单选题As soon as we ______ your order, we will process it and deliver your package immediately.AreceiveBhad receivedCreceivedDwill receive

As soon as we ______ your order, we will process it and deliver your package immediately.



had received




will receive


本题考查时态。句意:我们一收到你的订单,就立刻会处理并且投递你的包裹。as soon as表示“一……就……”,后接状语从句,从句中用一般现在时表示将来。故A项为正确答案。


We will mail your order ( ) we receive your credit card number A.As soon asB.UnlessC.ThusD.Likewise

Dear Sirs,The order mentioned above was delivered to our warehouse 2 days after it arrived in Chicago 8th Jan. and we regret that we have to complain about the conditions in which we received it.In our order we stipulated that we required four dozen of your men's suits pattern CS/7, and in your invoice, No. CP/78, you charged us for this quantity, but it is clear that you have packed only three dozen in Case 3, 【B1】______ . We would therefore appreciate an explanation and your prompt action to send us the missing dozen suits.Very much more serious is the condition of the ladies' trousers suits that you packed in Case 2. Of the six dozen that this case contains, 【B2】______ . It is quite clear that this is solely due to the totally inadequate way in which they had been packed for you had not lined the case with any waterproof paper. 【B3】______【B4】______ , whereas in our order we had stated that we required your pattern CS/9 which is stated in your catalogue as being made up from heavy-weight material. There is no market here for tropical suits, and so we must emphasize 【B5】______ .We must stress that the mistakes that you have made in this first order we have placed with you have caused considerable problems for us. We had hoped to include your products in the Spring Sale that is due to open at the end of February, but as it is, it is now clear that we shall not be able to do so. We wish to stress, therefore, that unless you take immediate action to correct the mistakes that you have made, 【B6】______ .We now expect your prompt reply.Yours,FaithfullyA. please correct all the mistakes as soon as possibleB. that we expect you to replace these suits that have been wrongly delivered with those we ordered without delayC. we shall certainly not consider further orders with you and shall report your company to the American Trade Promotion Office in New YorkD. and we think the price is a little bit too highE. forty have become very sodden in transit and most of these show signs of rottingF. we are also surprised that you appear to have sent us three dozen lightweight gentlemen's suits in Case 1G. we therefore expect your prompt action to remedy this situationH. and there is no sign of the missing dozen in either Case 1 or 2【B1】______

—Do you mean that deposits and withdrawals are posted to my account immediately?—() A. Yes, we process cash transactions during the working day.B. Yes, we process cash transactions on the second day.C. Yes, we process cash transactions as soon as they take place.

We have ( ) in informing you that we have accepted your order No.234. A.prideB.pleasureC.interestD.consideration

We will()an order with your company for digital cameras.A、 reserveB、 bookC、 place

听力原文:If you lose this credit card, you have to notify us as soon as possible, so that we can put a stop on your lost card.(3)A.We are the credit card holders.B.We are the bank who can encash the card.C.We are the credit card company.D.We stopped your card losing.

Following your order()400 meters of rayon last year ,we are pleased to receive your order No. 876 () the same quantity .A. for , ofB. of ,ofC. of , withD. of ,for

We shall certainly contact you, as soon we are in a position to entertain new business in your district.()

We are pleased to advise you that we complete the shipment of your order 123.()

If your prices are competitive and your goods ________ to our standard, we shall order on a regular basis. A.upB.belowC.aboutD.in

As your order is a large one, we are not in a position to book enough shipping space, so we hope you will agree to partial shipment.(英译中)

We()your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for your products. A、believeB、findC、thinkD、suppose

As soon as we receive the signed form. , we willadd your name to the list of people ( )snow shoveling.A. requiringB. requireC. required

We are ( ) for your order. A、comeB、goC、appreciatedD、grateful

We look forward to()a trial order.A、receivingB、receive from youC、receiptD、receipt your

从下列选项中选出与中文相符的英文表述。()“感谢您的订单。”A、We appreciate for your orderB、Thank you for your orderC、We appreciate your orderD、Thanks for your order

We are in receipt of your letter dated Jan 8, ____ we are pleased to learn that you want to order 100 tons of the subject goods.A、in whichB、from whichC、to whichD、at which

We have to claim for your delay in()of our order.A、shippingB、shipmentC、shipD、deliver

翻译:We would appreciate your letting us know what discount you can grant if we give you a long-term regular order.

翻译:We hope you will accept our offer and give us order soon.

We have made()that we would accept D/P terms for your present order.A、clearB、it is clearC、that clearD、it clear

单选题We have made()that we would accept D/P terms for your present order.AclearBit is clearCthat clearDit clear

问答题翻译:We hope you will accept our offer and give us order soon.

单选题We will an order with your company() for digital cameras.AreserveBbookCplace

单选题We are in receipt of your letter dated Jan 8, ____ we are pleased to learn that you want to order 100 tons of the subject goods.Ain whichBfrom whichCto whichDat which

单选题We()you of our prompt shipment after receipt of your order.AassureBassuranceCinsureDinsurance

问答题翻译:We would appreciate your letting us know what discount you can grant if we give you a long-term regular order.