对下面的代码,哪段描述是错误的?() public class Door{ } public class House{ public House(){ Door door = new Door();}}A.Door是一个类。B.House是一个从Door继承的类。C.House的构造函数中声明了一个名为door的变量。D.door是一个对象。

对下面的代码,哪段描述是错误的?() public class Door{ } public class House{ public House(){ Door door = new Door();}}








下面程序输出的结果为 #include"iostream.h" class A { public: A(){cout<<"CLASSA"<<endl;} ~A() {} }; class B:public A { public: B(){cout<<"CLASSB"<<endl;} ~B() {} }; void main() { A * p; p=new B; B *q; q=new B; }A.CLASS A CLASS BB.CLASS A CLASS B CLASS BC.CLASS A CLASS B CLASS A CLASS BD.CLASS A CLASS B CLASS B CLASS B

阅读以下说明和C++代码。【说明】传输门是传输系统中的重要装置。传输门具有Open(打开)、Closed(关闭)、Opening (正在打开)、StayOpen(保持打开)和Closing(正在关闭)五种状态。触发传输门状态转换的事件有click、complete和timeout三种。事件与其相应的状态转换如下图所示。下面的C++代码1与C++代码2分别用两种不同的设计思路对传输门进行状态模拟,请填补代码中的空缺。【C++代码1】const int CLOSED=1; const int PENING=2;const int PEN=3; const int CLOSING=4;const int STAYOPEN=5; //定义状态变量,用不同整数表示不同状态class Door {Private:int state; //传输门当前状态void setState(int state){ this->state=state;} //设置当前状态public:Door():state(CLOSED){};void getState(){ //根据当前状态输出相应的字符串switch(state){case OPENING: cout<<"OPENING"<<endl; break;case CLOSED: cout<<"CLOSED"<<endl; break;case OPEN: cout<<"OPEN"<<endl; break;case CLOSING: cout<<"CLOSING"<<endl; break;case STAYOPEN:cout<<"STAYOPEN"<<endl; break;}};void click() { //发生click事件时进行状态转换if ((1)) setState(OPENING);else if ((2)) setState(CLOSING);else if ((3)) setState(STAYOPEN);}void timeout(){ //发生timeout事件时进行状态转换if (state == OPEN) setState(CLOSING);}void complete(){ //发生complete事件时进行状态转换if (state == OPENING) setState(OPEN);else if (state == CLOSING) setState(CLOSED);}};int main(){Door aDoor;aDoor.getState();aDoor.click(); aDoor.getState();aDoor.complete();aDoor.getState(); aDoor.click();aDoor.getState();aDoor.click(); aDoor.getState(); return 0;}【C++代码2】class Door {public:DoorState *CLOSED,*OPENING,*OPEN,*CLOSING,*STAYOPEN,*state;Door();virtual~Door(){……//释放申请的内存,此处代码省略);void setState(DoorState *state) { this->state = state;}void getState(){//此处代码省略,本方法输出状态字符串,//例如,当前状态为CLOSED时,输出字符串为“CLOSED”};void click();void timeout();void complete();};Door::Door(){CLOSED = new DoorClosed(this); OPENING = new DoorOpening(this);PEN = new DoorOpen(this); CLOSING = new DoorClosing(this);STAYOPEN = new DoorStayOpen(this);state = CLOSED;}void Door :: click() {(4);)void Door :: timeout() {(5);)void Door :: complete() {(6);}class DoorState//定义一个抽象的状态,它是所有状态类的基类{protected:Door *door;public:DoorState(Door *door) {this->door = door;}virtual~DoorState(void);virtual void click() {}virtual void complete(

下面程序输出的结果为#include"iostream.h"class A{public:A( ){cout<<"CLASS A"<<endl;}~A( ){}};class B:public A{public:B( ){cout<<"CLASS B"<<endl;}~B( ){}};void main( ){A*p;p=new B;B *q;q=new B;}A.CLASS A CLASS BB.CLASS A CLASS B CLASS BC.CLASS A CLASS B CLASS A CLASS BD.CLASS A CLASS B CLASS B CLASS B

public class Something {public static void main(String[] args) {Other o = new Other();new Something().addOne(o);}public void addOne(final Other o) {o.i++;}}class Other {public int i;}和上面的很相似,都是关于final 的问题,这有错吗?

