单选题All the following factors are given as reasons for the annoyance of the private courier services EXCEPT.Alack of relations at customsBthe monopoly of the post officeCno network of officesDthe shortage of workers

All the following factors are given as reasons for the annoyance of the private courier services EXCEPT.

lack of relations at customs


the monopoly of the post office


no network of offices


the shortage of workers


是非题。选项A的内容在第三段在介绍EMS相对于private couriers的优点时,在第二三句分别提到network of offices和a long tradition of working with customs authorities,而这些都是private courier所缺少的,因此选项A和C表述正确。第四段第一句指出令private courier services感到烦恼的是在某些国家“post office is officially a monopoly”,与选项B表达内容相符。只有选项D的内容在文中没有提及。


单选题Which of the following questions is answered according to the passage?AWhat advantages does EMS have over the private couriers?BWhen was EMS set up?CHow many countries have started EMS?DWhat items are not allowed in EMS?

单选题France’s ______ of nuclear testing in the South Pacific last month triggered political debates and mass demonstrations.AassumptionBconsumptionCpresumptionDresumption

单选题If you ordered through an agent, please check with the agent to ______ that your order was received and processed.AinsaneBinsultCensueDensure

问答题Practice 15  现代化的进程中,在21世纪的中外文化交流中,中国必将以更加开放的姿态迎接外来文化。在中国文化必须处理好外来文化与中国传统文化之间的关系,必须运用现代的理念与价值观去重新审视和解析中国传统文化。中国文化的传承由此而在现代化的进程中得以实现。要解决现代性与传承性的问题,应该以现代驾驭传承,以传统文化的现代化为归宿。真正科学地做到以开放促交流,以交流促现代化,以现代化促传承,其实非常困难。讲现代化时,容易忽略继承传统;而弘扬民族传统,又可能跟文纯现代化对立。其结果是,忽略继承传统,会导致对外来文化的选择不准;而忽视现代化,又可能导致排斥外来文化。

单选题According to Paragraph 1, Cardus observed that.Aa composer can separate his language and harmonies from his own mind and sensibilityBa composer can separate his language and harmonies from the mind and sensibility of an artistCsome people can separate the language and harmonies of a composer from his mind and sensibilityDthe language, harmonies, rhythms, melodies, colors and texture of a composer cannot be separated from each other

单选题The author’s main purpose in writing the last paragraph of the passage was to ______.Aexplain how cold viruses are transmittedBprove that a poor diet causes coldsCdiscuss the relationship between income and frequency of coldsDanalyze the distribution of income among the people in the study

单选题As an industry, biotechnology stands to ______ electronics in dollar volume and perhaps surpass it in social impact by 2020.AcontendBcontestCrivalDstrive

单选题Mary sent me a gift and wished me many happy ______ on my birthday.AreturnsBmemoriesCcongratulationsDgreetings

单选题Which of the following would be the best title of this passage?AJustice in SocietyBPunishmentCFair TrialDEquality

单选题It is a very difficult problem,but I think I shall worked it out by nine o’clock.AI shall work it outBI shall have worked it outCI shall be working it outDI must have worked it out

单选题Where the words “without support from major record companies” are, the context reads that music broadcast programsrecord companies.Amust have the support ofBrequire the participation ofCmay enlist the assistance ofDshould enter partnership with

单选题For all its extremes, Venus is a(n) incalculable laboratory for researchers studying the weather and climate of earth.AinvaluableBvaluableCvalueDvalueless

单选题Which of the following reasons does not explain the coach’s motives in arranging the experience for the Burbank team?AThe coach wanted to inspire the boys.BHe wanted them to learn the benefits of integration.CHe wanted them to see how much better they were than the Churchill boys.DHe wanted them to appreciate the differences among people.

单选题Production of complex molecules is accomplished by replication.AduplicationBsynthesisCfixationDreproduction

单选题I hope you will read all the material before you make the final decision.Awill be readBwill have readCwill be readingDwould have read

单选题What is the goal of the campaign against smallpox?ATo eliminate smallpox.BTo cure the disease of smallpox.CTo prevent the disease of smallpox from spreading.DTo isolate the patients suffering smallpox.

