单选题Spread a safety net()the gangway.AonBoverCbyDunder

Spread a safety net()the gangway.









解析: 暂无解析


One of the two systems established by GMDSS for the transmission and automatic receipt of Maritime Safety Information is______.A.Initial Distress Alerts serviceB.Navigational Warning serviceC.INMARSAT Safety Net serviceD.Meteorological Warning service

安全帽A.safety belt/harnessB.safety capC.safety clochesD.safety measure

As soon as the ship gets alongside the___(码头),you should lower the gangway and put a safety net below it.A.shoreB.wharfC.harbourD.port

Spread a safety net under the ___ (舷梯).A.gangwayB.ladderC.pilot ladderD.bridge

Which certificate is always issued by the China Classification Society? ______.A.Loadline certificateB.Safety equipment certificateC.Safety construction certificateD.Safety cargo gear certificate

As soon as the ship is berthed,you should lower the gangway,stretch a net ______ it,and adjust it to the rise and fall of the tides so that personnel may embark or disembark in safety.A.overB.besidesC.nearD.underneath

燃气轮机排气温度分散度(exhaust gas temperature spread(EGT spread))

下列期权交易策略中,不属于风险有限、收益也有限的策略的是()。A、看涨期权构成的牛市价差策略(Bull SpreaD)B、看涨期权构成的熊市价差策略(Bear SpreaD)C、看涨期权构成的蝶式价差策略(Butterfly SpreaD)D、看涨期权构成的比率价差策略(CallRatio SpreaD.)

As soon as the ship gets alongside the wharf, you should lower the gangway and put a ()below it.A、safety netB、safety beltC、safety lampD、safety device

Rig the lifeboat ladder and safety net and report.()A、装上救生艇梯和安全网并报告。B、放下救生艇钩和安全网并报告。C、放下救生艇和安全网并报告。D、放下救生圈和安全网并报告。

safety net()A、安全措施B、安全网C、安全帽D、安全防护

As soon as the ship gets alongside the()(码头),you should lower the gangway and put a safety net below it.A、shoreB、wharfC、harbourD、port

记住,安全第一。()A、Remember: safety first.B、Mind. Safe the first.C、Think of it. Safety is one.D、Think of it. Safety first.

The sailor working aloft should wear ().A、safety capB、life jacketC、safety harnessD、clothes

安全帽()A、safety belt/harnessB、safety capC、safety clochesD、safety measure

舷梯口应放置一个救生圈。()A、A life craft should be located on the gangway.B、A life-buoy should be located at the gangway door.C、A life-raft should be located on the gangway.D、A life boat should be located on the gangway.

Which of the following commands will allow remote use of a folder?()A、NET SENDB、NET SHAREC、NET FILED、NET VIEW

单选题Rig the lifeboat ladder and safety net and report.()A装上救生艇梯和安全网并报告。B放下救生艇钩和安全网并报告。C放下救生艇和安全网并报告。D放下救生圈和安全网并报告。

单选题Lower gangway into place and ()safety net.AfastBmake fastCfastenDfastened

单选题Which of the actions listed and instituted on your part will have the greatest lasting effect on the crew with respect to safety?()APosting posters illustrating practicesBShowing video tapes of actual accidentsCIncorporating safety practices in daily routineDPublishing comprehensive safety rules

单选题Spread a safety net()the gangway.AonBoverCbyDunder

单选题舷梯口应放置一个救生圈。()AA life craft should be located on the gangway.BA life-buoy should be located at the gangway door.CA life-raft should be located on the gangway.DA life boat should be located on the gangway.

单选题The radiotelephone safety message urgently concerned with safety of a person would be prefixed by the word().AMaydayBPanCSafetyDInterco

单选题Spread a safety net under the () (舷梯).AgangwayBladderCpilot ladderDbridge

单选题Spread a () net under the gangway.AsafeBsafetyCdangerDdangerous

单选题Define the acronym MSI().AMaritime Safety InformationBMaritime Shipping IndexCMaritime Satellite IndicatorDMariner Safety Intelligence

单选题What is the use of work assets on safety plans? ()A The work asset determines to which assets and locations a safety plan can be applied.B Only safety plans with associated work assets can be used in combination with job plans.  C The safety plan can only be applied to work orders with the same asset or location associated.D The work assets combined with the work on a job plan dictate which safety information is required.

单选题safety net()A安全措施B安全网C安全帽D安全防护