


in。考点:介词。experiment in sth. 进行……实验;experiment on sth. 对……进行实验。这里讲的是“对于教黑猩猩与人类进行成功交流进行试验”,应选E项。


单选题AIt will maintain a close relationship with Europe.BIt will support the idea of a central European government.CIt will keep a distance from Europe.DThey will support each other.

单选题By calling it “tap-dancing to work”, Warren Buffett thinks the author’s job is _____Aa great challenge to brain power.Bsignificant in the development of technology.Cenjoyable in spite of any possible hardships.Da window through which people are shown a new world.


问答题What does the term “usher in” (Line 5, Para.4) mean?

问答题What is the passage mainly about?

问答题Who do you need to impress most according to the passage?

单选题ATrips to the moon.BTrips in the moon’s orbit.CTrips within the earth’s orbit.DTrips to the Mars.


单选题ATo invite the student to attend a meeting with her.BTo let the student know that she will have to leave soon.CTo announce that she will be speaking at a meeting.DTo explain why she cannot help the student right now.



单选题The mayor is a woman with great _____ therefore deserves our political and financial support.AintentionBinstinctCintegrityDintensity

单选题_____ I would like to stay. I really must go home.AMuch asBIn spite ofCDespiteDas

问答题Why are American companies in France less affected by the dollar’s decline?


问答题What does the word “zapping” (Para. 4) means?

问答题Test 10  The life of living in dormitory is quite different from that of living at home. How to keep a harmonious relationship with roommates is a challenge for many college students. What do you think is the best way to keep a harmonious relationship in dormitory?  Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:The Best Way to Keep a Harmonious Relationship in Dormitory  You are to write in three parts.  In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.  In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion.  In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.


单选题Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?AHis father has been dead for six years.BHis father died six years ago.CIt’s six years since his father had died.DIt has been two years since his father’s death.




单选题The old gentleman was a very _____ looking person, with grey hair and gold spectacles.ArespectfulBrespectedCrespectiveDrespectable

单选题What is the main idea of the passage?AHuman activities are changing the climate.BDams make local meteorological conditions worse.CDams alter local weather and make themselves unsafe.DExtreme precipitation events around large dams have increased.

单选题Which of the following italicized phrases indicates CAUSE?AWhy don’t you do it for the sake of your friends?BI wish I could write as well as you.CFor all his efforts, he didn’t get an A.DHer eyes were red from excessive reading.

单选题From Ross Perlin’s new book “Intern Nation”, we can learn that _____Acompetition for internships is intense.Binterns are usually looked down upon.Cone third of interns work for for-profit companies.Dinternships are least valued by for-profit companies.


单选题What’s the central topic of the passage?AThe recruiters and the interviewers.BFour don’ts when dealing with recruiters.CDon’t request special treatment.DDon’t ask for insider information.