阅读下列代码,该模块的功能是()。 module comp_2(data0,data1,gt,eq,lt); parameter N=8; input [N-1:0] data0,data1; output reg gt,eq,lt; always@(*) beign gt=0; eq=0; lt=0; if(data0>data1) gt=1; if(data0==data1) eq=1; if(data0<data1) lt=1; endA.编码器B.二-十进制译码器C.数据比较器D.数据选择器
阅读下列代码,该模块的功能是()。 module comp_2(data0,data1,gt,eq,lt); parameter N=8; input [N-1:0] data0,data1; output reg gt,eq,lt; always@(*) beign gt=0; eq=0; lt=0; if(data0>data1) gt=1; if(data0==data1) eq=1; if(data0<data1) lt=1; end
某确诊呼吸衰竭患者,2小时前出现兴奋躁动,血气分析结果:Pa0<;SUB>;2<;/SUB>;52mmH9,PaC0<;SUB>;2<;/SUB>;60mmH9,pH 7.49,BE十19mmol/L,K十2.4mmol/L,Cl—76mmol/L。应首选的治疗措施是A.呼吸机辅助通气B.补碱性药物C.给予镇静剂D.补氯化钾E.利尿剂
若有运算符:>;、一、<;<;、%、sizeof,则它们按优先级(由高至低)的正确排列顺序为( )。A.%、sizeof、>;、<;<;、=B.sizeof、%、>;、一、<;<;C.sizeof、<;<;、>;、%、=D.sizeof、%、<;<;、>;、=
与表达式“BETWEEN50ANDl00”功能相同的表达式是( )。A.>;=50AND<;=100B.>;50AND<;100C.<;=500R>;=100D.IN(50,100)
有以下程序:当执行程序时,按下列方式输入数据(从第l列开始,<;CR>;代表回车,注意:回车也是一个字符]12<;CR>;34<;CR>;则输出结果是( )。A.12B.123C.1234D.12343
若要查询成绩为85~100分(包括85分,不包括100分)的学生的信息,查询准则设置正确的是( )。A.>;84 0r<;100B.Between 85 with l00C.IN(85,100)D.>;=85 and<;100
本题的功能是用冒泡法对数组元素arr[]={30,1,-9,70)进行从小到大排列。冒泡法排序是比较相邻的两个元素的大小,然后把小的元素交换到前面。public class javal{public static void main(String[]args){int i,j;int arr[]={30,1,-9,70);int n= ;for(i=0;i<;n-1;i++){for(j=i+1;j<;n;j++){if(arr[i]>;arr[j]){int temp=arr[i];;;}}}for(i=0;i<;n;i++)System.out.print(arr[i]+"");}}
设x、y、z的值分别为1,2,-3,下面的逻辑运算的值正确的是()A、x eq 1 and y eq 2 —为真B、x gt y or y gt z —为假C、x lt y and y gt z —为假D、x eq y or x lt z —为真
Which statement will NOT create a tablespace?()A、 CREATE TABLESPACE DATA1 DATAFILE ’+grp1/abc(datafile)’;B、 CREATE TABLESPACE DATA1 DATAFILE ’+grp1’;C、 CREATE TABLESPACE DATA1 DATAFILE ’+data1(tempfile)’;D、 CREATE TABLESPACE DATA1 DATAFILE ’+grp1.256.34359’;
单选题Your database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. You are performing a user-managed backup of the DATA1 tablespace. You place the DATA1 tablespace in backup mode by issuing the following statement: ALTER TABLESPACE data1 BEGIN BACKUP; While you are performing the backup, an error occurs that causes the instance to terminate abnormally. Which statement about the DATA1 tablespace is true?()A The DATA1 tablespace is automatically taken out of backup mode when the instance aborts.B If you restart the database,the DATA1 tablespace will be automatically taken out of backup mode when the database is opened.C If you restart the database,the DATA1 tablespace will be automatically taken out of backup mode when the database is mounted.D If you restart the database,the database will not be opened.
多选题Given: 6. Which two successfully translate and result in a value of true?()A${true or false}B${requestScope[foo][0] 500}C${requestScope[’foo’][1] = 420}D${(requestScope[’foo’][0] lt 50) (3 gt 2)}
单选题You issued the following command: ALTER TABLE SCOTT.EMP SHRINK SPACE; The SCOTT.EMP table is stored in the DATA1 tablespace that has the following properties: DATA1 is a read/write tablespace. DATA1 is not autoextensible to an unlimited size. DATA1 is online. Segment space management for the DATA1 tablespace is manual. You issued the ALTER TABLE SCOTT.EMP SHRINK SPACE; command that generates the following error: ORA-10635: Invalid segment or tablespace type What could be the reason for the failure of the command?()A The tablespace, DATA1, is not read-only.B The tablespace, DATA1, is not autoextensible.C The tablespace, DATA1, is not offline.D The segment space management for the tablespace, DATA1, is manual.
单选题Which statement will NOT create a tablespace?()A CREATE TABLESPACE DATA1 DATAFILE ’+grp1/abc(datafile)’;B CREATE TABLESPACE DATA1 DATAFILE ’+grp1’;C CREATE TABLESPACE DATA1 DATAFILE ’+data1(tempfile)’;D CREATE TABLESPACE DATA1 DATAFILE ’+grp1.256.34359’;