
HTTP 是指:

A.HyperText Transfer Protocol

B.Hyperlink Text Transfer Protocol

C.Hot Text To Protocol

D.Hyperlink Text To Post




is a clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document.












is a clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document.






目录 HYPERLINK l Top_of_chap2_html 2011年南京财经大学613基础英语考研真题 HYPERLINK l Top_of_chap3_html 2010年南京财经大学613基础英语考研真题 HYPERLINK l Top_of_chap4_html 2009年南京财经大学613基础英语考研真题 HYPERLINK l Top_of_chap5_html 2008年南京财经大学613基础英语考研真题 HYPERLINK l Top_of_chap6_html 2007年南京财经大学613基础英语考研真题 2011年南京财经大学613基础英语考研真题 2010年南京财经大学613基础英语考研真题 2009年南京财经大学613基础英语考研真题 2008年南京财经大学613基础英语考研真题南 京 财 经 大 学2008年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试(初试)试卷考试科目:613基础英语适用专业:英语语言文学考试时间:2008年1月20上午8:3011:30注意事项:所有答案必须写在答题纸上,做在试卷或草稿纸上无效。I. Paraphrase the underlined part of the following sentences. (10 points) 1. Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. 2. Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them, and above them won by observation. 3. Unless the man exploit others, he has to work in order to live. Howerver simple and primitive his production may be, he has risen above the animal kindom; rightly has he been defined as “animal that produces”.4. Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.5. Even philosophy divorced from theology and from the knowledge of life and ascertainable facts, is but a famishing pabulum, or a draught stimulating for a moment, leaving behind drought and disillusion.II. Vocabulary and General Knowledge. (20 points)1. It was found the diet of older people is often _in vitamins.A. shot B. inadequate C. deficient D. failing2. Your story about the frog turning into a prince is _ nonsense. A. sheer B. shear C. shield D. sheet3. I understand _preparation that staff must put in under pressure to meet the deadline.A. more than the enormous amount of B. better than most the enormous number of C. better than most the enormous amount of D. fewer than the number of4. From the available data it may fairly be _ that the writer flourished in the 15th century.A. presupposed B. presumed C. assumed D. supposed5. I _ to one daily newspaper and one weekly magazine.A. prescribe B. subscribe C. decretive D. transcribe6. Her enthusiasm, and her violent likes and dislikes, _ herself in all the everyday occupations of life. A. inserted D. counseled C. asserted D. discerned7. Communication satellites contain special instruments which can pass on or _ radio and television programs or telephone messages from one station to another.A. relay B. set C. return D. emit8. One of the attractive features of the course was the way the practical work had been _ with the theoretical aspects of the subject.A. alternated B. integrated C. adjusted D. embraced9. It is hoped that the prisoner will be released through the _ of the president himself.A. convention B. prevention C. intervention D. interference10. They began constructing the 、bridge in 1960, but several years _ before the project was completed.A. elapsed B. advanced C. proceeded D. compromise11. James Boswell is famous for his biography of _.A. General Paoli B. Samuel JohnsonC. Lord Chesterfield D. Bertrand Russell12. Which one of the following books is not written by Ja、ne Austen?A. Pride and Prejudice B. PersuasionC. Emma D. Mrs. Dalloway13.Sigmund Freud is a _.A. neuropsychologist B. writerC. biologist D. anthropologist14. Who wins Nobel Prize Laureate for literature among the following people?A. Johannes Kepler B. Enric FermiC. Samuel Beckett D. Sigmund Freud15.

is a clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document。






______ is a clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document.









A clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document is called(18)。






考研之前一个月,甲调查了100名考研人的英语四级成绩。考研结束后,甲又调查了这100人的考研英语成绩,并计算了考研英语成绩与英语四级成绩的相关系数。请问,甲这样做是在干什么?( )


心理测验的效度。 英语四级考试和考研英语所考查的内容和能力不完全相同,所以不能看作是同一个测验的两个复本,故B选项不能选。从时间上说,英语四级考试在先,考研英语在后,因此是用英语四级考试去预测考研英语,而不是反过来,所以测验对于处于特定情境中的个体的行为进行估计的有效性。本题中,学业倦怠状况可以作为手机依赖的效标,所以答案是效标关联效度。结构效度是看测验的结构是否与要测量的理论结构相符合。内容效度是看已经测量的内容与要测量的内容是否一致。表面效度是指在外行人看来测验是否测量到你要测量的内容。


考题 AdvertisementFile属性是HYPERLINK控件特有的属性。()正确答案:错误

考题 主页一般包含以下几种基本元素Text、Image、Table与()。A、NFSB、IPSecC、SMTPD、Hyperlink正确答案:D

考题 判断题AdvertisementFile属性是HYPERLINK控件特有的属性。()A对B错正确答案: 对解析: 暂无解析

考题 单选题HyperLink控件的()属性可以设置超链接将要定位的目标网页的URL。ANavigateUrlBImageUrlCTextDDescriptionUrl正确答案: D解析: 暂无解析

考题 You are developing and XBAP application for your company intranet. During several development iterations, you manually executable, application, and deployement manifest to the test Web Server. You create an HTML file that has a manifest that you use for testing. During the next iteration, you enchance the XBAP application by making changes. When you use the hyperlink to the deployment manifest to test the deployment, you do not see the changes. You need to ensure that the changes you make are visible when you test the deployment from your machine. What should you do ?()A、Restart Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). Then click the Install hyperlink again.B、Open Visual Studio command prompt and run mage -cc. Then click the Install hyperlink again.C、Delete the application, deployment, and executable files from Web Server. Then rebuild the XBAP solution files from the project bin directory to the Web Server and click the Install hyperlink againD、Delete the application, deployment, and executable files from Web Server. Then recopy the same files to the Web Server, restart IIS and click the Install hyperlink again正确答案:C

考题 判断题hyperlink控件的target属性的值是_self表示在新的窗口显示。()A对B错正确答案: 对解析: 暂无解析

考题 判断题AdvertisementFile属性是HYPERLINK控件特有的属性。()A对B错正确答案: 错解析: 暂无解析

考题 下列关于Hyperlink(超链接)的说法,哪些是正确的?()A、Hyperlink可用在将文档输出为PDF和XML时使用B、Hyperlink的目标可以是当前文档中的某个页面C、在单击了某个Hyperlink后跳转到另一页面时可以设置显示的比例D、在InDesign中可以使用手形工具察看超链接的跳转正确答案:A,B,C

考题 单选题hyperlink控件的()属性获取或设置单击hyperlink控件时链接到的url。AtargetBnavigateurlCtextDimageurl正确答案: A解析: 暂无解析

考题 单选题You are developing and XBAP application for your company intranet. During several development iterations, you manually executable, application, and deployement manifest to the test Web Server. You create an HTML file that has a manifest that you use for testing. During the next iteration, you enchance the XBAP application by making changes. When you use the hyperlink to the deployment manifest to test the deployment, you do not see the changes. You need to ensure that the changes you make are visible when you test the deployment from your machine. What should you do ?()ARestart Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). Then click the Install hyperlink again.BOpen Visual Studio command prompt and run mage -cc. Then click the Install hyperlink again.CDelete the application, deployment, and executable files from Web Server. Then rebuild the XBAP solution files from the project bin directory to the Web Server and click the Install hyperlink againDDelete the application, deployment, and executable files from Web Server. Then recopy the same files to the Web Server, restart IIS and click the Install hyperlink again正确答案: D解析: 暂无解析