A、Never mind
B、Thank you
C、Of course not
D、I can’t come up with a better one
A. So did I.
B. It ‟s a small world!
C. Oh, my God!
D. Glad to see you, too!
A、come out
B、come off
C、come about
D、come to
A.Did you come
B.Had you come
C.Should you come
D.Were you to come
--- ____?
一Because I got a job here,
A. How old are you
B.When did you come here
C. WbydoyoucametoliveinChina
托业(TOEIC)口语基本词:动词词汇1. come (verb.)Come here! 到这里来!He will never come to much (= will never be successful)。 他将来绝不会很有作为。How did you come to be so foolish? 你为什么如此愚蠢?On what page does it come? 它在哪一页?2. get (verb.)We can get 15 channels on TV. 我们可以收看到15个频道的电视节目。Do you get me? 你明白我的意思吗?Ah! Ive got you there! 啊!这下我可难到你啦。3. give (verb.)He gave me his cold. 他把感冒传给我。Sorry to have given you trouble. 对不起,打扰了。Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our speaker for tonight. 女士们,先生们,让我向诸位介绍今晚的演讲者。4. go (verb.)Go get a doctor. 去叫医生来!How goes it with you? 你近来情况如何?There are six minutes to go. 还有六分钟。5. keep (verb.)Does your watch keep good time? 你的表走得准吗?Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。Does your school keep all day? 你们学校全天上课吗?6. let (verb.)Let us pray. 让我们祈祷吧。The pair of rubber shoes let (in) water. 这双胶鞋漏水。The flat lets for 1500 yuan a month. 这套公寓每月租金1500元。7. make (verb.)Make yourself comfortable. 请随意。What time do you make it? (What do you make the time?) 你看现在几点了?He made to go. 他要走了。8. put (verb.)I put a question to him. 我向他提出一个问题。What a way you have of putting things! 瞧你这人怎么那样说话!I put her at about 35. 我估计她大概35岁。9. seem (verb.)Be what you seem (to be)。 要表里如一。It seems as if it is going to rain. 看来快下雨了。I cant seem to solve it right now. 看来我无法立刻解决它。10. take (verb.)Be careful not to take cold. 小心不要着凉。Do you take me for a fool? 你以为我是傻瓜吗?Dont take it so seriously. 不要把这事看得太严重。11. be (verb.)Can such things be? 可能有这样的事吗?He is come. 他已经来了。12. do (verb.)Will you do me a favour? 帮我个忙好吗?They do you very well at that hotel. 那家旅馆服务很周到。Whats doing over there? 那边在干什么?13. have (verb.)May I have one? 可以给我一个吗?Lets have a talk. 咱们谈一谈。You have me, havent you? 你明白我的意思了,对不对?14. say (verb.)We mean what we say. 我们说的话是算数的。What do these figures say? 这些数字说明什么?You may well say so. 你完全可以这么说。15. see (verb.)Watch and see how others do it. 好好看着人家是怎么做的。See you. 再见!Wait and see. 等着瞧吧。16. send (verb.)God send it may not be so! 但愿不是这样!Send for the doctor, please. 请叫医生来。Please send the letter on to Tom. 请将此信交给汤姆。17. may18. will19. about20. across21. after22. against23. among24. at25. before26. between27. by28. down29. from30. in31. off32. on33. over34. through35. to36. under37. up38. with39. as40. for41. of42. till43. than44. a45. the46. all47. any48. every49. no50. other51. some52. such53. that54. this55. i56. he57. you58. who59. and60. because61. but62. or63. if64. though65. while66. how67. when68. where69. why70. again71. ever72. far73. forward74. here75. near76. now77. out78. still79. then80. there81. together82. well83. almost84. enough85. even86. little87. much88. not89. only90. quite91. so92. very93. tomorrow94. yesterday95. north96. south97. east98. west99. please100. yes为帮助大家准备托业考试,现为大家提供了流利口语的800个基本词。