阅读以下说明以及Java程序。【说明】传输门是传输系统中的重要装置。传输门具有Open(打开)、Closed(关闭)、Opening (正在打开)、StayOpen(保持打开)和Closing(正在关闭)五种状态。触发状态的转换事件有click、complete和timeout三种。事件与其相应的状态转换如下图所示。下面的Java代码1与Java代码2分别用两种不同的设计思路对传输门进行状态模拟,请填补代码中的空缺。【Java代码1】public class Door {public static final int CLOSED = 1; public static final int PENING = 2;public static final int PEN = 3; public static final int CLOSING = 4;public static final int STAYOPEN = 5; private int state = CLOSED;//定义状态变量,用不同的整数表示不同状态private void setState(int state){ this.state = state;}//设置传输门当前状态public void getState() {//此处代码省略,本方法输出状态字符串,//例如,当前状态为CLOSED时,输出字符串为"CLOSED"}public void click() { //发生click事件时进行状态转换if ((1);) setState(OPENING);else if ((2);) setState{CLOSING);else if ((3);) setState(STAYOPEN);}//发生timeout事件时进行状态转换public void timeout() { if (state == OPEN) setState(CLOSING);}public void complete() {//发生complete事件时进行状态转换if (state == OPENING) setState(OPEN);else if (state == CLOSING) setState(CLOSED);}public static void main(String [] args){Door aDoor = new Door();aDoor.getState();aDoor.click();aDoor.getState();aDoor.complete();aDoor.getState();aDoor.click();aDoor.getState();aDoor.click();aDoor.getState();return;}}【Java代码2】public class Door {public final DoorState CLOSED = new DoorClosed(this);public final DoorState PENING = new DoorOpening(this);public final DoorState PEN = new DoorOpen(this);public final DoorState CLOSING = new DoorClosing(this);public final DoorState STAYOPEN = new DoorStayOpen(this);private DoorState state = CLOSED;//设置传输门当前状态public void setState(DoorState state) { this.state=state;}public void getState(){ //根据当前状态输出对应的状态字符串System.out.println(state.getClass().getName());}public void click(){(4);}//发生click事件时进行状态转换public void timeout(){(5);}//发生timeout事件时进行状态转换public void complete(){(6);)//发生complete事件时进行状态转换public static void main(String[]args){Door aDoor = new Door();aDoor.getState();aDoor.click();aDoor.getState();aDoor.complete();aDoor.getState();aDoor.timeout();aDoor.getState();return;}}public abstract class DoorState { //定义所有状态类的基类protected Door door ;public DoorState(Door doer) { this.door = door;}public void click() {}public void complete() {}

写出程序的输出结果public abstract class A{public A(){Console.WriteLine('A');}public virtual void Fun(){Console.WriteLine("A.Fun()");}}public class B: A{public B(){Console.WriteLine('B');}public new void Fun(){Console.WriteLine("B.Fun()");}public static void Main(){A a = new B();a.Fun();}}

下面的代码中有什么错误吗?_______using System;class A{public virtual void F(){Console.WriteLine("A.F");}}abstract class B:A{public abstract override void F();

下面程序输出的结果为( )。 #inClUde”iostream.h” Class A {public: A(){cout<<“CLASS A”<<endl;} ~A()<)}; class B:public A {public: B(){cout<<”CLASSB”<<endl;} ~B(){}}; void main() {A*p; p=new B; B *q; q=new B;}A.CLASS A CLASS BB.CLASS A CLASS B CLASS BC.CLASS A ClASS BD.CLASS A CLASS B CLASS A CLASS B CLASS B CLASS B