问答题Practice 1  Born in 1451, the son of an Italian weaver, Christopher Columbus took to the sea at an early age, making up for his lack of formal education by teaching himself geography, navigation, and Latin. By the 1480s Columbus—a tall, red-haired, long-faced man with a ruddy complexion, oval eyes, and a prominent nose—was an experienced seaman. Dazzled by the prospect of Asian riches, he hatched a scheme to reach the Indies (India, China, the East Indies, or Japan) by sailing west. After the courts of Portugal, England, and France showed little interest in his plan, Columbus turned to Spain for backing. He won the support of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Spanish monarchs, and himself raised much of the money needed to finance the voyage. The legend that the queen had to hock the crown jewels is as spurious as the fable that Columbus set out to prove the earth was round.  Columbus chartered one seventy-five-foot ship, the Santa María, and the Spanish city of Palos supplied two smaller caravels, the Pinta and Nina. From Palos this little squadron, with eighty-seven officers and men, set sail westward for what Columbus thought was Asia. The first leg of the journey went well, thanks to a strong trade wind. But then the breeze lagged, the days passed, and the crew began to grumble about their captain’s farfetched plan. To rally flagging morale, he reminded the crew of the dazzling riches awaiting them. Yet skepticism remained rife, and he finally promised that the expedition would turn back if land were not sighted in three days.  Early on October 12, 1492, after thirty-three days at sea, a lookout on the Santa María yelled “Tierra! Tierra! [Land! Land!]” It was an island in the Bahamas that Columbus named San Salvador (Blessed Savior). According to Columbus’s own reckoning he was near the Indies, so he called the island people los Indios. He described the Indians as naked people, “very well made, of very handsome bodies and very good faces.” The Arawak Indians paddled out in dugout logs, which they called canoes, and offered gifts to the strangers. Their warm generosity and docile temperament led Columbus to write in his journal that “they invite you to share anything that they possess, and show as much love as if their hearts went with it.” Yet he added that “with fifty men they could all be subjugated and compelled to do anything one wishes.”

单选题The word “dissemination” underlined in Paragraph 4 means ______.AplantationBdistributionCreceptionDdirection

问答题Passage 1  What are the challenges facing multinationals that want to build their brands in China? --I think the first thing is ignorance. There’s a huge 1 of the complexity in China, which is more complex than Europe. There are different rules of law, which 2 a significant factor. There are different 3 , Cantonese and Mandarin and lots of others in 4 , and dialects like Sichuan versions. You have problems of distribution. 5 Chinese brands have been 6 local because of the size of the market and the transportation system. What’s 7 built up there is a sort of a pride in localness.  How can companies build their brands in China? -China is a place where 8 have to be very patient and you've got to build 9 time. You can’t go in 10 invest short-term and then pull out 11 then try to get back in 12 . It’s about being consistent, steady, building 13 reputation, building confidence and then rewards will 14 . It’s a consistent ability to anticipate need. It’s insightfulness that helps brands to 15 ahead.  How are local Chinese brands doing against the multinationals? -China’s been built 16 local brands and there are a billion of them and they are 17 spending sums of money locally that really dominate the 18 . But the future is Chinese brands moving outside of 19 and marketing globally, because China’s got to move from a commodity economy to a 20 sophisticated economy, which fundamentally means brands. There isn’t a major economy in the world that isn’t based upon producing great brands, because they provide far better margins and more sustainable growth.1. A. understanding  B. ignorance    C. recognition   D. exaggeration2. A. are       B. becomes     C. is        D. prove3. A. languages    B. dialects     C. vernaculars   D. jargons4. A. this      B. between     C. among      D. that5. A. Some      B. Few       C. Most       D. Part6. A. traditionally  B. basically    C. fundamentally  D. differently7. A. ever      B. being      C. never      D. been8. A. we       B. they       C. you       D. all9. A. in       B. on        C. during      D. over10. A. but      B. or        C. and       D. then11. A. to       B. and       C. through     D. ever12. A. afterwards   B. again      C. backwards    D. never13. A. the      B. /        C. some       D. a14. A. return     B. make       C. come       D. go15. A. stay      B. go        C. move       D. push16. A. in       B. on        C. through     D. into17. A. themselves   B. seldom      C. all       D. often18. A. market     B. area       C. region      D. locality19. A. here      B. there      C. China      D. world20. A. even      B. ever       C. most       D. more

