问答题Practice 1  Born in 1451, the son of an Italian weaver, Christopher Columbus took to the sea at an early age, making up for his lack of formal education by teaching himself geography, navigation, and Latin. By the 1480s Columbus—a tall, red-haired, long-faced man with a ruddy complexion, oval eyes, and a prominent nose—was an experienced seaman. Dazzled by the prospect of Asian riches, he hatched a scheme to reach the Indies (India, China, the East Indies, or Japan) by sailing west. After the courts of Portugal, England, and France showed little interest in his plan, Columbus turned to Spain for backing. He won the support of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Spanish monarchs, and himself raised much of the money needed to finance the voyage. The legend that the queen had to hock the crown jewels is as spurious as the fable that Columbus set out to prove the earth was round.  Columbus chartered one seventy-five-foot ship, the Santa María, and the Spanish city of Palos supplied two smaller caravels, the Pinta and Nina. From Palos this little squadron, with eighty-seven officers and men, set sail westward for what Columbus thought was Asia. The first leg of the journey went well, thanks to a strong trade wind. But then the breeze lagged, the days passed, and the crew began to grumble about their captain’s farfetched plan. To rally flagging morale, he reminded the crew of the dazzling riches awaiting them. Yet skepticism remained rife, and he finally promised that the expedition would turn back if land were not sighted in three days.  Early on October 12, 1492, after thirty-three days at sea, a lookout on the Santa María yelled “Tierra! Tierra! [Land! Land!]” It was an island in the Bahamas that Columbus named San Salvador (Blessed Savior). According to Columbus’s own reckoning he was near the Indies, so he called the island people los Indios. He described the Indians as naked people, “very well made, of very handsome bodies and very good faces.” The Arawak Indians paddled out in dugout logs, which they called canoes, and offered gifts to the strangers. Their warm generosity and docile temperament led Columbus to write in his journal that “they invite you to share anything that they possess, and show as much love as if their hearts went with it.” Yet he added that “with fifty men they could all be subjugated and compelled to do anything one wishes.”

Practice 1  Born in 1451, the son of an Italian weaver, Christopher Columbus took to the sea at an early age, making up for his lack of formal education by teaching himself geography, navigation, and Latin. By the 1480s Columbus—a tall, red-haired, long-faced man with a ruddy complexion, oval eyes, and a prominent nose—was an experienced seaman. Dazzled by the prospect of Asian riches, he hatched a scheme to reach the Indies (India, China, the East Indies, or Japan) by sailing west. After the courts of Portugal, England, and France showed little interest in his plan, Columbus turned to Spain for backing. He won the support of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Spanish monarchs, and himself raised much of the money needed to finance the voyage. The legend that the queen had to hock the crown jewels is as spurious as the fable that Columbus set out to prove the earth was round.  Columbus chartered one seventy-five-foot ship, the Santa María, and the Spanish city of Palos supplied two smaller caravels, the Pinta and Nina. From Palos this little squadron, with eighty-seven officers and men, set sail westward for what Columbus thought was Asia. The first leg of the journey went well, thanks to a strong trade wind. But then the breeze lagged, the days passed, and the crew began to grumble about their captain’s farfetched plan. To rally flagging morale, he reminded the crew of the dazzling riches awaiting them. Yet skepticism remained rife, and he finally promised that the expedition would turn back if land were not sighted in three days.  Early on October 12, 1492, after thirty-three days at sea, a lookout on the Santa María yelled “Tierra! Tierra! [Land! Land!]” It was an island in the Bahamas that Columbus named San Salvador (Blessed Savior). According to Columbus’s own reckoning he was near the Indies, so he called the island people los Indios. He described the Indians as naked people, “very well made, of very handsome bodies and very good faces.” The Arawak Indians paddled out in dugout logs, which they called canoes, and offered gifts to the strangers. Their warm generosity and docile temperament led Columbus to write in his journal that “they invite you to share anything that they possess, and show as much love as if their hearts went with it.” Yet he added that “with fifty men they could all be subjugated and compelled to do anything one wishes.”


