“他说他会来,他来了。”该句的译文是: He said he would come here,_____.A.so did heB.so he didC.so came heD.so he came

“他说他会来,他来了。”该句的译文是: He said he would come here,_____.

A.so did he

B.so he did

C.so came he

D.so he came



B)根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空填一词。44. He said he would come (在……之间) 5 o’clock and 6 o’clock.

He said he’ll () for a car to come and pick you up. A、rageB、arrangeC、planD、intend

He said he’ll ________ for a car to come and pick you up. (A) rage(B) arrange(C) location(D) place

He said Egypt would not fight another Arab country after making peace with Israel.他声称,在同以色停火之后,埃及不会对另一个阿拉伯国家发动战争。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

He would have come here on time, but he() by the heavy traffic on the way. A、keptB、had keptC、was keptD、had been kept

他想了解中国的历史,他认为中国很伟大。He wants to learn________ ________ ________.He ________China is great.

I wonder if he cannot come. 我怀疑他不能来。()

he was busy that day. otherwise he _____ to attend our conference. A. would comeB. comeC. cameD. would have come

He said that he would come and _____ he would bring his wife together.A: thatB: whichC: whenD: while

In a factory, Li, the guide, is interpreting for a group of foreign guests. When they have finished visiting one workshop, he would like the group to follow him to the next workshop. He says:A、Come here!B、This way, please.C、Follow me!D、Move on!

在电话上表示"他不在。" 的说法正确的有:() A、He is not here.B、He is not in.C、He is out at the moment.D、He is here on business.

( )He will come here right away __________ he hears the news.A.soB.as soon asC.becauseD.though

He said that he __________(come) back in five minutes.

3. He said he __________next month.A. will leaveB.leavesC.leftD. would leave

He said he would soon return the book to you.(改为一般疑问句)

He must have had an accident,or he ______ then.A.would have been hereB.should be hereC.had to be hereD.would be here

__it is not his responsibility to dothat,he said he would help.A.AlthoughB.AsC.SinceD.Unless

Comrade Li promised to help us and he said he would come______.A.right awayB.all at onceC.all of a suddenD.all right


He is a jovial giant,with a huge appetite for food,drink and women.下列哪个译文使用了重译法?()A、他生性乐观,身材魁梧,而且食量很大,喝酒很多,而且喜欢女人B、他生性乐观,身材魁梧,好吃,好喝,又好色C、他生性乐观,身材魁梧,贪吃,嗜酒,好色


He must been out的中文意思是()。A、他一定是出去了B、他回来了C、他一定在房间里D、他必须先预订

单选题If he _____ here now, he would be doing everything he could to help you.AwereBisCwill beDbe


单选题He was attending a meeting, _____ he would have come to your party yesterday.AunlessBwhenCbutDor



单选题______,everything would have been all right.AHe had been thereBHere he had beenCBeen here he hadDHad he been here