单选题When does Channel 2 begin evening programmes?AAt 18:00.BAt 18:30.CAt 17:35.

When does Channel 2 begin evening programmes?

At 18:00.


At 18:30.


At 17:35.




:20×20-19×19+18×18-17×17+…+2×2-1×1=( )A.3245B.2548C.210D.156

●设有关键码序列(16,9,4,25,15,2,13,18,17,5,8,24),要按关键码值递增的次序排序,采用直接选择排序法,一趟扫描后的结果为 (5) 。(5) A.(2,9,4,25,15,16,13,18,17,5,8,24)B.(15,2,4,18,16,5,8,24,17,9,13,25)C.(9,4,16,15,2,13,18,17,5,8,24,25)D.(9,16,4,25,2,15,13,18,5,17,8,24)

:2,18,4,36,8,72,( )A.15B.16C.17D.18

At a dinner, you can begin to eatA、when the guests sitting beside you begin.B、when the hostess says, "Let's begin."C、when the main course is served.D、when the hostess picks up her own spoon or fork..

Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping (11)______ he needs something. His purpose is settled and decided (12)______ . He knows what he wants and his objective is to find it and (13)______ it;the price is a secondary (14)______ . Most men (15)______ walk into a shop and ask the salesman (16)______ what they want. If the shop has it in stock. the salesman promptly (17)______ it,and the business of trying it on proceeds (18)______ . Au being well,the (19)______ can be and often is completed in less than five minutes,with hardly any bargain and to their satisfaction. For a man,slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants. (20)______ does not have exactly what he wants. In that case the salesman,as the name implies,tries to sell the customer something else.(11)A.althoughB.beforeC.unlessD.because

设有关键码序列(16,9,4,25,15,2,13,18,17,5,8,24),要按关键码值递增的次序排列,采用直接选择排序法,一趟扫描后的结果为( )。A.2,9,4,25,15,16,13,18,17,5,8,24B.15,4,18,2,16,5,8,24,17,9,13,25C.9,4,16,15,2,13,18,17,5,8,24,25D.9,16,4,25,2,15,13,18,5,17,8,24

When does language acquisition begin according to the research?A.It begins with the birth of a baby.B.It begins before the birth of a baby.C.It begins when a baby starts imitating adults’ speech.D.It begins with a baby's cry melodies typical of its mother tongue.

-2,-4,6,8,-10,-12,14,16,( ),( )A、-17,-18B、17,18C、-18,-20D、18,20

min账户cin目录中MANINFO中的日志内容:14:18:18: manager begin initialization,表示的意思是()

Given the following policy, what happens when the 1.1/17 route is evaluated?() [edit policy-options] policy-statement test { from { route-filter 0/0 orlonger accept; route-filter 1.1/17 upto /24 reject; route-filter 1.1/18 exact; } then { metric 6; accept; }A、The route does not match this policy.B、The route is accepted.C、The route is rejected.D、The route is accepted with a metric of 6.


单选题A Channel ID mismatch occurs when ().Afibers are terminated incorrectly on a nodeBthe channel number in the received K1 byte is not identical to the channel number transmitted in the K2 byteCthe channel number in the received C1 byte is not identical to the channel number transmitted in the C2 byteDthe channel number in the received C2 byte is not identical to the channel number transmitted in the C1 byteEthe channel number in the received K2 byte is not identical to the channel number transmitted in the K1 byte

单选题Which of the following describes the difference between SATA and PATA?()ASATA operates on a single channel.BPATA devices have three channels.CPATA devices have their own channel whereas SATA does not.DSATA devices have their own channel whereas PATA does not.

单选题You are interested in Classical Music, so you can watch TV at ______A21:20 on Channel 1B21:00 on Channel 2C18:05 on Channel 2

单选题20×20-19×19+18×18-17×17+…+2×2-1×1的值是(  )。A210B240C273D284

单选题When does auxiliary burner of rotary nozzle incinerator begin to work? () Ⅰ.hen igniting Ⅱ.he sludge for dealing with is too much Ⅲ.efore stopping incineratorAⅠ+ⅡBⅠ+ⅢCⅡ+ⅢDⅠ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

单选题If you want to know about programmes of next week, which channel will you choose?AChannel 1.BChannel 2.CBoth of them.



单选题12. void start() {  13. A a = new A();  14. B b = new B();  15. a.s(b);  16. b = null;  17. a = null;  18. System.out.println(“start completed”); 19. }  When is the B object, created in line 14, eligible for garbage collection?()A After line 16.B After line 17.C After line 18 (when the methods ends).D There is no way to be absolutely certain.E The object is NOT eligible for garbage collection.

填空题min账户cin目录中MANINFO中的日志内容:14:18:18: manager begin initialization,表示的意思是()

单选题Given the following policy, what happens when the 1.1/17 route is evaluated?() [edit policy-options] policy-statement test { from { route-filter 0/0 orlonger accept; route-filter 1.1/17 upto /24 reject; route-filter 1.1/18 exact; } then { metric 6; accept; }AThe route does not match this policy.BThe route is accepted.CThe route is rejected.DThe route is accepted with a metric of 6.