单选题How did the immigrants in Salt Lake City feel about “Operation Safe Travel”?AGuilty.BOffended.CDisappointed.DDiscouraged.

How did the immigrants in Salt Lake City feel about “Operation Safe Travel”?









细节题。B项同义替换了第三段。“offended”替换“angered”,“Operation Safe Travel”替换“were angered at the arrest”。guilty感到内疚的,感到惭愧的;disappointed失望的;discouraged气馁的。


What can ordinary city dwellers do if the current outdoor travel trend continues?A. They can do nothing but give up their outdoor travel.B. They would feel angry and protest against the ill-trend.C. The government and the industry may change their attitude.D. Fewer and fewer urban people will make their seasonal outdoor travel.

How did the calf feel about the mother elephant’s roaring?A. It was a great comfort. B. It was a sign of danger.C. It was a call for help. D. It was a musical note.

The 19th Winter Games, held in Salt Lake City, ______ an Olympic. tradition which goes back almost 3,000 years.A. is the part ofB. are the part ofC. is part ofD. are part of

How does the author seem to feel about the future of newspapers?A.SatisfiedB.HopefulC.WorriedD.Surprised

Write a composition of about 100 words on "How Did You Feel at the End of Your First Day as a College Student?" You may begin your composition with "I was tired after a long overnight train ride when I arrived."

The story of the Scarlet Letter is set in___ A.New YorkB.EnglandC.BostonD.Salt lake City

— How do you think I should receive the reporter? — How you feel about him, try to be polite.()

In college,how did you go about influencing someone to accept your ideas?

How did George feel about Richard after his disappearance?A. He envied Richard’s marriage.B. He thought of Richard from time to time.C. He felt lucky with no rival in town.D. He was guilty of Richard’s death.

How did the calf feel about the mother elephant’s roaring?A.It was a great comfort.B.It was a siga of danger.C.It was a call for help.D.It was a musical note.

共用题干Where Has the Salt Come from?Every now and then,we meet a fact about our earth that makes us feel strange and no answer for the fact has yet been found.Such a fact is the existence of salt in the oceans. How did it get there?We simply do not know how the salt got into the ocean!We do know,of course,that salt is water-soluble,and so passes into the oceans with rainwater.The salt of the earth's surface is constantly being dissolved(溶解)and is passing into the ocean.But we do not know whether this can explain the huge quantity of salt in oceans.If all the oceans were dried up,enough salt would be left to build a wall 180 miles high and a mile thick. Such a wall would reach once around the world at the Equator(赤道)!The common salt that we all use is produced from seawater or the water of salt lakes, from salt springs(源泉)and from deposits of rock salt. The concentration(浓度)of salt in seawater ranges from about three percent to three-and-one-half percent. The Dead Sea, which covers an area of about 340 square miles,contains about 11,600,000,000 tons of salt!On the average, a gallon(加仑)of seawater contains about a quarter of a pound of salt.The beds of rock salt that are found in various parts of the world were all originally formed by the evaporation(蒸发)of seawater millions of years ago. It is believed that the thick rock-salt deposits were formed after about nine-tenth of theY volume of seawater had been evaporated.Most commercial salt is obtained from rock salt.The usual method is to drill wells(井) down to the salt beds. Pure water is pumped down(抽进去)through a pipe. The water dissolves the salt and it is forced through another pipe up to the surface.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干Where Has the Salt Come from?Every now and then,we meet a fact about our earth that makes us feel strange and no answer for the fact has yet been found.Such a fact is the existence of salt in the oceans. How did it get there?We simply do not know how the salt got into the ocean!We do know,of course,that salt is water-soluble,and so passes into the oceans with rainwater.The salt of the earth's surface is constantly being dissolved(溶解)and is passing into the ocean.But we do not know whether this can explain the huge quantity of salt in oceans.If all the oceans were dried up,enough salt would be left to build a wall 180 miles high and a mile thick. Such a wall would reach once around the world at the Equator(赤道)!The common salt that we all use is produced from seawater or the water of salt lakes, from salt springs(源泉)and from deposits of rock salt. The concentration(浓度)of salt in seawater ranges from about three percent to three-and-one-half percent. The Dead Sea, which covers an area of about 340 square miles,contains about 11,600,000,000 tons of salt!On the average, a gallon(加仑)of seawater contains about a quarter of a pound of salt.The beds of rock salt that are found in various parts of the world were all originally formed by the evaporation(蒸发)of seawater millions of years ago. It is believed that the thick rock-salt deposits were formed after about nine-tenth of theY volume of seawater had been evaporated.Most commercial salt is obtained from rock salt.The usual method is to drill wells(井) down to the salt beds. Pure water is pumped down(抽进去)through a pipe. The water dissolves the salt and it is forced through another pipe up to the surface.Beds of rock salt are found in every part of the world.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干Where Has the Salt Come from?Every now and then,we meet a fact about our earth that makes us feel strange and no answer for the fact has yet been found.Such a fact is the existence of salt in the oceans. How did it get there?We simply do not know how the salt got into the ocean!We do know,of course,that salt is water-soluble,and so passes into the oceans with rainwater.The salt of the earth's surface is constantly being dissolved(溶解)and is passing into the ocean.But we do not know whether this can explain the huge quantity of salt in oceans.If all the oceans were dried up,enough salt would be left to build a wall 180 miles high and a mile thick. Such a wall would reach once around the world at the Equator(赤道)!The common salt that we all use is produced from seawater or the water of salt lakes, from salt springs(源泉)and from deposits of rock salt. The concentration(浓度)of salt in seawater ranges from about three percent to three-and-one-half percent. The Dead Sea, which covers an area of about 340 square miles,contains about 11,600,000,000 tons of salt!On the average, a gallon(加仑)of seawater contains about a quarter of a pound of salt.The beds of rock salt that are found in various parts of the world were all originally formed by the evaporation(蒸发)of seawater millions of years ago. It is believed that the thick rock-salt deposits were formed after about nine-tenth of theY volume of seawater had been evaporated.Most commercial salt is obtained from rock salt.The usual method is to drill wells(井) down to the salt beds. Pure water is pumped down(抽进去)through a pipe. The water dissolves the salt and it is forced through another pipe up to the surface.The author is sure that the dissolved salt from the earth's surface is the only source of the huge quantity of salt found in oceans.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干Where Has the Salt Come from?Every now and then,we meet a fact about our earth that makes us feel strange and no answer for the fact has yet been found.Such a fact is the existence of salt in the oceans. How did it get there?We simply do not know how the salt got into the ocean!We do know,of course,that salt is water-soluble,and so passes into the oceans with rainwater.The salt of the earth's surface is constantly being dissolved(溶解)and is passing into the ocean.But we do not know whether this can explain the huge quantity of salt in oceans.If all the oceans were dried up,enough salt would be left to build a wall 180 miles high and a mile thick. Such a wall would reach once around the world at the Equator(赤道)!The common salt that we all use is produced from seawater or the water of salt lakes, from salt springs(源泉)and from deposits of rock salt. The concentration(浓度)of salt in seawater ranges from about three percent to three-and-one-half percent. The Dead Sea, which covers an area of about 340 square miles,contains about 11,600,000,000 tons of salt!On the average, a gallon(加仑)of seawater contains about a quarter of a pound of salt.The beds of rock salt that are found in various parts of the world were all originally formed by the evaporation(蒸发)of seawater millions of years ago. It is believed that the thick rock-salt deposits were formed after about nine-tenth of theY volume of seawater had been evaporated.Most commercial salt is obtained from rock salt.The usual method is to drill wells(井) down to the salt beds. Pure water is pumped down(抽进去)through a pipe. The water dissolves the salt and it is forced through another pipe up to the surface.We have not fully understood how salt got into the ocean.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

