单选题The purchaser will not be responsible for any cost or expenses in connection with the packing or delivery of the above goods.A卖主并非没有责任解决上述货物在包装和运输方面出现的问题。B以上货物在包装和运输方面所产生的有关费用买主均不予过问。C买主概不承担与上述货物的包装和运输有关的任何成本或费用。

The purchaser will not be responsible for any cost or expenses in connection with the packing or delivery of the above goods.







A项将purchaser“买主”误译为“卖方(seller)”;将will not“不会”误译为“并非没有”;将any cost or expenses“任何成本或费用”翻译为“问题(problem,issue等)”,过于笼统。B项将not be responsible for“不承担”误译为“不过问(keep aloof from,keep one’s nose out of等)”;将any cost or expenses翻译为“有关费用”,过于笼统;将in connection with“有关”误译为“所产生的(be caused by,result from等)”。


The cost of corrective action taken by the purchaser and chargeable to the supplier under the terms of the contract is:A Payment authorizationB Bid cost considerationsC Release paymentD Back chargeE None of the above.

114 The cost of corrective action taken by the purchaser and chargeable to the supplier under the terms of the contract is:A. Payment authorizationB. Bid cost considerationsC. Release paymentD. Back chargeE. None of the above

The cost of renting a house in central Xi’an is higher than ____ in any other area of the city.A.thatB. thisC. itD. one

According to Paragraph 2, some organizations check their systems to find out[A] whether there is any weak point.[B] what sort of data has been stolen.[C] who is responsible for the leakage.[D] how the potential spies can be located.

(b) Identify and discuss the appropriateness of the cost drivers of any TWO expense values in EACH of levels (i)to (iii) above and ONE value that relates to level (iv).In addition, suggest a likely cause of the cost driver for any ONE value in EACH of levels (i) to (iii), andcomment on possible benefits from the identification of the cause of each cost driver. (10 marks)

● A quality assurance team should be(75).①associated with any particular development group②depended upon any particular development group③responsible for reporting directly to management④in-depended upon any particular development group(75)A.①②B.②③C.③④D.①②③④

A quality assurance team should be(75)。① associated with any particular development group② depended upon any particular development group③ responsible for reporting directly to management④ In-depended upon any particular development groupA.①②B.②③C.③④D.①②③④

A financial ______ should be carried out for any potential venture in the manufacturing sector, in order to assess the relationship between production volume, production cost and profits.A.break-even analysisB.benefit streamsC.IRR analysisD.capital cost

“in general, credit card holders are only __________ up to $50 of any unauthorized charge.“ A. responsible forB. responsible withC. responsible inD. responsible to

We shall not be held responsible for any delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to force majeure.(英译中)

Any difference between the fair market values of the securities and their cost is a realized gain or loss.()

( )is the approved version of the time-phased project budget,excluding any management reserves,which can only be changed through formal change control precedures and is used as a basis for comparison to actual results.A.The control accountsB.Funding requirementC.The cost estimatesD.The cost baseline

I must hold ______ for any damage which may result from the accidents you have caused.A.your responsibleB.you responsibleC.you are responsibleD.your are responsible

When a vessel violates the oil pollution laws,who may be held responsible?A.Master onlyB.Owners onlyC.Licensed officers onlyD.Any individual connected with the vessel involved in the operation

Damage to ship’s fittings caused by stevedore’s negligence often happens. Therefore, the stevedores ______ the cost of the damage repaired afterwards.A.should hold responsible forB.should be held responsible forC.should be free ofD.should be bearable of

The price must be legible to a purchaser.A:cheap B:acceptable C:readable D:expensive

A quality assurance team should be( ).①associated with any particular development group②depended upon any particular development group③responsible for reporting directly to management④in-depended upon any particular development groupA.①②B.②③C.③④D.①②③④

A Successor is().A、A neighbor that has met the feasibility conditionB、A neighbor that has met the feasibility condition and has the lowest cost path towards the destinationC、Any neighbor that is in the path towards the destination.D、Any neighbor that is in the path towards the destination and whose reported distance equals thefeasible distance


单选题The Purchaser shall(),prior to the ship’s departure,the invoiced amount at the rate of exchange applicable on the day of payment.AgiveBpayChaveDmake

单选题()is responsible in any event for loss or damage to or in connection with the goods if their nature or value has been knowingly mis-stated by the shipper in the Bill of Lading.AThe carrierBThe ShipownerCThe carrier or the ShipownerDNeither the carrier nor the Shipowner

单选题Mrs. Beverley Lancaster took legal action against the city council because ______.Ait refused to award her for her jobBshe had to deal with rude members of the councilCit was responsible for her problemsDit denied her any clerical support

单选题Inventory is an important part of the cost of doing business ______.Ajust in the joined-venture companiesBin any companyCin state-owned companiesDin private-owned companies

单选题I must hold()for any damage which may result from the accidents you have caused.Ayour responsibleByou responsibleCyou are responsibleDyour are responsible

单选题Damage to ship’s fittings caused by stevedore’s negligence often happens.Therefore,the stevedores()the cost of repairs effected.Ashould hold responsible forBshould hear in mindCshould be held responsible forDshould bear no compensation for

单选题Which of the following shall not the officers in charge of the navigational watch do?()Acontinue to be responsible for the safe navigation of the shipBLeave the bridgeCKeep the watch on the bridgeDUse any available navigational aids necessary to ensure that the ship follows the planned course

单选题If your British friend invites you to his home, you can _____.Asee anything you likeBask how much his house isCask the cost of any of the items in itDonly see the downstairs that you are invited into