单选题程序员想要创建一个名为MyThread的类以便在main方法中用Thread实例化。对于下面三行:  MyThread必须继承Thread。      MyThread必须实现Thread。  MyThread必须覆盖public void run()。 有几行是正确的()A 0B 1C 2D 3

程序员想要创建一个名为MyThread的类以便在main方法中用Thread实例化。对于下面三行:  MyThread必须继承Thread。      MyThread必须实现Thread。  MyThread必须覆盖public void run()。 有几行是正确的()









解析: 暂无解析


下面程序段的输出结果是______。 class Test{ public static void main(String args[ ]){ MyThread t=new MyThread( ); t.displayOutput("t has been created"); t.start( ); } } class MyThread extends Thread{ public void display Output(String s){ System.out,println(s); } public void run( ){ displayOutput("t is running"); } }A.t has been created t is runningB.t has been createdC.t is runningD.编译错误

下列程序打包到example包,main方法调用线程类输出0~9这10个数,请填写横线处的内容。注意:请勿改动main()主方法和其他已有语句内容,仅在横线处填入适当语句。______interface MyInterface{public abstract void print(int n);}class Mythread extends Thread ______ MyInterface{public void run(){for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)this.print(i);}public void print(int n){System.out.print(n +" ");}}public class Example1_6{public static void main(String argv[]){Mythread th = new Mythread();______}}

( 24 )请阅读下面程序public class ThreadTest {public static void main ( String args[ ]){Thread t1 = new Thread ( new Hello ()):Thread t2 = new Thread ( new Hello ()):t l .start ():t2.start ();}}class Hello implements Runnable {int i ;public void run (){while ( true ) {System.out.println ( "Hello"+i++ ) ;if ( i=5 ) break :}}}该程序创建线程使用的方法是()A )继承 Thread 类B )实现 Runnable 接口C ) t l.start ()D ) t2.start ()

通过实现Rmmable接口创建线程,请在下面横线处填写代码完成此程序。public class ThreadTest{public static void main(String args []){Thread testObj1 = new Thread (new Hello ());Thread testObj2 = new Thread (new Hello ());testObj 2.start ( );}}class Hello implements Runnable{int j;public void run(){System.out.println("Hello" + j ++);}}

请阅读下面程序 public class ThreadTest{ public static void main(String args[]) ( Thread t1=new Thread(new Hello()); Thread t2=new Thread(new Hello()); t1.start(); t2.start(); } } class Hello implements Runnable { int i; public void run() { while(true) { System.out.prinfin("Hello"+i++); if(i=5) break; } } } 该程序创建线程使用的方法是A.继承Thread类B.实现Runnable接口C.t1.start()D.t2.start()

下列哪个方法可用于创建一个可运行的类? ( )A.public class X implements Runable {public void run(){...,.,}}B.public class X implements Thread {public void run(){......}}C.public class X implements Thread {public int run(){……}}D.public class X implements Runable {protected void run(){.....}}

创建线程对象,要传递代码与数据,而传递代码与数据有两种方法,一是通过继承Thread类,二是向Thread类传递一个Runnable对象。请在下面程序的每条横线处填写一个语句,使程序的功能完整。注意:请勿改动main()主方法和其他已有的语句内容,仅在横线处填入适当的语句。public class TestThread{public static void main(String args[ ]){MyThread t=new MyThread();_______________________}}class MyThread_____________Thread{_____________________{for(int i=0;i10;i++){System.out.println(" " +i);}}}

程序员想要创建一个名为MyThread的类以便在main方法中用Thread实例化。对于下面三行:MyThread必须继承Thread。MyThread必须实现Thread。MyThread必须覆盖publicvoidrun()。有几行是正确的?() A.0B.1C.2D.3

通过实现Runnable接口创建线程,请在下面横线处填入代码完成此程序。注意:不改动程序结构,不得增行或删行。class ThreadTest implements Runnable{Thread thrObj;public static void main(String args[]){System.out.println("这是一个通过实现接口创建线程的例子");ThreadTest testObj=new ThreadTest();testObj.create();}public void create(){if(thrObj= =null){thrObj=new Thread(this,"myThread");______}}public void run(){System.out.println("Thread"+throbj.getName()+":"+"在运行!");}}

下面程序段的输出结果是 class Test{ public static void main(String args[]){ MyThread t=new MyThread(); t.displayOutput("t has been created)); t.start(); } } class MyThread extends Thread{ public void displayOutput(String s){ System.out.println(s); } public void run(){ displayOutput(t is running."); } }A.t has been created.B.t has been created. t is running.C.t is running.D.编译出错

3下碳程序段的输出结果是( )。 class Test{ public static void main(Srting args[]){ MyThread t=new MyThread(); t.displayOutput("t has been created"); t.start(); } } class MyThread extends Thread{ public void displayOutput(String s){ SYStem.out.println(s); } public void run() { displayOutput("t is running."); } }A.t has been created.B.t has been created. t is running.C.t is running.D.编译出错

下面程序段的输出结果是 class Test{ public static void main(String args[]){ MyThread t=new MyThread(); t.displayOutput("t has been createD) "; t.start(); } } class MyThread extends Thread{ public void displayOutput(String s){ System.out.println(s); } public void nm(){ displayOutput("t is running."); }A.t has been created. t is running.B.t has been created.C.t is running.D.编译出错

阅读下面程序 public class Test implements Runnable { public static void main(String[] args) { ______ t.start(); } public void run() { System.out.println("Hello!"); } } 程序中下画线处应填入的正确选项是A.Test t=new Test();B.Thread t=new Thread();C.Thread t=new Thread(new Test());D.Test t=new Thread();

用Thread子类实现多线程的步骤顺序是( ) A、声明Thread类的子类,创建Thread子类的实例,让线程调用start()方法B、声明Thread类的子类,在子类中重新定义run()方法,创建Thread子类的实例C、创建Thread子类的实例,让线程调用start()方法D、声明Thread类的子类,在子类中重新定义run()方法,创建Thread子类的实例,让线程调用start()方法

class MyThread extends Thread {  public void run() { System.out.println(“AAA”); }  public void run(Runnable r) { System.out.println(“BBB”); }  public static void main(String[] args) {  new Thread(new MyThread()).start();  }  }   What is the result?()  A、 AAAB、 BBBC、 Compilation fails.D、 The code runs with no output.

