I first began writing poetry, I think the poems that I had studied at school ______ my approach and the things I wrote about.Acommunicated BimpressedCinfluencedDdiscussed

单选题The phrase “out of sight and out of mind” underlined in Paragraph 3 probably means __________.Abeing unable to think properly for lack of insightBbeing totally out of touch with business at homeCmissing opportunities for promotion when abroadDleaving all care and worry behind

单选题A teacher lists twenty" simple present tense" sentences and asks students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What's the teacher's grammar teaching method?AInduction.BConduction.CConstruction.DDeduction.

单选题When a teacher asks students to brainstorm what they will write about an unforgettable trip, he/she mainly focuses on ________AideasBlayoutCstyleDfeedback

单选题When a teacher says to the whole class, ”stand up and act out the dialogue”, he/she is playing the role of a(n) ----.AmonitorBorganizerCassessorDprompter

单选题Before doing a writing task, the teacher elicits students' ideas by asking them to list as many words or phrases that come into their mind about the topic as possible. Here the teacher is playing the role of a(n)________AcontrollerBparticipantCorganizerDprompter

单选题In this passage, “out of sight and out of mind” (Lines 3, Para.3) probably means _____.Abeing unable to think properly for lack of insightBbeing totally out of touch with business at homeCmissing opportunities for promotion when abroadDleaving all care and worry behind

单选题Before doing a writing task, the teacher elicits students' ideas by asking them to list as many words or phrases that come into their mind about the topic as possible.Here the teacher is playing the role of a(an) ____.AcontrollerBparticipantCorganizerDprompter

单选题When a teacher asks students to brainstorm what they will write about an unforgettable trip, he/she mainly focuses on_________AideasBlayoutCstyleDfeedback