Among these new student, some like milk chocolate,prefer plain one. A.othersD.anotherD.the othersD.the other

Among these new student, some like milk chocolate,prefer plain one.



D.the others

D.the other


下面哪两个设置一个jsp页的contenttype?() A、%@contentType“text/plain“%B、jsp:contentType“text/plain“C、%@pagecontentType=“text/plain“%D、%response.setContentType(“text/plain“);%

WhichensuresthataJSPresponseisoftype"text/plain"?() A.%@pagemimeType=text/plain%B.%@pagecontentType=text/plain%C.%@pagepageEncoding=text/plain%D.%@pagecontentEncoding=text/plain%E.%response.setEncoding(text/plain);%


_____ the engines, the diesel engine is ____ used engine on boardA.Between / more commonlyB.Among / the most commonlyC.Between / not more commonlyD.Among / not the most commonly

These animals migrate south annually in search of food.A:.travelB: exploreC: inhabitD: prefer

How quickly they accomplish this transfer depends not only on how soon the ants agree on the best available site but also on how quickly they can _____there.A.stayB.migrateC.chooseD.prefer

These animals migrate south annually in search of food.A:exploreB:travelC:inhabitD:prefer

类Teacher和Student都是类Person的子类 Person p; Teacher t; Student s; 若p,t和s都是非空值 if(t instanceof Person) { s = (Student)t; } 若默认new时声明的都是本类,这个语句导致的结果是()A.将构造一个Student对象B.表达式合法C.编译时非法D.编译时合法而在运行时可能非法

声明并创建一个学生类Student的对象s,下列语法格式正确的是()。A.Student s = Student();B.Student s;C.Student s = new Student();D.Student s = new ();

要查询student表中name字段值以字符“m”开始,以字符“d”结束的记录应该在WHERE子句后跟 LIKE________。