单选题Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by().Adriving wooden plugs into the ventsBclosing the lids on the ventsCplugging the scuppersDplugging the sounding pipes

Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by().

driving wooden plugs into the vents


closing the lids on the vents


plugging the scuppers


plugging the sounding pipes


解析: 暂无解析


We can draw a conclusion from the text that______.A) oil-price shocks are less shocking nowB) inflation seems irrelevant to oil -price shocksC) energy conservation can keep down the oil pricesD) the price rise of crude leads to the shrinking of heavy industry

In the event of a small bunker oil spill on deck occurring while bunkering, you should ____.A.wash down the area immediately with a fire hoseB.wash down the area with keroseneC.cover the area with absorbent materialD.cover the area with foam

When the ship is going to enter into the harbor, ____.A.change from heavy fuel oil to diesel oil for main engineB.pumping out bilge waterC.change sea chest from high level one to lower level oneD.test emergency generator

When oil is discharged overboard,an entry is required in the ______.A.engine rough logB.Oil Record BookC.Official LogbookD.deck rough log

When oily ballast has been pumped overboard,an entry must be made in the ______.A.Oil Record BookB.Official LogbookC.deck rough logD.engine rough log

The equipment required to remove an on-deck oil spill on a barge transfering oil must either be carried on board or ______.A.on a tug standing byB.available by contract with the shore facilityC.kept at the shoreside hose connection during transferD.kept in a protected shoreside location readily accessible

A large oil fire on the deck of a ship can be fought most effectively with ______.A.dry chemicalB.foamC.high-velocity fogD.water (cartridge-operated)、

()(湿货)must be kept away from dry cargo.A、Light cargoB、Wet cargoC、Heavy cargoD、Deck cargo

单选题When the ship is going to enter into the harbor,()Achange from heavy fuel oil to diesel oil for mail engineBpumping oil bilge waterCchange sea chest form high level one to lower oneDtest emergency generator

单选题A large oil fire on the deck of a ship can be fought most effectively with().Adry chemicalBfoamChigh-velocity fogDwater

单选题When you are transferring fuel oil to the setting tanks, precautions to be observed should include ()Aplugging gooseneck tank vents to prevent accident overflowBmaintaining a high transfer rate until a slight trickle of oil is observed flowing from the overflow lineCsounding the tanks frequently and reducing the transfer rate as the level approaches maximum fillDmaintaining a supply of chemical dispersant to cleanup minor oil spills adjacent to the ship

单选题Which of the followings needs not to be considered during bunkering?()AAll scuppers plugged by carpenterBTanks sounded from time to timeCWatch kept for leakageDTake oil samples

单选题Fuel oil tank vents are fitted with a screen which will stop().Aoil from flowing out of the tank ventBair from entering the tank ventCvapors from leaving the tank ventDflames on deck from entering the tank vent

单选题A new ocean going ship of 2000 gross tons having an inoperative oily water separator may dispose of its bilge slops by ().Aholding its slops onboard until they can be pumped into the city sewer systemBcirculating them through the lube oil purifier to remove water and debrisCholding its slops onboard until they can be discharged to a shore side reception facilityDpumping them into a settling tank for separation before pumping the oily water residue overboard

单选题The preferred type of pollution control for oil spills on the water is(are) ().AstrawBboomsCskimmersDchemical dispersants

单选题A large oil fire on the deck of a ship can be fought most effectively with().Adry chemicalBfoamChigh-velocity fogDWater (cartridge-operated)

单选题All oil spills must be reported to the().AMOCBMSA OF CHINAClocal policeDlocal fire department

单选题Setting a sealing equipment astern on the tailshaft can’t ()Aprevent the seawater from intergratingBprevent the lube oil from running out of the outside aboardCstrengthen the intencity of the sterntubeDprevent the mud and sand from entering the lube oil system

单选题If an emergency pump control is used as the emergency shutdown on a tank vessel,it must().Astop the flow of oil at the main deck manifoldBprevent the oil from leaving the shore facilityCprevent the oil from siphoning through the pumpDNone of the above

单选题Small oil spills on deck can be prevented from contaminating any waters by ().Aplugging all scuppers and drainsBplacing floating booms around the shipCregularly emptying all drip pansDthoroughly draining all bunkering hoses

单选题When an oil fire has been extinguished, the surface of the oil should be kept covered with foam to prevent ().Aair from contacting the oil vaporsBpermitting re-ignition boiling of the heated oilCspontaneous combustion below the oil surfaceDtoxic fumes from escaping to the surface

单选题You are on a containership. The cargo includes a container of small arms ammunition,a container of lead-acid storage batteries and bottles of methyl acetylene. Which statement is TRUE?().AThe storage batteries must be stowed on deck away from the ammunitionBThe storage batteries must be at least ten horizontal feet away from the methyl acetylene if in the same spaceCThe ammunition must be separated from the methyl acetylene by at least one holdDThe methyl acetylene may be stowed on deck or under deck with under deck stowage to be used if available

单选题If an emergency pump control is used as the emergency shutdown on a tanker,it must().Astop the flow of oil at the main deck manifoldBprevent the oil from leaving the shore facilityCprevent the oil from siphoning through the pumpDNone of the above

单选题High lube oil temperatures developing in a diesel engine can result from()Ahigh oil pressureBexcessive bearing end playCplugged oil control ringsDengine overload

单选题A piece of small stuff (small line) secured to an object to prevent it from going adrift is a().AlanyardBkeeperCnooseDstopper

单选题In the event of a small bunker oil spill on deck occurring while bunkering, you should ().Awash down the area immediately with a fire hoseBwash down the area with keroseneCcover the area with absorbent materialDcover the area with foam

单选题The floors in a vessel’s hull structure are kept from tripping,or folding over,by().Aface platesBbottom longitudinalsClongitudinal deck beamsDtransverse deck beams