单选题设a,b是两个非零向量,则下面说法正确的是( )。A若|a+b|=|a|-|b|,则a⊥bB若a⊥b,则|a+b|=|a|-|b|C若|a+b|=|a|-|b|,则存在实数λ,使得a=λbD若存在实数λ,使得a=λb,则|a+b|=|a|-|b|
问答题案例二:请批改下面这篇作文,要求改正文中的错别字,改正划横线的病句并指出病因,至少写3条眉批,在文后写出评语。评语要求能够简明、准确地概括本文主要的优缺点,并对学生今后的写作具有指导作用。我为妈妈做早餐 ①昨晚,妈妈一个人又挑灯夜战到“太阳钻出被窝”。早上我醒来,推开妈妈的房门,只见疲惫不堪的妈妈还在熟睡,睡得那么甜。一缕阳光从门缝里照射进来,照在妈妈安详的脸上,她蓬乱的头发间沾着零星的稻草屑。透过窗户看着场外堆得像小山似的稻子,我的心不禁一颤。这些天农忙,爸爸又不在家,家中里里外外都是妈妈一个人在撑着,真不容易呀!看着这样的妈妈,我真想为她做点什么。 ②做什么好呢?一是我厨艺有限,二是时间有限,在寻找“可利用资源”的时后,碗柜里几个鸡蛋的“俏影”让我一下子计上心来,我给妈妈煎荷包蛋吧,这是妈妈最爱吃的,也是我最拿手的。 ③我打开召气灶,把油放进平底锅,待油在锅里喧闹起来之后,便把鸡蛋在灶台上一磕,两手一扳,蛋清便“争先恐后”地涌进锅里,只见蛋黄在锅里“啪啪”地跳跃着,透明的蛋清像吹了气的泡泡糖,鼓出了一个个泡泡,周围的边微微卷起。渐渐地,软乎乎的蛋黄变硬了,我往上面均匀地撒一点盐,然后把鸡蛋翻个身,不一会,鸡蛋被油滋润得像一块黄宝石,又撒了一点盐,这样,外焦里嫩的鸡蛋就煎好了。 ④接着,我又照此方法连煎了三个鸡蛋。金灿灿、香喷喷的鸡蛋整齐地排列在碗里,我真想偷吃一口,哪怕是小小的一口,但是眼前马上出现了妈妈正弯着腰,满头大汗地在地里辛勤收割,挑灯夜战。想到此,我伸出舌头舔了舔嘴唇,使力咽下一大口口水,把冒着香气的鸡蛋轻轻地放在妈妈床边的柜子上。 ⑤我轻轻地掩上门,背着书包上学去了。窗外,当顶的阳光正明媚。
单选题How many homes altogether were damaged in the storm? _____.AFourteenBTwenty-oneCTwenty-nineDThirty-six
单选题When asking students to arrange the scrambled sentences into a logical paragraph, the teacher is focusing on __________.Areading skillsBcritical thinkCproofreading skillsDtextual coherence
单选题在PowerPoint2003中插入Flash动画时,可通过插入()控件对象来完成。ALabelBTextBoxCShockwaver Flash objectDCommandButton
单选题请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1These days,many large city buildings are equipped with their own air-conditioning systems.These systems help keep the buildings cool,but they can also damage the environment.Since they use a lot of electricity,for instance,they contribute indirectly to global warming.In addition,the water that flows through the systems is often cooled using chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons,or CFCs,that are believed to damage the Earth's ozone layer.Recently,though,a system has been built in the city of Toronto,Canada,that cools buildings with little damage to the environment. In the traditional air-conditioning systems found in most large buildings,water is pumped through the building in a continuous cycle.The water is first cooled to a temperature of 4℃ in machines called chillers.It is then sent to individual units that cool the air in each room.As the water flows through the building,it gradually becomes warmer.Finally,it reaches the roof ,where it is left to cool down naturally in a water tower.After that it is returned to the chillers,where the cycle begins again.Toronto lies on the shore of Lake Ontario,one of North America's Great Lakes,and the new system makes use of cold water taken from about 80 meters below the surface of the lake.At this depth,the water in the lake remains at 4℃ all year round.This is exactly the temperature to which the water in air-conditioning systems is cooled.However,the water from the lake is not pumped directly into the air-conditioning systems.Instead,it is used to cool the water that is already inside the air-conditioning systems.After that,the lake water is added to the city's ordinary water supply.Enwave,the company that developed this deep-lake cooling system,says that it uses 75 percent less energy than traditional air conditioning.And since no CFCs are used,no damage can be caused to the ozone layer.Not every city is located next to a large lake,but experts believe that systems like the one being used in Toronto could be built elsewhere by using other natural sources of cold water.Which of the following is true?AEnwave's system is said to work only in cities located near the Great Lakes.BThe water deep in Lake Ontario always remains at the same temperature.CExperts warn that the use of CFCs in Enwave' s system will add to global warming.DToronto is now searching for new natural sources of water to use in its water supply.