3. He said he __________next month.A. will leaveB.leavesC.leftD. would leave
3. He said he __________next month.
A. will leave
D. would leave
Why did David decide to leave school and start working?A. He received lots of job offers.B. He was eager to help his mother.C. He lost interest in school studies. D. He wanted to earn his own living.
According to Paragraph 2, why may a person suddenly forget who has called?A. He may leave his prefrontal cortex temporarily damaged.B. He is probably interrupted by another task.C. He is probably not very familiar with the person he has called.D. He may need a rest between dialing and speaking.
Why did David decide to leave school and start working?A.He received lots of job offers.B.He was eager to help his mother.C.He lost interest in school studies.D.He wanted to earn his own living.
It would be better to make a decision now, ______ leave it until next week.A. other thanB. rather thanC. less thanD. more than
He said that he would go to London ________. A.the next monthB.last monthC.the month beforeD.next month
Paul will leave for London next Tuesday. -But unless he( ) next Monday, he’ll be late.A. leavesB. will leaveC. leftD. has left
He said that he would come and _____ he would bring his wife together.A: thatB: whichC: whenD: while
George said that if he has to do _____ more homework tonight, he would not be able to attend the concert.A、anyB、someC、noD、little
When Terry_________ (come) to school he_________ (realize) that he_________ (leave) his homework at home.
If during discharging the Captain for fear of vessel being frozen in deems it advisable to leave, he has liberty to do so. This sentence says that ________ .A.fearing the vessel being frozen in the Captain has liberty to discharge the cargoB.the vessel can stop discharging and leave the unloading port if the risk of being frozen in exists.C.the Captain has liberty to leave the discharging port if there is no risk of being frozen inD.the Captain deems it advisable to leave the discharging port
Not a single word __________when he was forced to leave home and join the army in 1937.A.did Mark leaveB.left MarkC.did leave MarkD.Mark left
He asked me what ____________ when he came the next day.A.I would doB.I would be doingC.would I doD.would I be doing
Tom said he ( ) with us if he ( ) free the next day.A. well go ; is B. went ; wereC. would go ; was D. well go ; was
He was looking ___ at the visiting salesman, who showed no signs of getting ready to leave.A.impatientlyB.impatienceC.patienceD.patient
He resolved that nothing could make him leave her again.A:deleted B:plannedC:solved D:determined
单选题-Will you take me to see your chief officer? -Sorry, he has gone (). Would you like to leave a message for him?AshoreBlandCashoreDport
单选题He seemed in such an inconsolable state that I didn’t know whether to leave or stay.AdistractedBenragedCoverjoyedDbrokenhearted
单选题(),he had to leave school.ASincehisfather’sunemploymentBSincehisfatherwasunemployedCHisfatherwasunemploymentDBecauseofhisfatherwasunemployment
单选题Not a single word when he was forced to leave home and join the army in 1937.Adid Mark leaveBleft MarkCdid leave MarkDMark left
单选题He wept as he recalled how he had to leave his parents _____, When I tried to return to save my parents, I was driven back by the thick smoke and the heat.AaboutBaloneCbehindDoff
单选题Was it because he was ill _____ he asked for leave?AsoBwhenCwhyDthat