单选题______Athe conversationBshynessCothersDthemselves


the conversation










Among these new student, some like milk chocolate,prefer plain one. A.othersD.anotherD.the othersD.the other

Strayer discourages drivers from talking about business on cell phones while driving because_________.A.they tend to forget the details of a conversationB. both the driver and his agent happen to be drivingC. it might not be good for the driver's memoryD. the other passengers would overhear the conversation

8. My sister has two skirts. One is yellow,_________ is black.A. otherB. anotherC. othersD. the other

38.A.the othersB.anotherC.othersD.other one

The wood o[ some trees is ( ). A、harder than that of others’B、harder than that of othersC、harder than othersD、harder than of others’

Most of the violations of the maxims of the CP give rise to________. A breakdown of conversationB confusion of one’s intentionC hostility between speakers and the listenersD conversational implicatures

Some birds will fly away to the south in winter, while _____ will stay with you.A. anotherB. the othersC. othersD. other ones

The main types of social networking services are those that contain category places (such as former school year or classmates), means to connect with friends (usually with self-description pages), and a recommendation system linked to () .A.netB.interestsC.othersD.trust

We can infer from the passage that ( )A. abstract thinking does not come from physical experiencesB. feelings of warmth and coldness are studied worldwideC. physical temperature affects how we see othersD. capable persons are often cold to others

( )A.otherB.the otherC.othersD.another

10.I don-t like this T-shirt. Could you show me _______one,please? .A.otherB.the otherC.othersD.another

2.I have two good friends. One is Han Mei, and _______is Li Ping.A. otherB. othersC. the othersD. the other

3. Not all students like playing sports. Some like watching TV, and _____like sleeping.A.otherB.othersC.the othersD.the other

19.A.anotherB.othersC.the othersD.the other

Most Americans would prefer to keep their problems ________ themselves, and solve their problems ______ themselves.A. to; by B. by; to C. for; to D. in; on

Children should be taught how to get along with___.A.AnotherB.otherC.othersD.any other

Apple remains so high in market value for so long but so small in profit that______company in history can match with it.A.no anotherB.no otherC.any othersD.no others

Henry planned to visit () country besides England.A、some otherB、every otherC、several othersD、other

单选题Unlike the recognition of ethical lapses in others, many people are disinclined to perceive the same flaws in themselves.AUnlike the recognition of ethical lapses in others, many people are disinclined to perceive the same flaws in themselves.BUnlike the perception of ethical flaws in themselves, many people are willing to recognize these same flaws in others.CMany people, willing to recognize ethical lapses in others. are disinclined to perceive the same flaws in themselves.DMany people are disinclined to perceive the same flaws in themselves, but are willing to perceive ethical lapses in others.EAlthough willing to recognize ethical lapses in others, many people in themselves are disinclined to perceive the same flaws.

单选题What do those who are concerned about body shape tend to do?AThey are harder on others than on themselves.BThey usually focus on the bad things about themselves.CThey often direct their attention to the good things about themselves.DThey try to have great smiles and healthy legs.

单选题The explorers were told to()themselves with everything they would need for the voyage.AassociateBequipCretreatDfeed

单选题As far as the professor (), college students should get into the habit of studying by themselves.AconcernBconcernsCconcernedDis concerned

单选题Those freshmen hope to offer some part-time jobs to support themselves financially.AThose freshmenBofferCpart-time jobsDsupport themselves

单选题According to the passage, dealers are different from brokers in thatAdealers neither buy nor sell securities themselves.Bbrokers neither buy nor sell securities themselves.Call of the above.

单选题Great minds generally look at life in a way _______ to themselves.Apeculiar Bconfined CsimilarDunusual

单选题The symptoms of the disease manifested themselves ten days later.AeasedBappearedCimprovedDrelieved

单选题Masters are()to make themselves well acquainted with these regulations.AbindingBboundCboundedDbounding

单选题Several agencies divided the donated clothes ______ themselves in order to give them to the needy people.AwithinBinsideCthroughDamong