B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
21秋中传媒大学英语(预备一)作业考核试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1.Im not hungry, but I dont _ having some cakes.A.mindB.beerC.lineD.stress答案:A2.Im not sure if they _ tomorrow. If they _ tomorrow they will tell me.A.will go hiking; will go hikingB.will go hiking; go hikingC.go hiking; go hikingD.go hiking; will go hiking答案:B3.The president _ that the advertisement should include a well-written description to attract the buyers' attention.A.insistedB.necessaryC.carriedD.defeat答案:A4.The boy is _ in _on the ice.A.interesting; skatingB.interesting; to skateC.interested; skatingD.interested; to skate答案:C5.Parents play a very important _ in their children's education.A.classmateB.offerC.ripeD.role答案:D6._- May I put my bike here? - No, you _.A.may notB.can’tC.might notD.mayn’t答案:B7.In the middle of the morning a reporter jumped over the low (矮的) _ into Mr Lawsons garden and told him the latest news.A.comfortB.fenceC.shockD.firm答案:B8.He often _ from the Internet for us.A.get informationB.gets informationC.get informationsD.gets informations答案:B9.Exercise is most important to health, the report says; though it doesn''t _ body weight(体重) for sure.A.ignoreB.restrictionC.reduceD.area答案:C10.It is not kind to _ others who ask for help.A.nobleB.sufferC.apologizeD.refuse答案:D11.The old man was remembered by people because he had _ many useful things during his life.A.prizedB.knowC.finishD.invented答案:D12.Can you hear someone _ in the next room?A.singB.singsC.singingD.sang答案:C13.The policeman asked John _ he knew the victim.A.whatB.thatC.ifD.which答案:C14.People _ if Carnegie would spent most of his money on poor people if he were still living.A.wonderB.supportC.momentD.wind答案:A15._does it take you to travel from Beijing to Shanghai.A.How oftenB.How longC.How many timesD.How much答案:B16.Earnest Hemingway believed (相信) that he should kill himself when he was not able to _ any more.A.swimB.runC.createD.beat答案:C17.You should understand that they are only suggesting and not giving the _ advice.A.actualB.preferC.poetD.actress答案:A18.The _ part of the plan is to prevent the farmers from cutting down the trees.A.majorB.harmfulC.beyondD.level答案:A19.Many people with AIDS (艾滋病) have to _ months in hospital up to a time when they have someone at home to help and look after them.A.thinkB.believeC.spendD.smoke答案:C20.Stephen took the view that his headache was caused by _.A.majorB.pickC.stressD.environment答案:C21.Business has _ achieved a market (市场) for children, because every child have learned from TV what a child should have and be like.A.firmlyB.avoidC.lieD.ceiling答案:A22._- What a day! It is quite hot today.- _.A.So it isB.So is itC.So it doesD.So does it答案:A23.We will _ all kinds of pollution(污染) control methods to protect our living conditions.A.extraB.accordingC.costD.enforce答案:D24.People in our village respect him because he was a doctor with a _ position (地位)in society.A.respectableB.sortC.e
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
- 抵押贷款是保证贷款的一种常见的银行贷款。
- ( 难度:中等)关于hive的说法正确的是A.增加map和reduce数量可以提高计算速度,因此数量越多越好B.为了提高速度可以开启小文件本地化执行C.压缩可以减小文件体积,因此压缩率越大的算法越好D.每个查询被Hive转化为多个阶段,有些阶段关联性不大,则可以并行化执行,减少执行时间
- ( 难度:中等)以下哪些命令可以查看hadoop中的文件大小A.hdfs dfs -lsB.hdfs dfs -catC.hdfs dfs -countD.hdfs dfs -du
- ( 难度:中等)Hive适用于以下哪些应用场景A.统计上个月在网用户数B.计算近十年人均话费变化趋势C.实时计算用户套餐剩余量D.疫情期计算用户行程数据
- 设有容积为10m”的无盖圆柱形桶,其底用铜制,侧壁用铁制。已知铜价为铁价的5倍,试建立做此桶所需费用与桶的底面半径r 之间的函数关系?
- 根据弗罗姆的期望理论,员工对一旦完成任务就可以获得报酬的信念称为( )。 A。效价 B。期望 C.工具 D.动机
- 形位公差带形状是距离为公差值t的两平行平面内区域的有()A.圆度B.任意方向的线的直线度C.任意方向的线的位置度D.面对面的平行度
- 以下说法正确的是( )。A.心理正常包含了心理健康与心理不健康B.频繁体验到抑郁情绪即患有抑郁症C.有偏执型人格倾向说明是这个人患有人格障碍D.某同学因求职失败而情绪低落感到无助,可以判断他患上了抑郁症
- 根据马斯洛的需要层次理论,获得友好和睦的同事关系的需要属于( )。A。生理需要 B.安全需要 C。归属和爱的需要 D。尊重的需要
- ( 难度:中等)下列叙述中,错误的是()。A.线性链表中的各元素在存储空间中的位置必须是连续的 B.线性链表中的表头元素一定存储在其他元素的前面C.线性链表中的各元素在存储空间中的位置不一定是连续的,但表头元素一定存储在其他元素的前面D.线性链表中的各元素在存储空间中的位置不一定是连续的,且各元素的存储顺序也是任意的