单选题How was the public motivated to help the health workers?ABy educating them.BBy rewarding them for reporting cases.CBy isolating them from others.DBy giving them vaccinations.

单选题The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than necessary.Ais necessaryBbeing necessaryCto be necessaryDit is necessary

单选题Weather permit, the picnic will be held as scheduled.ApermitsBshould permitCwill permitDpermitting

问答题Practice 3  The shotgun marriage of chemistry and engineering called “Nanotechnology” is ushering in the era of serf-replicating machinery and serf-assembling consumer goods made from cheap raw atoms.  Nanotechnology is molecular manufacturing or, more simply, building things one atom or molecule at a time with programmed baroscopic robot arms. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter (3-4 atoms wide).  Utilizing the well understood chemical properties of atoms and molecules (how they “stick” together), nanotechnology proposes the construction of novel molecular devices possessing extraordinary properties. The trick is to manipulate atoms individually and place them exactly where needed to produce the desired structure. This ability is almost in our grasp. The anticipated payoff for mastering this technology is far beyond any human accomplishment so far.  By treating atoms as discrete, bit-like objects, molecular manufacturing will bring a digital revolution to the production of material objects. Working at the resolution limit of matter, it will enable the ultimate in miniaturization and performance. By starting with cheap, abundant components-molecules-and processing them with small, high-frequency, high-productivity machines, it will make products inexpensive. Design computers that each executes more instructions per second than all of the semiconductor CPUs in the world combined.  Nanotechnology will reverse the harm done by the industrial revolution. Imagine being able to cure cancer by drinking a medicine stirred into your favorite fruit juice. Imagine a supercomputer no bigger than a human cell Imagine a four-person, surface-to-orbit spacecraft no larger or more expensive than the family car. These are just a few products expected from nanotechnology.  Humanity will be faced with a powerful, accelerated social revolution as a result of nanotechnology. In the near future, a team of scientists will succeed in constructing the first nano-sized robot capable of self-replication. Within a few short years, and five billion trillion nano-robots later, virtually all present industrial processes will be obsolete as well as our contemporary concept of labor. Consumer goods will become plentiful, inexpensive, smart, and durable. Medicine will take a quantum leap forward, space travel and colonization will become safe and affordable.  For these and other reasons, global life styles will change radically and human behavior will be drastically impacted. The world is on the brink of a new technological revolution beyond any human experience. A new, more powerful industrial revolution capable of bringing wealth, health, and education, without pollution, to every person on the planet. No longer will forest need to be cut or smoke spewed into the air. This is the promise of nanotechnology.  A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. That’s a thousand, million times smaller than a meter. If you blew up a baseball to the size of the earth, the atoms would become visible, about the size of grapes. Some 3-4 atoms fit lined up inside a nanometer.

单选题With “another Napster-like standoff over piracy and music rights”, the author is using a metaphorical device that can be termed in any of the following EXCEPT.AallusionBcitationCquotationDreference

单选题Johannes Gutenberg’s invention probably refers to ______.Aprinting technologyBtransportation technologyCthe Reformation and the EnlightenmentDindustrial revolution

单选题According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?AConnections with businesses overseas.BAbility to speak the client’s language.CTechnical know-how.DBusiness experience.

单选题He was on the ______ for six months before he found another job.AdoleBtreatyCsnipDslump

单选题The words “its development” underlined in Paragraph 7 refer to the development of ______.Athe American nationBthe mail coachCroad buildingDthe postal service