__________A.dyingB.deadC.dieD.being died


D.being died




一物体在相同的水平恒力作用下,分别沿粗糙的水平地面和光滑的水平地面移动了相同的距离,设该恒力在两个水平面上做的功分别为W1和W2,那么下列说法中正确的是(  )

如图3-6所示,一根细绳的两端分别系于A点和B点,在0点处悬挂一个重物,质量m=10 kg,物体处于静止状态,则绳0B的张力是().(g取10 m/s2.)


关于图3-4的说法,正确的是(  ) A.山脉以北为黄土地,以南为黑土地 B.山脉以北为内蒙古高原,以南为鄂尔多斯高原C.山脉以北为准噶尔盆地,以南为塔里木盆地 D.山脉以北为黄土高原,以南为汉水谷地

函数y=的定义域是(  )

为了突出鹰眼的特点,文中主要采用的说明方法是:A.数字说明与举例说明。 B.举例说明与比较说明。C.比较说明与比喻说明。 D.比喻说明与数字说明。

下列植物生理的理论研究成果,是生物化学调控技术的依据。 (一)植物根茎叶的表面可以吸收具有生理活性的有机物质。这些物质一进入植物体内就可随维管束的筛管液流与导筛水流传布周身。植物的这种特性给农用药剂大开方便之门。原来需要从根系吸收的矿质元素中,有些元素易被土壤固定,因而不容易被植物吸收利用,若采用溶液喷射的根外追服,就能解决这个问题。此外,农用药剂可以“内服”——注射法,并能在体内转移与保留。一向“外敷”用作保护层的除害药剂,只能对覆盖的枝条有效,用量大,期限短。二者比较起来,已不可同日而语。 (二)溶液培养植物成功,确定了营养代谢所需的水分与必需的矿质元素的性质和数量,成为合理、定量灌溉与施肥的依据,并给无土栽培作出了榜样。自然资源在太阳的操纵下,不仅供给植物生活的能量,还给植物个体发育提供必需的生态环境。再通过植物体内部的相互影响,植物的遗传性状才能实现。植物为了维持生存,依靠感应来适应气候中光、温和季节周期的变化,以及逆境的胁迫。植物常在敏感部位受到刺激后,便发出信使在体内传递,影响效应部位反应出来。研究发现,这些信使是激素一类的生物化学物质,它们的生理活性强,功能各异,化学结构比较简单,可以人工模拟与批量合成。无论是内原激素,还是人工调节剂,在植物上微量施用,就会启发显著的生理变化。 “自然资源在太阳的操纵下”指的是(  ) 水分、矿质元素在日照下产生能量,造成特定环境。植物从日照中获得能量和必需的生态环境。 气候中,光、温和季节周期性的变化。日照对植物实现遗传性状所具有的决定性的作用。A.水分、矿质元素在日照下产生能量,造成特定环境。B.植物从日照中获得能量和必需的生态环境。 C.气候中,光、温和季节周期性的变化。D.日照对植物实现遗传性状所具有的决定性的作用。

George and Margaret and their children?21?at 140 Davis Street,22?the street from a small park.Their house is just off the main road.George usually goes to work by bus,but sometimes he goes?23?his car.The children usually go to school by bus.The Glenns′house is?24?hidden among the trees.It has small bushes(灌木)planted around it.There is a fence?25 it and the house next door.It is a two-storey house,26 the living room,dining room andkitchen(厨房)on the first floor,and the bedrooms and bathroom on the second floor.The Glenns spend a lot of time at home.27 now they are at dinner.Conversation(谈话)at the Glenns′house is usually lively at meal time.The children are discussing trips they would like to take.Susan,who has never?28?on a plane,says,"I′d like to?29 a plane to California."Henry,who is elder,thinks it would be fun to be on a?30,heading for adventure(冒险)in Africa.Teddy,the youngest child,says,"I want to go around the world on a train."His elder brother and sister are still trying to?31 to him why this is not possible?32?their mother says,"Children,you′ve spent too much time at the table.Henry and Susan,go and?33 your homework.Teddy,it′s time you were in bed."Soon there is silence throughout the?34.Teddy is in bed,Susan and Henry are in their rooms studying,and Mr.and Mrs.Glenns are in their living room,35George is sitting in his favorite(最喜欢的)chair,reading the paper and Margaret is sitting on the sofa,doing some sewing.第31题答案是查看材料A.explainB.sayC.tellD.speak

( )A few years later,I found my hometown completely_______.A.changedB.changingC.to be changedD.to change