


文中提到的最后一条建议是有计划的存钱,而且录音中提到“It’s a good idea to save about ten percent of your salary every month”,也就是说最好每个月将工资的10%存下来,本题考察的是存钱的数量,故应填入10% (ten percent)。


单选题The law on drinking and driving is _____ stated.AextravagantlyBempiricallyCexceptionallyDexplicitly

问答题What did Elon College rename itself as?

单选题_____ to get a definition for this word!AHow it is difficultBhow difficult is itCHow difficult it isDIt is how difficult

单选题The Eos authors claim all of the following EXCEPT that _____.Athe possible higher frequency of flood raises concerns about dam safetyBconventional dam design hasn’t realized the possible feedback mechanismsCdam design protocol shouldn’t assume unchanging extreme precipitation eventsDthe dams’ function has been weakened mainly because it is getting older

问答题In this story, what is the author’s attitude towards doctors?

单选题AThey cause very few problems.BThey are easy to deal with.CThere aren’t many of them.DThey are friendly to people.

单选题Which of the italicized parts functions as a complement(补语)?AWe were greatly encouraged by the news of China’s having launched another man-made satellite.BHis wish is everyone’s having a good time.CI saw an old man getting on the bus.DThe smiling boy needs a pen bought by his mother





单选题Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage before you remodel your home?AThinking out your ideal home.BConsulting some experienced architects for some advice.CLearning others’ experience of remodeling.DDiscussing remodeling plan with family members.

单选题AStatistics about major diseases.BSymptoms of influenza infection.CA. major epidemic of influenza.DDifferent strains of the flu virus.

单选题Their diplomatic principles completely laid bare their _____ for world conquest.AadmirationBambitionCadministrationDorientation




问答题Why did the writer get angry with his colleague?

问答题What does the word “zapping” (Para. 4) means?

单选题Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?AI had hardly got home when the telephone rang.BI had no sooner got home than the telephone ring.CShe said she had worked in that factory since 1980.DWe have been waiting here for almost an hour.



单选题According to the first paragraph, college students and graduates find it most essential to _____Aget an entry-level job.Bprovide flee service.Cdo an internship.Dpay for the privilege of getting a job.


单选题The Eos authors claim all of the following EXCEPT that _____.Athe possible higher frequency of flood raises concerns about dam safetyBconventional dam design hasn’t realized the possible feedback mechanismsCdam design protocol shouldn’t assume unchanging extreme precipitation eventsDthe dams’ function has been weakened mainly because it is getting older


单选题In less than two weeks, I _____.Awill graduateBam graduatingChave graduatedDwill have graduated

单选题AIt is helpful in reflecting the way people link information in the brain.BIt prevents people from arranging things logically.CIt makes people’s brain function the opposite way.DIt affects people’s way of thinking.