单选题According to the passage, why did museums and cultural centers in inner cities decline in attendance?AThe tickets were too expensive.BThe museums were out-of-date.CThe areas were not safe.DThe patrons were not well educated.
According to the passage, why did museums and cultural centers in inner cities decline in attendance?
The tickets were too expensive.
The museums were out-of-date.
The areas were not safe.
The patrons were not well educated.
细节题。文章最后一段最后一句提到“because patrons became reluctant to enter high-crime areas in which these centers were located”,即“游览者不愿意进入犯罪率高的地区”,C项“这些地区不安全”表述与其一致。
细节题。文章最后一段最后一句提到“because patrons became reluctant to enter high-crime areas in which these centers were located”,即“游览者不愿意进入犯罪率高的地区”,C项“这些地区不安全”表述与其一致。
Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Chinese students won most of the awards.B. Not all the themes were about local subjectsC. The blogs could be written in Chinese or Singlish.D. The judges were from university in Singapore and China.
Why did American city residents want to live in the suburbs after World War Ⅱ?A. Because older American cities were dying.B. Because they were richer and needed more space.C. Because cities contained the wont pare of society.D. Because they could hardly afford a live in the city.
Many Mayan cities and temples__________ .A. were constructed by the priestsB. were built with heavy stonesC. were rebuilt several timesD. were the miracles of god
What is the main idea of this article?A. The Mayan calendar was excellent.B. The Maya were excellent farmers.C. The Maya were intelligent people.D. The Mayan cities were difficult to build.
According to the passage, false beards were worn by those who considered themselves to be ______.A. handsome and matureB. too young to have beardsC. aristocrats or fashionable dandiesD. royalty
Why did the villagers agree to sell frogs?A. The frogs were easy money.B. They needed money to buy visitors.C. They wanted to please the visitors.D. The frogs made too much noise.
What might be the cause of the childrens sickness?A. The crops didnt do well.B. There were too many insects.C. The visitors brought in diseases.D. The pesticides were overused.
why did the villagers agree to sell frogs ?A the frogs were easy moneyB They needs money to buy medicineC they wanted to plwase the visitorsD.the forgs made too much noise
“Museum”is a slippery word.It first meant(in Greek)anything consecrated to the Muses:a hill,a shrine,a garden,afestival or even a textbook.Both Plato’s Academy and Aristotle’s Lyceum had a mouseion,a muses shrine.Although theGreeks already collected detached works of art,many temples—notably that of Hera at Olympia(before which the Olympicflame is still lit)—had collections of objects,some of which were works of art by well-known masters,while paintings and sculptures in the Alexandrian Museum were incidental to its main purpose.The Romans also collected and exhibited art from disbanded temples,as well as mineral specimens,exotic plants,animals;and they plundered sculptures and paintings(mostly Greek)for exhibition.Meanwhile,the Greek word had slippeD.into Latin by transliteration(though not to signify picture galleries,which were called pinacothecae)and museum still more orless meant“Muses-shrine”.The inspirational collections of precious and semi-precious objects were kept in larger churches and monasteries—whichfocused on the gold-enshrined,bejewelled relics of saints and martyrs.Princes,and later merchants,had similar collections,which became the deposits of natural curiosities:large lumps of amber or coral,irregular pearls,unicorn horns,ostrich eggs,fossil bones and so on.They also included coins and gems—often antique engraved ones—as well as,increasingly,paintings and sculptures.As they multiplied and expanded,to supplement them,the skill of the fakers grew increasingly refined.At the same time,visitors could admire the very grandest paintings and sculptures in the churches,palaces and castles;they were not“collected”either,but“site-specific”,and were considered an integral part both of the fabric of the buildings and of the way of life which went on inside them—and most of the buildings were public ones.However,during the revival ofantiquity in the fifteenth century,fragments of antique sculpture were given higher status than the work of any contemporary,so that displays of antiquities would inspire artists to imitation,or even better,to emulation;and so could be considered Muses-shrines in the former sense.The Medici garden near San Marco in Florence,the Belvedere and the Capitol in Rome werethe most famous of such early“inspirational”collections.Soon they multiplied,and,gradually,exemplary“modern”works were also added to such galleries.In the seventeenth century,scientific and prestige collecting became so widespread that three or four collectors independently published directories to museums all over the known world.But it was the age of revolutions and industry which produced the next sharp shift in the way the institution was perceived:the fury against royal and church monuments prompted antiquarians to shelter them in asylum-galleries,of which the Musee des Monuments Francais was the most famous.Then,in the firsthalf of the nineteenth century,museum funding took off,allied to the rise of new wealth:London acquired the National Gallery and the British Museum,the Louvre was organized,the Museum-Insel was begun in Berlin,and the Munich galleries werebuilt.In Vienna,the huge Kunsthistorisches and Naturhistorisches Museums took over much of the imperial treasure.Meanwhile,the decline of craftsmanship(and of public taste with it)inspired the creation of“improving”collections.TheVictoria and Albert Museum in London was the most famous,as well as perhaps the largest of them.Which is the main idea of the passage?A.Collection and collectors.B.The evolution of museums.C.Modern museums and their functions.D.The birth of museums
Janet as well as the other young people who ____ sent abroad by government ___ brought up in the small town.A. was;was B. was;were C. were ;were D. were ;was
Why were the French troops in Canada defeated by the British during the Seven Years.War?()ABecause they were not used to the weather in Canada.BBecause they did not get support from the local people.CBecause they did not receive the supplies they needed so badly.DBecause the British had larger and better settlements in Canada.