解析: 暂无解析


Suppose and English couple whose ancestors lived near a leafy forest wanted their new-born son to become a world leader, the baby might be named _______.A. Beatrice SmithB. Leonard CarterC. George LongstreetD. Donald Greenwood

1, She was born ________the evening ________May 5,1996.A.in ,ofB.on ,ofC.in ,inD.on ,in

有如下程序:#includeusing namespace std;class PARENT{public:PARENT(){cout"PARENT";}};class SON:public PARENT{public:SON(){cout"SON";}};int main(){SON son;PARENT *p;p = son;return 0;}执行上面程序的输出是 【 12 】 。

在Dream weaver MX中它只能对HTML文件可以进行编辑。()

Which of the following proverbs is closest to the message the text tries to convey?[A] “Faith will move mountains.”[B] “One reaps what one sows.”[C] “Practice makes perfect.”[D] “Like father, like son”

Which name is correct that NodeB executed Son?()A.Concentrate Son(C-SON)B.Distributor Son(D-Son)C.intellegence Son(I-Son)D.Hybrid Son(H-SON)

有如下程序: include using namespace std; class PARENT { public: PARENT() { cout 有如下程序:include <iostream>using namespace std;class PARENT{public:PARENT() { cout <<"PARENT"; }};class SON : public PARENT{public:SON() {cout << "SON"; }};int main(){SON son;PARENT *p;p = son;return 0;}执行上面程序的输出是______。

十六进制数5AB对应的十进制数是______。A.1 645B.1451C.1 434D.1 345

1.I don't have a partner __________volleyball __________.A. to practice;/B. practice; withC. to practice; withD. practice;/

—Do you know______?—They moved here soon after their son was born.A. when would the Greens move hereB. when the Greens moved hereC. when did the Greens move hereD. when the Greens would move here

The revolution of machinery could __________without a new source of both movable and constant power in the new century.A. be born B. not have been born C. have been born D. have born




下列()软件不能够制作网页。A、FlashB、Front PageC、Power PointD、Dream weaver

Dream Weaver是一个很专业的网页设计软件支持()特性。A、ActiveXB、Java ScriptC、JavaD、Flash


问答题Practice 1 商务管理


问答题Practice 1 :旅游观光

单选题Which name is correct that NodeB executed Son?()AConcentrate Son(C-SON)BDistributor Son(D-Son)Cintellegence Son(I-Son)DHybrid Son(H-SON)

问答题Practice 1  Some people call him “Guidone”—big Guido. Large in both physical stature and reputation, Guido Rossi, who took over as Telecom Italia's chairman on September 15th following the surprise resignation of Marco Tronchetti Provera, has stood out from the Italian business crowd for more than three decades. Mr. Rossi, who attended Harvard law school in the 1950s and wrote a book on American bankruptcy law, made his name as a corporate lawyer keen on market rules and their enforcement. He has since worked in both private and public sectors, including stints in the Italian Senate and as one of the European Commission's group of company-law experts. As well as running a busy legal practice, he also has a reputation as a corporate troubleshooter and all-round Mr Fix-It, and is often called upon to clean up organisations in crisis.  His role at Telecom Italia marks a return to the company he headed for ten months in 1997, during its politically tricky and legally complex privatisation. Before that, Mr Rossi had been sent in to sort out Ferruzzi-Montedison, an agri-business and chemicals group, which had collapsed after magistrates uncovered tangentopoli (“bribesville”).

问答题In what year was Edward born?  (1) In 1988, Edward turned 17 years old.  (2) Edward’s sister Lisa, who is 14 months older than Edward, was born in 1970.

判断题在Dream weaver MX中它只能对HTML文件可以进行编辑。A对B错

单选题En passant ses vacances chez son oncle, quand le travail pressait, l’auteur _____.Aaidait son oncleBserrait la main à son oncleCfélicitait son oncle de ses bonnes récoltesDapplaudissait au projet de son oncle

单选题I object ______ as he is still too young.Amy son to smokeBmy son smokingCto my son to smokeDto my son’s smoking

单选题下列()软件不能够制作网页。AFlashBFront PageCPower PointDDream weaver