关于线程的创建过程,下面四种说法正确的有哪些?()A、定义Thread类的子类,重写Thread类的run()方法,创建该子类的实例对象,调用对象的start()方法B、定义Thread类的子类,重写Thread类的run()方法,创建该子类的实例对象,调用对象的run()方法C、定义一个实现Runnable 接口的类并实现run()方法,创建该类实例对象,将其作为参数传递给Thread类的构造方法来创建Thread对象,调用Thread对象的start()方法D、定义一个实现Runnable 接口的类并实现run()方法,创建该类对象,然后调用run()方法

Which two code fragments will execute the method doStuff() in a separate thread?()A、 new Thread() { public void run() { doStuff(); } }B、 new Thread() { public void start() { doStuff(); } }C、 new Thread() { public void start() { doStuff(); } } .run();D、 new Thread() { public void run() { doStuff(); } } .start();E、 new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { doStuff(); } } ).run();F、 new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { doStuff(); } }).start();

程序员想要创建一个名为MyThread的类以便在main方法中用Thread实例化。对于下面三行:   MyThread必须继承Thread。   MyThread必须实现Thread。   MyThread必须覆盖public void run()。   有几行是正确的?() A、 0B、 1C、 2D、 3

1. class MyThread implements Runnable {  2. public void run() {  3. System.out.print("go ");  4. }  5.  6. public static void main(String [] args) {  7. // insert code here  8. t.start(); 9. }  10. }  和如下四句:  Thread t = new MyThread(); MyThread t = new MyThread();  Thread t = new Thread(new Thread());  Thread t = new Thread(new MyThread());  分别插入到第5行,有几个可以通过编译?() A、0B、1C、2D、3

Which two code fragments will execute the method doStuff() in a separate thread?()A、new Thread() {public void run() { doStuff(); }};B、new Thread() {public void start() { doStuff(); }};C、new Thread() {public void start() { doStuff(); }}.run();D、new Thread() {public void run() { doStuff(); }}.start();E、new Thread(new Runnable() {public void run() { doStuff(); }}).start();

You are creating a Windows Forms application by using the .NET Framework 3.5. The application requires a thread that accepts a single integer parameter.    You write the following code segment (Line numbers are included for reference only.) Thread myThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DoWork)) ;  myThread.Start(100); You need to declare the method signature of the DoWork method.   Which method signature should you use?()A、public void DoWork();B、public void DoWork(int nCounter);C、public void DoWork(object oCounter);D、public void DoWork(Delegate oCounter);

单选题class MyThread extends Thread {  public void run() { System.out.println(“AAA”); }  public void run(Runnable r) { System.out.println(“BBB”); }  public static void main(String[] args) {  new Thread(new MyThread()).start();  }  }   What is the result?()A AAAB BBBC Compilation fails.D The code runs with no output.

单选题程序员想要创建一个名为MyThread的类以便在main方法中用Thread实例化。对于下面三行:  MyThread必须继承Thread。  MyThread必须实现Thread。  MyThread必须覆盖public void run()。    有几行是正确的?()A 0B 1C 2D 3

多选题关于线程的创建过程,下面四种说法正确的有哪些?()A定义Thread类的子类,重写Thread类的run()方法,创建该子类的实例对象,调用对象的start()方法B定义Thread类的子类,重写Thread类的run()方法,创建该子类的实例对象,调用对象的run()方法C定义一个实现Runnable 接口的类并实现run()方法,创建该类实例对象,将其作为参数传递给Thread类的构造方法来创建Thread对象,调用Thread对象的start()方法D定义一个实现Runnable 接口的类并实现run()方法,创建该类对象,然后调用run()方法

单选题1. class MyThread implements Runnable {  2. public void run() {  3. System.out.print("go ");  4. }  5.  6. public static void main(String [] args) {  7. // insert code here  8. t.start(); 9. }  10. }  和如下四句:  Thread t = new MyThread(); MyThread t = new MyThread();  Thread t = new Thread(new Thread());  Thread t = new Thread(new MyThread());  分别插入到第5行,有几个可以通过编译?()A0B1C2D3

单选题You are creating a Windows Forms application by using the .NET Framework 3.5. The application requires a thread that accepts a single integer parameter.    You write the following code segment (Line numbers are included for reference only.) Thread myThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DoWork)) ;  myThread.Start(100); You need to declare the method signature of the DoWork method.   Which method signature should you use?()Apublic void DoWork();Bpublic void DoWork(int nCounter);Cpublic void DoWork(object oCounter);Dpublic void DoWork(Delegate oCounter);

多选题Which two code fragments will execute the method doStuff() in a separate thread?()Anew Thread() {public void run() { doStuff(); }};Bnew Thread() {public void start() { doStuff(); }};Cnew Thread() {public void start() { doStuff(); }}.run();Dnew Thread() {public void run() { doStuff(); }}.start();Enew Thread(new Runnable() {public void run() { doStuff(); }}).start();

单选题程序员想要创建一个名为MyThread的类以便在main方法中用Thread实例化。对于下面三行: MyThread必须继承Thread。 MyThread必须实现Thread。 MyThread必须覆盖public void run( )。 有几行是正确的().A0B1C2D3