Which two allow the class Thing to be instantiated using new Thing()?A、 public class Thing { }B、 public class Thing { public Thing() {} }C、 public class Thing { public Thing(void) {} }D、 public class Thing { public Thing(String s) {} }E、 public class Thing { public void Thing() {} public Thing(String s) {} }

Which two allow the class Thing to be instantiated using new Thing()?

  • A、 public class Thing { }
  • B、 public class Thing { public Thing() {} }
  • C、 public class Thing { public Thing(void) {} }
  • D、 public class Thing { public Thing(String s) {} }
  • E、 public class Thing { public void Thing() {} public Thing(String s) {} }


有如下程序: include using namespaee std; class ONE{ public: virtual void f 有如下程序:include <iostream>using namespaee std;class ONE{public:virtual void f( ){cout<<"1";}};class TWO:public ONE{public:TWO( )1 cout<<"2";}{;class THREE:public TWO{public:virtual void f( )}TWO::f( );cout<<"3";}};int main( ){ONE aa,*P;TWO bb;THREE cc;P=cc;p->f( );return 0;}程序的输出结果是______。

下列程序片段中,能通过编译的是A.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak();}B.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak(){}}C.public class Animal{ public abstract void speak();}D.public abstract class Animal{ public abstract void speak(){}}

有如下程序: include using namespace std; class ONE { public: virtual void f() { 有如下程序:include <iostream>using namespace std;class ONE{public:virtual void f() { cout << "1"; }};class TWO: public ONE{public:TWO() { cout << "2"; }};class THREE: public TWO{public:virtual void f() {TWO::f(); cout << "3"; }};int main(){ONE aa, *p;TWO bb;THREE cc;p=cc;P->f();return 0;}执行上面程序的输出是【 】。

Given:Which two, inserted at line 11, will allow the code to compile?() A.public class MinMax? {B.public class MinMax? extends Number {C.public class MinMaxN extends Object {D.public class MinMaxN extends Number {E.public class MinMax? extends Object {F.public class MinMaxN extends Integer {

下列程序片段中,能通过编译的是( )。A.public abstract class Animal{public void speak( );}B.public abstract class Animal{public void speak( ){};}C.public class Animal{pubilc abstract void speak( );}D.public abstract class Animal{pubile abstract void speak( ){};}

有下列程序:includeusing namespace std;class ONE{ public:virtual void f(){COUt 有下列程序:include<iostream>using namespace std;class ONE{public:virtual void f(){COUt<<"1";}};c1assTWO:public ONE{public:TWO(){cout<<"2";}};class THREE:public TWO{pub

下列程序片段中,能通过编译的是( )。 A.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak;}S 下列程序片段中,能通过编译的是( )。A.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak;}B.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak{);}C.public class Animal{ pubilc abstract void speak;}D.public abstract class Animal{ pubile abstract void speak{};}

class One {  public One() { System.out.print(1); }  }  class Two extends One {  public Two() { System.out.print(2); }  }  class Three extends Two {  public Three() { System.out.print(3); }  }  public class Numbers{  public static void main( String[] argv) { new Three(); }  }  What is the result when this code is executed?() A、 1B、 3C、 123D、 321E、 The code rims with no output.

public class SomeException {  } Class a:  public class a {  public void doSomething() { }  } Class b:  public class b extends a {  public void doSomething() throws SomeException { }  }  Which is true about the two classes?() A、 Compilation of both classes will fail.B、 Compilation of both classes will succeed.C、 Compilation of class a will fail. Compilation of class b will succeed.D、 Compilation of class a will fail. Compilation of class a will succeed.

In which two cases does the compiler supply a default constructor for class A?()  A、 class A{}B、 class A { public A(){} }C、 class A { public A(int x){} }D、 class Z {} class A extends Z { void A(){} }

1. public interface A {  2. public void doSomething(String thing);  3. }  1. public class AImpl implements A {  2. public void doSomething(String msg) { }  3. }  1. public class B {  2. public A doit() {  3. // more code here  4. }  5.  6. public String execute() { 7. // more code here  8. }  9. }  1. public class C extends B {  2. public AImpl doit() {  3. // more code here  4. }  5.  6. public Object execute() {  7. // more code here  8. }  9. }  Which statement is true about the classes and interfaces in the exhibit?() A、 Compilation will succeed for all classes and interfaces.B、 Compilation of class C will fail because of an error in line 2.C、 Compilation of class C will fail because of an error in line 6.D、 Compilation of class AImpl will fail because of an error in line 2.

Which three demonstrate an “is a” relationship?() A、 public class X { }  public class Y extends X { }B、 public interface Shape { }  public interface Rectangle extends Shape{ }C、 public interface Color { }  public class Shape { private Color color; }D、 public interface Species { }  public class Animal { private Species species; }E、 public class Person { } public class Employee {  public Employee(Person person) { }F、 interface Component { }  class Container implements Component { private Component[] children; }

interface Data { public void load(); }  abstract class Info { public abstract void load(); }  Which class correctly uses the Data interface and Info class?() A、 public class Employee extends Info implements Data { public void load() { /*do something*/ } }B、 public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void load() { /*do something*/ } }C、 public class Employee extends Info implements Data { public void load() { /*do something */ } public void Info.load() { /*do something*/ } }D、 public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void Data.load() { /*dsomething */ } public void load() { /*do something */ } }E、 public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void load() { /*do something */ } public void Info.load(){ /*do something*/ } }F、 public class Employee extends Info implements Data{ public void Data.load() { /*do something*/ } public void Info.load() { /*do something*/ } }