Years ago our cities were full of cars,buses and trucks.Now the streets are completely congested(拥挤的)and it is very difficult to drive a car along them.Drivers must stop at hundreds of traffic lights.What are our cities going to be like in ten or twenty years?Will enormous(巨大的)motorways be built across them?With-big motorways cutting across them,full of noisy,dirty cars and lorries,our cities are going to be awful places.How can we solve the problem?There are some good ideas to reduce the use of private cars.In 1989,for example,the authorities in Rome began an interesting experiment:passengers on the city buses did not have to pay for their tickets.In Stockholm there was another experiment:people paid very little for a season ticket to travel on any bus,trolley bus,train or tram in all the city.In many cities now some streets are closed to vehicles,and pedestrians are safe there.In London there is another experiment:part of the street is for buses only,so the buses can travel fast.There are no cars or taxies in front of them.What the writer worries about in a big city is__.A.the number of traffic lightsB.the shortage of busesC.the lack of motorwaysD.the traffic congestion

Hi, Celia!()to the United States? It was wonderful. I really enjoyed it.A、What was your ideaB、How was your tripC、Who wentD、How often did you travel

Why did Mrs. Green go to the travel agency?()A、By car.B、Yesterday afternoon.C、In New York.D、For some information about travel.

The Great Salt Lake lies in northern ()A、IdahoB、ArizonaC、NevadaD、Utah

单选题Undocumented workers became the target of “Operation Safe Travel” because _____.Aevidence was found that they were potential terroristsBmost of them worked at airports under threat of terrorist attacksCterrorists might take advantage of their illegal statusDthey were reportedly helping hide terrorists around the airport

单选题Why did Mrs. Green go to the travel agency?()ABy car.BYesterday afternoon.CIn New York.DFor some information about travel.

单选题By saying “The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea”, the writer means the libraryAuse dogs to attract childrenBaccepts the idea put forward by ITAChas opened a children’s departmentDhas decided to train some dogs

单选题How did the narrator and his aunt travel to see his father?ABy car.BBy bus.CBy ship.DBy train.

单选题How did the speaker feel when he saw the last apartment?AFrightened.BExcited.CCalm.

单选题How did the immigrants in Salt Lake City feel about “Operation Safe Travel”?AGuilty.BOffended.CDisappointed.DDiscouraged.

单选题How does the British Queen feel about the Internet?AShe is enthusiastic about the Internet.BShe thinks the Internet is boring.CShe dislikes the Internet.

单选题The Great Salt Lake lies in northern ()AIdahoBArizonaCNevadaDUtah

单选题How did Sam feel after he woke?AExcited.BNervous.CHappy.DHungry.

单选题— I’m looking for a nearby place for my holiday. Any good ideas?— How about the Moon Lake? It is ______ easy reach of the city.AbyBbeyondCwithinDfrom