下面程序的结果是 ______。includeclass A{ public:virtual voidfun()=0{};};class 下面程序的结果是 ______。 #include<iostream.h> class A{ public: virtual void fun()=0{}; }; class B:public A{ public: void fun () {cout<< "new file" ;} }; class C: public A{ public: void fun (){cout<<"open file"<< " " } }; class D: public A{ public: void fun () {cout<< "save file\n" ;} }; void main() { A a,*p; B b; C c; D d; p=c; p->fun (); p=b; p->fun (); p=d; p->fun(); }A.new file open file save fileB.new file new file new fileC.编译出错D.open file new file save file

Which two allow the class Thing to be instantiated using new Thing()?A、 public class Thing { }B、 public class Thing { public Thing() {} }C、 public class Thing { public Thing(void) {} }D、 public class Thing { public Thing(String s) {} }E、 public class Thing { public void Thing() {} public Thing(String s) {} }

英译中:Door to door


门到站的英文缩写是()。A、Door to CFSB、Door to CYC、Door to DoorD、CFS to CY

门到门的英文缩写是()。A、Door to CFSB、Door to CYC、Door to DoorD、CFS to CY



下列代码正确的是哪项?() A、 public class Session implements Runnable, Clonable{   public void run ();public Object clone () ; }B、 public class Session extends Runnable, Cloneable {  public void run() {/*dosomething*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/} }C、 public abstract class Session implements Runnable, Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}        }D、 public class Session implements Runnable, implements Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}       }

package geometry;  public class Hypotenuse {  public InnerTriangle it = new InnerTriangle();  class InnerTriangle {  public int base;  public int height;  }  }  Which is true about the class of an object that can reference the variable base? ()A、 It can be any class.B、 No class has access to base.C、 The class must belong to the geometry package.D、 The class must be a subclass of the class Hypotenuse.

单选题下列代码正确的是哪项?()A public class Session implements Runnable, Clonable{   public void run ();public Object clone () ; }B public class Session extends Runnable, Cloneable {  public void run() {/*dosomething*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/} }C public abstract class Session implements Runnable, Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}        }D public class Session implements Runnable, implements Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}       }

单选题public class Pet{  public void speak(){   System.out.print(“ Pet ”);  }  }   public class Cat extends Pet{  public void speak(){   System.out.print(“ Cat ”);  }  }   public class Dog extends Pet{  public void speak(){   System.out.print(“ Dog ”);  }  }   执行代码   Pet[] p = {new Cat(),new Dog(),new Pet()};   for(int i=0;i〈p.length;i++)   p[i].speak();   后输出的内容是哪项?()APet Pet PetBCat Cat CatCCat Dog PetDCat Dog Dog

单选题package geometry;  public class Hypotenuse {  public InnerTriangle it = new InnerTriangle();  class InnerTriangle {  public int base;  public int height;  }  }  Which is true about the class of an object that can reference the variable base? ()A It can be any class.B No class has access to base.C The class must belong to the geometry package.D The class must be a subclass of the class Hypotenuse.

多选题Which two allow the class Thing to be instantiated using new Thing()?Apublic class Thing { }Bpublic class Thing { public Thing() {} }Cpublic class Thing { public Thing(void) {} }Dpublic class Thing { public Thing(String s) {} }Epublic class Thing { public void Thing() {} public Thing(String s) {} }

问答题Can you find the missing value on the roof of the following house? Each of the numbers on the windows and door must be used only once and no number can be reversed.

单选题What should you do if you are making changes to your house?ACheck 700 plans to build new buildings.BThink carefully about those living near you.CGive enough details to the people next door.

单选题下列程序的运行结果是(  )。class Shape{ public Shape(){ System.out.print("Shape"); }}class Circle extends Shape{ public Circle(){ System.out.print("Circle"); }}public class Test{ public static void main(String[]args){ Shape d=new Circle(); }}AShapeBCircleCShapeCircleD程序有错误

单选题He _____ the door with his fist, but got no answer from the house.ArefrainedBregisteredCrefundedDpounded

单选题When a fire happens, _____ if you open the hot door.Athe fire will grow more quicklyBthe electricity will be cut offCthe door will soon be on fireDthe house will fall down