Given that Thing is a class, how many objects and reference variables are created by the following code?()   Thing item, stuff;   item = new Thing();   Thing entity = new Thing();A、One object is createdB、Two objects are createdC、Three objects are createdD、One reference variable is createdE、Two reference variables are createdF、Three reference variables are created.

public class X {  public X aMethod() { return this;}  }  public class Y extends X {  }  Which two methods can be added to the definition of class Y?()A、 public void aMethod() {}B、 private void aMethod() {}C、 public void aMethod(String s) {}D、 private Y aMethod() { return null; }E、 public X aMethod() { return new Y(); }

class One {   public One foo() { return this; }  }  class Two extends One {  public One foo() { return this; }  }  class Three extends Two {   // insert method here  }  Which two methods, inserted individually, correctly complete the Three class?()A、 public void foo() { }B、 public int foo() { return 3; }C、 public Two foo() { return this; }D、 public One foo() { return this; }E、 public Object foo() { return this; }

Which the two demonstrate an “is a” relationship?()A、 public interface Person {}  Public class Employee extends Person {}B、 public interface Shape {}  public interface Rectangle extends Shape {}C、 public interface Color {}  public class Shape { private Color color; }D、 public class Species {}  public class Animal { private Species species; }E、 interface Component {} Class Container implements Component {private Component [] children;

Which two demonstrate an “is a” relationship?()   A、 public interface Person { }  public class Employee extends Person { }B、 public interface Shape { }  public class Employee extends Shape { }C、 public interface Color { }  public class Employee extends Color { }D、 public class Species { }  public class Animal (private Species species;)E、 interface Component { }  Class Container implements Component ( Private Component[ ]children;  )

public class Plant {  private String name;  public Plant(String name) { this.name = name; }  public String getName() { return name; }  }  public class Tree extends Plant {  public void growFruit() { }  public void dropLeaves() { }  }  Which is true?() A、 The code will compile without changes.B、 The code will compile if public Tree() { Plant(); } is added to the Tree class.C、 The code will compile if public Plant() { Tree(); } is added to the Plant class.D、 The code will compile if public Plant() { this(”fern”); } is added to the Plant class.E、 The code will compile if public Plant() { Plant(”fern”); } is added to the Plant class.

public abstract class Shape {  private int x;  private int y;  public abstract void draw();  public void setAnchor(int x, int y) {  this.x = x;  this.y = y;  }  }  Which two classes use the Shape class correctly?()A、 public class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; }B、 public abstract class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; }C、 public class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); }D、 public abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); }E、 public class Circle extends Shape { private int radius;public void draw() {/* code here */} }F、 public abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius;public void draw() { / code here */ } }

单选题public class Plant {  private String name;  public Plant(String name) { this.name = name; }  public String getName() { return name; }  }  public class Tree extends Plant {  public void growFruit() { }  public void dropLeaves() { }  }  Which is true?()A The code will compile without changes.B The code will compile if public Tree() { Plant(); } is added to the Tree class.C The code will compile if public Plant() { Tree(); } is added to the Plant class.D The code will compile if public Plant() { this(”fern”); } is added to the Plant class.E The code will compile if public Plant() { Plant(”fern”); } is added to the Plant class.

单选题class One {  public One() { System.out.print(1); }  }  class Two extends One {  public Two() { System.out.print(2); }  }  class Three extends Two {  public Three() { System.out.print(3); }  }  public class Numbers{  public static void main( String[] argv) { new Three(); }  }  What is the result when this code is executed?()A 1B 3C 123D 321E The code rims with no output.

多选题public class X {  public X aMethod() { return this;}  }  public class Y extends X {  }  Which two methods can be added to the definition of class Y?()Apublic void aMethod() {}Bprivate void aMethod() {}Cpublic void aMethod(String s) {}Dprivate Y aMethod() { return null; }Epublic X aMethod() { return new Y(); }

多选题Given that Thing is a class, how many objects and reference variables are created by the following code?()   Thing item, stuff;   item = new Thing();   Thing entity = new Thing();AOne object is createdBTwo objects are createdCThree objects are createdDOne reference variable is createdETwo reference variables are createdFThree reference variables are created.

单选题public class SomeException {  } Class a:  public class a {  public void doSomething() { }  } Class b:  public class b extends a {  public void doSomething() throws SomeException { }  }  Which is true about the two classes?()A Compilation of both classes will fail.B Compilation of both classes will succeed.C Compilation of class a will fail. Compilation of class b will succeed.D Compilation of class a will fail. Compilation of class a will succeed.

单选题interface Data { public void load(); }  abstract class Info { public abstract void load(); }  Which class correctly uses the Data interface and Info class?()A public class Employee extends Info implements Data { public void load() { /*do something*/ } }B public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void load() { /*do something*/ } }C public class Employee extends Info implements Data { public void load() { /*do something */ } public void Info.load() { /*do something*/ } }D public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void Data.load() { /*dsomething */ } public void load() { /*do something */ } }E public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void load() { /*do something */ } public void Info.load(){ /*do something*/ } }F public class Employee extends Info implements Data{ public void Data.load() { /*do something*/ } public void Info.load() { /*do something*/ } }

多选题Which two allow the class Thing to be instantiated using new Thing()?Apublic class Thing { }Bpublic class Thing { public Thing() {} }Cpublic class Thing { public Thing(void) {} }Dpublic class Thing { public Thing(String s) {} }Epublic class Thing { public void Thing() {} public Thing(String s) {} }