Why did the early settlers come to America? Who were the Pilgrims? Who were the Puritans? What were the features in the colonial period which had influence on later American development?
单选题Why did some African Americans accept the white standards of beauty?ABecause they tried to keep socially fashionable.BBecause they did not have their own standards of beauty.CBecause they were not well educated as white Americans.DBecause they wanted to become part of the mainstream.
单选题Of 654 respondents with children, 64% said _____.Athey were often too busy to play with their childrenBthey were often so tired that they couldn’t play with their childrenCthey were often so sad that they didn’t want to play with their childrenDthey were often ill and they couldn’t play with their children
单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Tuskegee Airmen is TRUE?AIn World WarⅡ, they never lost a bomber to enemy fire.BThey were the first group of black soldiers ever trained by the ground troops.CThey were not subjected to racial discrimination in the army.DThey were already soldiers in the ground troops before their training at Tuskegee began.
单选题According to the passage, a major difference between the colonization policy of the United States and that of Mexico in Texas in the 1800’s was the _____.Adegree to which policies were based on traditionBform of economic interdependency between different cultural groupsCtreatment of the native inhabitantsDrelationship between the military and the settlers
单选题Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the passage?AWomen did not have the right to vote before 1900.BWomen had the right to vote throughout the country in 1920.CA little number of women held high academic and government positions in 1920.D“Career women” were largely restricted to some areas.
单选题The problem with Elkhorn and stag horn corals lies in that _____.Athey were not much-liked by many peopleBthey were not well-known enough to be an iconCthey were not considered animals by many peopleDthey were not added to the list of Endangered Species
单选题Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?AThere were no cultural activities on campus before the period of growth mentioned in the passage.BThe opening of the John F. Kennedy Center was unwelcome.CIt was through the influence of universities that many cities tried to revive their cultural institutions in the inner city areas.DGovernment’s aid and private donations to universities were reduced because of their political involvement.
单选题According to the passage, where in colonial North America were there the fewest women?APuritan communities.BSeaports.CFrontier settlements.DCapital cities.
单选题According to the passage, one of the reasons why readers in the 1920s and 130s were attracted by free insurance policies was that ______.Athey were afraid of being unable to workBjobs were more dangerous thenCthey had bigger families to look afterDmoney was given away with the policies
单选题The students were surprised because ______.Athey thought the teacher unfairBDonald did as well as TommyCthe teacher would give them a prize
单选题According to the passage, Asian civilizations, which were ahead of Europe’s, fell behind because ______.AAsian languages were more difficult to learnBEuropean languages had simple alphabetsCthey didn’t have the technology to spread ideasDpeople’s communication skills were not good enough
单选题It can be inferred from the passage that ______.Amost movie theaters had a pianist, a hand or an orchestraBsound-effects machines were common because they were more effectiveCfull-scale orchestras could effectively synchronize sound with picturesDgramophones came into being about the same time as moving pictures did
单选题According to the passage, gramophones were sometimes ineffective because they ______.Agot out of synchronization with picturesBwere too large for most movie theatersCwere newly inventedDchanged speeds when the needle jumped
问答题Why did the early settlers come to America? Who were the Pilgrims? Who were the Puritans? What were the features in the colonial period which had influence on later American development?
单选题According to the passage, why did museums and cultural centers in inner cities decline in attendance?AThe tickets were too expensive.BThe museums were out-of-date.CThe areas were not safe.DThe patrons were not well educated.
单选题Why were the French troops in Canada defeated by the British during theSeven Years.War?()ABecause they were not used to the weather in Canada.BBecause they did not get support from the local people.CBecause they did not receive the supplies they needed so badly.DBecause the British had larger and better settlements in Canada.