生态分离(ecological separation)

生态分离(ecological separation)


(b) Assess the benefits of the separation of the roles of chief executive and chairman that Alliya Yongvanichargued for and explain her belief that ‘accountability to shareholders’ is increased by the separation of theseroles. (12 marks)

______ is not likely to be a methods of Traffic Separation.A.Separation of opposing streams of traffic by separation zones or linesB.The separation of through traffic from local traffic by provision of inshore traffic zonesC.Division of traffic from several different direction into sectorsD.Control of routing traffic through shipping routes

A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall ______.A.only anchor in the separation zoneB.cross a traffic lane at as small an angle as possibleC.avoid anchoring in areas near the termination of the schemeD.utilize the separation zone for navigating through the scheme if she is impeding other traffic due to her slower speed

室房分离(ventricular atrial separation)

中国生态农业(Chinese Ecological Agriculture)

生态效益(ecological effect)

微生态制剂(microbial ecological agents)

生态文明”的翻译不仅要忠于原意、起到促进交流的作用,而且也涉及国际话语权问题。如果将“生态文明”译作()含义太窄,还是用()较为贴切。A、“Conservation Culture”B、“Ecological Progress”C、“Conservation Progress”D、“Ecological Civilization”

宣传口号“创环保模范城市,建绿色生态家园”最为地道、最符合口号语文体的译文是()。A、Create an environmental protection model city,and build a green ecological homeB、Build a model city for environmental protection and make our home greenC、Makea Green City—Reduce,Reuse,Recycle

最低死亡率(minimun mortality,or ecological morality)


生态位 ecological niche


单选题A vessel()a crossing vessel,shall not normally enter a separation zone or cross a separation line.AincludingBinclusive ofCexcept thatDother than

单选题A vessel shall not().Aenter the traffic separation zone in an emergencyBcross a traffic laneCengage in fishing in the separation zoneDproceed in an inappropriate traffic lane

单选题A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall().Aonly anchor in the separation zoneBavoid crossing traffic lanes,but if obliged to do so,shall cross on a heading at as small an angle as is practicalCavoid anchoring in areas near the termination of the schemeDuse the separation zone for navigation through the scheme if she is hindering other traffic due to her slower speed

名词解释题生态因子(ecological factor)

单选题() is not likely to be a methods of Traffic Separation.ASeparation of opposing streams of traffic by separation zones or linesBThe separation of through traffic from local traffic by provision of inshore traffic zonesCDivision of traffic from several different direction into sectorsDControl of routing traffic through shipping routes

多选题生态文明”的翻译不仅要忠于原意、起到促进交流的作用,而且也涉及国际话语权问题。如果将“生态文明”译作()含义太窄,还是用()较为贴切。A“Conservation Culture”B“Ecological Progress”C“Conservation Progress”D“Ecological Civilization”

单选题A vessel may enter a traffic separation zone().Ain an emergencyBto engage in fishing within the zoneCto cross the traffic separation schemeDAll of the above

名词解释题微生态制剂(microbial ecological agents)

名词解释题中国生态农业(Chinese Ecological Agriculture)

名词解释题生态效益(ecological effect)

单选题A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall so far as practicable()a traffic separation line or separation zone.Akeep well clearBkeep very farCkeep clear ofDkeep clear from

单选题宣传口号“创环保模范城市,建绿色生态家园”最为地道、最符合口号语文体的译文是()。ACreate an environmental protection model city,and build a green ecological homeBBuild a model city for environmental protection and make our home greenCMakea Green City—Reduce,Reuse,Recycle

单选题A vessel using a traffic separation scheme is forbidden to().Aproceed through an inappropriate traffic laneBengaged in fishing in the separation zoneCcross a traffic laneDenter the separation zone,even in a emergency

名词解释题生态分离(ecological separation)