其中,对动词增加了些例句,大家通过这些例句可以体会到这些词虽简单但词义深广。后面的名词有的没有添加例句! General Nouns (1-100)1.accountI have an account with the bank. 我在银行开有户头。He turned/put his knowledge of Spanish to good account. 他善加利用他对西班牙语文的知识。Dont stay away on account of John. 为了约翰,不要离开。2.actDont take him seriously its just an act. 不要把他看得太认真 他只是假装那样而已。In the act of (=while) picking up the ball, he slipped and fell. 正当其拾球之际,他失足跌倒。3.additionTheyve just had an addition to the family. 他们家里刚又增加一口。4.adjustmentThey do an adjustment on humance resources to achieve the goal. 为了达到目标,他们调整了人员。5. advertisementAdvertisement helps to sell goods. 广告有助于销路。6. agreementIm quite in agreement with what you say. 我十分同意你所说的话。7. airMy plans are still quite in the air. 我的计划还未定案。Radio Beijing is on the air 24 hours a day. 北京电台全天24小时广播。8. amountThere is still quite an amount of prejudice against him. 人们对他尚有很大的偏见。He has any amount of money. 他的钱不可数计。9. amusementHe looked at me in amusement. 他很感兴趣地望着我。There are plenty of amusements here cinemas, theatres, concerts, football matches, and so on. 这里有许多娱乐 电影院、戏院、音乐会、足球比赛等。10. animalanimal desires 11. answerShe gave no answer. 她没有回答。12. apparatusYour digestive apparatus takes the food you eat and ch
B、so that
C、in case
听力原文:M: I've lost my credit card issued by your bank. What should I do, please?
W: I am sorry for that. But you have to go to that counter over there for the card business.
Q: Why does the customer come to the bank?
A.He got a credit card of his friend and come to ask how to use it.
B.He got a card and did not know whose card it is.
C.He has lost his credit card and come to ask what to do.
D.He has found a credit card and come to ask what to do.
解析:录音原文中男士说:I've lost my credit card issued by your bank,即他丢失了信用卡,来银行想知道该怎么办。
I would rather()two weeks earlier.
A. you should come here
B. you came here
C. you had come here
A、It’s my pleasure. Hope you’ll come again.
B、No, thanks. It isn’t as good as it should be.
C、I’m glad to have a meal with you.
D、Never mind. You are always welcome.
- ( 难度:中等)在sql的查询语句中,不能用于分组查询的语句是A.group byB.order byC.havingD.limit
- 以下说法正确的是( )。A.心理正常包含了心理健康与心理不健康B.频繁体验到抑郁情绪即患有抑郁症C.有偏执型人格倾向说明是这个人患有人格障碍D.某同学因求职失败而情绪低落感到无助,可以判断他患上了抑郁症
- 美国在冷战之后进行了三次大的战略调整,第一次克林顿政府提出了什么?下列选项错误的是A.“全球反恐战争B.“亚太再平衡C.“称霸战争D.“参与和扩展战略
- 国防是一个庞大的系统工程,国防强固必须优化各相关要素,包括( )、( )、( )、( )、( )、( )、( )、( )。A.政治清明,经济实力雄厚B.武装力量强大C.全民爱国,关心国防D.实行进攻性的军事战略E.国防科技工业先进配套F.国防工程设施完善G.建立广泛的国际联盟H.国防动员体制机制先进有效
- 根据马斯洛的需要层次理论,获得友好和睦的同事关系的需要属于( )。A。生理需要 B.安全需要 C。归属和爱的需要 D。尊重的需要
- 本行为收款行,他行为付款行,这类凭证又称为代付票据.
- 出票人在支票上的签章,必须与预留银行印鉴相符。
- 《论持久战》一书发表于1945年
- 托收承付结算业务产生的网内往来汇划为代收业务。
- 公平理论认为,员工会将自己的产出与投入比与别人的产出与投入比进行比较.这里的“产出”是指( )。 A.工作经验 B。工作报酬 C.工作绩效 D.工作承诺