船舶水手考试 题目列表
单选题有多少节锚链在外?()AHow many shackles are out ?BHow much shackles are out ?CHow much cable is out ?DHow many cable is out ?




单选题buff cream paint()A奶黄漆B船壳白漆C船壳灰漆D船壳黄漆

单选题It is flammable cargo. Keep it away from the ().AgangwayBbowCboilerDstern

单选题我的工具箱里有几把钳子。()AThere are some saws in my toolbox.BThere are some pairs of pliers in my toolbox.CThere are some spanners in my toolbox.DThere are some tools in my toolbox.

单选题There are some ()(钳子) in my toolbox.ApliersBsawsCspannersDtools


单选题Topside paint is applied to the area of the ship’s ()which is out of water when the ship is loaded.AhullBcabinCcargo holdDdeck

单选题What would you do if hearing an abandon ship alarm?()A如果你听到船舶起火的警报你会怎么办?B如果你听到弃船的警报你会怎么办?C如果你听到应急警报你会怎么办?D如果你听到警报你会怎么办?

单选题What would you do if hearing an abandon ship alarm? ()APut on my life-jacket.BGo to muster station.CA+BDRig the lifeboat and report.

单选题VHF telephone()A自动舵B甚高频无线电话C罗经D车钟

单选题At the discharging port, tankers pump the oil ashore using ().Ashore pumpsBher own pumpsClarge pumpsDlarge tubes

单选题导轨()Aguide railBguide rollerCguideDbolt