单选题Black smoke coming from a boiler can be caused by ().Alow water levelBlow oil pressureCexcessively high fuel pressureDan improper air/fuel ratio

Black smoke coming from a boiler can be caused by ().

low water level


low oil pressure


excessively high fuel pressure


an improper air/fuel ratio


解析: 暂无解析


When an auxiliary boiler is panting and emitting(发出) black smoke, you should______.A.increase the fuel oil temperatureB.decrease the fuel oil temperatureC.decrease the fuel oil supply pressureD.increase the air supply

Haze is not caused by ______.A.forest firesB.smoke from industrial areasC.dust or sand stormsD.water droplets with the relative humidity more than 95%

If heavy smoke is coming from the paint locker, the FIRST firefighting response should be to ______.A.release the CO2 flooding systemB.open the door to evaluate the extent of the fireC.enter and use a portable extinguisherD.secure the ventilation

It can be known from the passage that increase in the salinity of ocean water is caused by___________.A.melting of sea iceB.precipitationC.evaporationD.supplement of salt

An administrator sees that smoke is coming from the UPS. Which of the following should they doFIRST?()A、Use a Class A fire extinguisher.B、Evacuate personnel.C、Install additional fans in the UPSD、Backup the servers.

单选题Black smoke exhausting from a diesel engine indicates()Aproper fuel injectionBwater in the fuelCincomplete combustionDburning of lube oil

单选题White smoke exhausting from a diesel engine can be caused by ()Alow combustion temperatureBa leaking fuel nozzle check valveClate fuel injectionDplugged oil-scraper ring hole

单选题The indications of a scavenge fire are excessive black smoke, () and peeling from scavenge trunking.Aturbo-chargers surgeBspark seen from the drainsCpaint blisteringDall above are right

单选题Black smoke exhausting from an operating diesel engine is an indication of poor combustion which may be caused by ()Awater in the fuelBinsufficient fuel for combustionCclogged air intake passagesDburning lubricating oil

单选题White smoke exhausting from a diesel engine can be caused by a ()Ahigh combustion temperatureBhigh compression pressureCcracked cylinder linerDfuel with a high vanadium content

单选题Black smoke coming from a boiler can be caused by ().Alow water levelBhigh water levelCexcessively high fuel pressureDlow oil temperature

单选题While maneuvering, you discover heavy smoke coming from the turbocharger casing, you should ()Acheck the air filter for dirtBcheck for an exhaust leakCcheck the cooling water temperatureDnotify the bridge that you are going to shut the engine down

单选题White smoke exhausting from a diesel engine can result from ()Ahigh exhaust temperatureBhigh lube oil temperatureClow turbo-charger speedDlow cooling water temperature

单选题When an auxiliary boiler is panting and emitting black smoke, you should ().Aincrease the fuel oil temperatureBdecrease the fuel oil temperatureCdecrease the fuel oil supply pressureDincrease the air supply

单选题A dark exhaust from a running diesel engine can be caused by ()Alate ignitionBwater in the fuelChigh compression temperatureDstarting valve stuck open

单选题Black smoke exhausting from an operating diesel engine can be caused by ()Afuel dribbling from leaking fuel injectorsBburning fuel with a high carbon contentCburning fuel with a high vanadium contentDburning fuel with a lower sulphur content

单选题High exhaust temperature and black smoke exhausting from an auxiliary diesel engine can be caused by ().Aengine overloadBlow combustion temperatureCplugged fuel nozzle holesDexcessive compression pressure

单选题Water in the fuel can prevent the engine from starting, prevent it from developing full power, or ()Arun at an irregular speedBcreate high lube oil temperatureCcause the engine to over-speedDcause blue smoke in the exhaust

单选题Excessive vibration of an automatically fired auxiliary boiler can be caused by ()Aair or water in the furnaceBcombustion pulsesCfuel oil pump failureDflame failure

单选题A burner responsible for producing black smoke in an automatic auxiliary boiler, would be caused by a ()Adefective solenoid valveBdirty fuel nozzleCgrounded high tension leadDfaulty ignition cable connector

单选题Impurities from the boiler water surface can be removed through the ().Asafety valveBblow down valveCscum valveDfeed check valve

单选题Foaming in the steam drum may be caused by () in a boiler.Aoxygen in the waterBpoor boiler designCdensity too highDexcessive steam demand

单选题Flame failure in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler can from a/an ()Aincorrect electrode settingBincorrect nozzle positionCclogged fuel nozzleDbroken high tension lead

单选题If you observe smoke coming from the turbocharger of an auxiliary diesel engine, you should()Acheck the air filter for obstructionBcheck for an exhaust leakCcheck the exhaust temperatureDsecure the engine

单选题If heavy smoke is coming from the paint locker,the first firefighting response should be to().Arelease the CO fiooding systemBopen the door to evaluate of the fireCenter and use a portable extinguisherDsecure the ventilation

单选题Explosions do occur () caused by the ignition of oil or vapour gaining access from compressors or defective engine starting valves.Ain boiler drumsBin refrigerating plantsCin starting air pipesDin air coolers

单选题The transition of the Earth’s magnetic field is possibly caused by _____.Athe flows of melted iron inside the EarthBthe periodical movement of the EarthCthe mechanical energy of the solar systemDthe force coming from outer space