单选题Explosions do occur () caused by the ignition of oil or vapour gaining access from compressors or defective engine starting valves.Ain boiler drumsBin refrigerating plantsCin starting air pipesDin air coolers

Explosions do occur () caused by the ignition of oil or vapour gaining access from compressors or defective engine starting valves.

in boiler drums


in refrigerating plants


in starting air pipes


in air coolers


解析: 暂无解析


Oil fires are best extinguished by ______.A.cutting off the supply of oxygenB.removing the fuelC.cooling below the ignition temperatureD.spraying with water

What did scientists learn about earthquakes at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal?A) They occur at about 4,000 metres below ground level.B) The injection of water into earthquake faults prevents earthquakes from occurring.C) They are usually caused by the oil in the faults.D) Harmful earthquakes earl be possibly prevented by causing small, harmless earthquakes.

Crankcase explosions in propulsion diesel engines result from ____.A.the splashing of lubrication oil by the crankshaftB.the dilution of crankcase oil with particles of combustionC.broken fuel lines spraying oil on the crankcaseD.the ignition of unburned fuel and air in the crankcase

If clearance between a piston and the cylinder wall is excessive, piston slap will occur. The slap itself is caused by_____.A.alternation of side thrustB.a breakdown of the lube oil film on the cylinderC.worn piston boss piston pin bearingsD.fluctuating gas pressure in tile combustion space

The cetane number of a diesel fuel oil indicates its ______.A.ignition qualityB.acid contentC.heating valueD.viscosity

The cetane number of a diesel fuel oil indicates its ______.A.viscosityB.acid contentC.heating valueD.ignition quality

Oil slick caused by spillage of oil from tanker ship is ______.A.a drop of oilB.the emulsion of oil at sea surfaceC.the weathered oilD.the oil floating on the surface of the sea water

How does foam extinguish an oil fire ?______.A.By cooling the oil below the ignition temperatureB.By removing the fuel souce from the fireC.By excluding the oxygen from the fireD.By increasing the weight of the oil

单选题The ignition of the fuel in diesel engine is caused by the () of compression of the air previously admitted into the cylinders.Avacuum pressureBspecific gravityCheatDviscosity

单选题Combustion knock will most likely occur as a result of using a fuel with()Alow ignition qualityBa high volatilityClow ignition delayDa high cetane number

单选题Excessive lubricating oil consumption in a running diesel engine can be caused by ()Aclogged lube oil pipingBexcessive valve-guide clearanceChigh lube oil viscosityDlow lube oil temperature

单选题Fuel oil having a low cetane rating could result in()Aimproved cold weather startingBexcessive fuel oil consumptionCreduced ignition lagDsmoother engine operation

单选题A diesel engine is turned at normal cranking speed and no ignition occursThis could be the result of ()Alow lube oil temperatureBlow starting air temperatureCair bubbles in the fuel oil systemDwater in the starting air system

单选题Emulsification of oil will occur when mixed with ().AairBblack oilCwaterDice cream

单选题Crankcase explosions in propulsion diesel result from()Athe splashing of lubrication oil by the crankshaftBthe dilution of crankcase oil with particles of combustionCbroken fuel lines spraying oil on the crankcaseDthe ignition of unburned fuel and air in the crankcase

单选题Oil fires are best extinguished by().Acutting off the supply of oxygenBremoving the fuelCcooling below the ignition temperatureDspraying with water

单选题Ignition failure in an automatically controlled auxiliary boiler could be caused by()Acarbon deposits on the flame scannerBhigh fuel oil temperatureClow fuel oil viscosityDhigh steam pressure

单选题When an oil fire has been extinguished, the surface of the oil should be kept covered with foam to prevent ().Aair from contacting the oil vaporsBpermitting re-ignition boiling of the heated oilCspontaneous combustion below the oil surfaceDtoxic fumes from escaping to the surface

单选题Combustion knock occurring in a diesel engine can be caused by ().Aexcessive fuel penetrationBprolonged injection lagCreduced ignition lagDprolonged ignition lag

单选题Burner ignition failure in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler would be caused by()Aa burned out solenoid in the oil supply valveBhigh temperature excess airCincorrectly setting the hot-well dump valveDan incorrectly positioned burner snubber realy

单选题The ignition quality of a diesel fuel oil is indicated by the ()Aspecific gravityBcetane numberCviscosityDcalorific valve

单选题The minimum speed an engine must attain before ignition can occur depends upon ().Athe type and size of the engineBthe condition of the engineCambient temperatureDall of the above

单选题Heat for igniting the fuel oil in the cylinder of a diesel engine is generated by the ()Aelectronic ignition systemBcompression of air by the pistonCfriction in the fuel injectorDfuel oil bearing system

单选题Surface irregularities, such as erosion and pitting on injection pump plungers, will()Aincrease ignition delayBaffect fuel oil meteringCaffect engine performance at low speedDonly disappear due to fuel oil abrasion

单选题Which of the following operational conditions will occur to the diesel engine lube oil at extremely high temperature?()AThe oil oxidizes and forms carbon depositsBThe viscosity increasesCEngine oil consumption decreasesDLubricating qualities of the oil are enhanced

单选题Disastrous explosions have been caused by accumulations of oil or oil vapour in air lines not drainedAccording to the above sentence, which of the following statements is true?()AOil vapour in air piping are dangerousBExplosion will cause oil vapouring in air linesCOil vapour in air piping should be drainedDOil in air piping should not be drained

单选题Which of the following problems may occur when using fuel oil with a high sulphur content?()AInjection lagBLube oil dilutionCPre-ignitionDCorrosion