单选题According to bill of lading,the weight,measure,marks,numbers,quality,contents and value,being particulars furnished by(),are not checked by the carrier on loading.Athe ShipownerBthe ChartererCthe receiverDthe shipper

According to bill of lading,the weight,measure,marks,numbers,quality,contents and value,being particulars furnished by(),are not checked by the carrier on loading.

the Shipowner


the Charterer


the receiver


the shipper


解析: 暂无解析


According to the passage, a documentary letter of credit is one which ______.A.includes any draftsB.includes drafts accompanied by invoice, bill of lading and other documentsC.is accompanied by invoices, bill of lading and other documentsD.is accompanied by drafts as well as insurance policy and commercial invoices

听力原文:The advising bank will send the bill of lading and the L/C back to the issuing bank to get reimbursed.(2)A.The issuing bank will send the bill of lading and the L/C to the advising bank.B.The issuing bank will notify the advising bank of the bill of lading and the L/CC.The advising bank will reimburse the bill of lading and the L/CD.The issuing bank will reimburse the bill of lading and the L/C

A vessel loads 5000 tons of manganese ore. The railroad cars that brought the ore to the vessel were previously loaded with iron ore so the ore is contaminated. The agent requests the Master to sign a Clean Bill of Lading and in return the shipper willA.Sign a Clean Bill of Lading and accept the Letter of IndemnityB.Refuse to sign a Clean Bill of LadingC.Sign the Clean Bill of Lading and have the agent countersign itD.Sign a Clean Bill of lading under protest

According to bill of lading,the weight,measure,marks,numbers,quality,contents and value,being particulars furnished by ______,are not checked by the carrier on loading.A.the ShipownerB.the ChartererC.the receiverD.the shipper

In case of inconsistency between this bill of lading and the applicable tariff,this bill of lading shall ______.A.prevailB.provideC.applyD.supply

In no case ______ to function as a document of title.A.a bill of lading does not failB.does not a bill of lading failC.does a bill of lading failD.a bill of lading does fail

The master is not bound to show in the bill of lading ______ of the goods shipped on board his vessel.A.the number of packagesB.the number of weightC.both the number of packages and of the weightD.neither the number of the packages nor of the weight

A vessel loads 100 tons of glass jars. The mate on watch discovers that some of the cartons have been damaged and has an exception made on the Bill of Lading. What is this document called?A.Damage Bill of LadingB.Letter of IndemnityC.Non-negotiable Bill of LadingD.Unclean Bill of Lading

In the case of the leading marks,the master may ______ to show these in the bill of lading if the goods or their containers are not clearly marked in such a manner as should ordinarily remain legible until the end of the voyage.A.confuseB.excuseC.defuseD.refuse

翻译:Neither the consignee nor the holder of the bill of lading shall be liable for the demurragedead freight and all other expenses in respect of loading occurred at the loading port unless the bill of lading clearly states that the aforesaid demurragedead freight and all other expenses shall be borne by the consignee and the holder of the bill of lading。

Ocean Bill of Lading is the ()between carrier and shipperA、evidence of the contract of carriageB、DocumentC、Trading recordD、Bill

Usually, the straight bill of lading is non-negotiable, that is, the goods must be sent to the consignee named in the bill of lading by the carrier.

There are several forms of bills of lading such as straight bill of lading, shipped bill of lading, clean bill of lading and order bill of lading etc.()confirms that the goods are actually loaded on board the vessel.A、Straight bill of ladingB、Shipped bill of ladingC、Clean bill of ladingD、Order bill of lading

英译中:Ocean bill of lading

英译中:Bill of lading

Ocean bill of lading is the() between carrier and shipper.A、evidence of the contract of carriageB、DocumentC、trading recordD、Bill

问答题翻译:Neither the consignee nor the holder of the bill of lading shall be liable for the demurragedead freight and all other expenses in respect of loading occurred at the loading port unless the bill of lading clearly states that the aforesaid demurragedead freight and all other expenses shall be borne by the consignee and the holder of the bill of lading。

单选题If the bill of lading contains the words weight and quantity unknown,the shipper must()that the goods were in fact shipped to succeed in an action for non-deli-very.AshowBmakeCgetDhave

判断题Usually, the straight bill of lading is non-negotiable, that is, the goods must be sent to the consignee named in the bill of lading by the carrier.A对B错

单选题The master()in delivering the goods to the consignee named in the bill of lading on production thereof,or to the first person who presents a properly indorsed bill of lading.AjustifiesBjustifiedCis justifyingDis justified

单选题Sometimes the bill of lading refers to the loading marks inscribed on the goods,and sometimes there()a statement as to their quality.AhasBprovidesCisDsupplies

单选题In case of inconsistency between this bill of lading and the applicable tariff,this bill of lading shall().AprevailBprovideCapplyDsupply

单选题The master is not bound to show in the bill of lading()of the goods shipped on board his vessel.Athe number of packagesBthe number of weightCboth the number of packages and of the weightDneither the number of the packages nor of the weight

单选题A vessel loads 100 tons of glass jars. The mate on watch discovers that some of the cartons have been damaged and has an exception made on the Bill of Lading. What is this document called?()ADamage Bill of LadingBLetter of IndemnityCNon-negotiable Bill of LadingDUnclean Bill of Lading

单选题According to bill of lading,the weight,measure,marks,numbers,quality,contents and value,being particulars furnished by(),are not checked by the carrier on loading.Athe ShipownerBthe ChartererCthe receiverDthe shipper

单选题If the indorsee of a bill of lading sells the goods and re-indorses the bill of lading,he ceases()responsible for liabilities under the contract.AbeingBto beChavingDto have

单选题In no case()to function as a document of title.Aa bill of lading does not failBdoes not a bill of lading failCdoes a bill of lading failDa bill of lading does fail

单选题A vessel loads 5000 tons of manganese ore. The railroad cars that brought the ore to the vessel were previously loaded with iron ore so the ore is contaminated. The agent requests the Master to sign a Clean Bill of Lading and in return the shipper will give him a Letter of Indemnity. What is the best procedure to follow? ()ASign a Clean Bill of Lading and accept the Letter of IndemnityBRefuse to sign a Clean Bill of LadingCSign the Clean Bill of Lading and have the agent countersign itDSign a Clean Bill of lading under protest