23、解决问题的过程是分析问题,设计适当的程序,编写代码,测试代码,这一过程称为软件开发周期。 The process of solving a problem by analyzing it, designing an appropriate program, coding the design, and testing the code is known as the software development cycle.
23、解决问题的过程是分析问题,设计适当的程序,编写代码,测试代码,这一过程称为软件开发周期。 The process of solving a problem by analyzing it, designing an appropriate program, coding the design, and testing the code is known as the software development cycle.
● 一般的软件开发过程包括需求分析、软件设计、编写代码、软件维护等多个阶段, 其中 (43) 是软件生命周期中持续时间最长的阶段。A. 需求分析 B. 软件设计 C. 编写代码 D. 软件维护
通过程序设计活动求解问题时,通常可分为问题建模、算法设计、编写代码和编译调试4个阶段。()阶段的工作与所选择的程序语言密切相关。 A.问题建模和算法设计B.算法设计和编写代码C.问题建模和编译调试D.编写代码和编译调试
Integration(73)is the process of verifying that the components of a system work together as described in the program design and system design specifications.(73)A.tryingB.checkingC.testing.D.coding
● 一般的软件开发过程包括需求分析、软件设计、编写代码、软件维护等多个阶段其中 (43) 是软件生命周期中持续时间最长的阶段。(43)A. 需求分析B. 软件设计C. 编写代码D. 软件维护
Integration(73)is the process of verifying that the components of asystem work together as described in the program design and system design specifications.A.tryingB.checkingC.testingD.coding
● Integration(73)is the process of verifying that the components of a system work together as described in the program design and system design specifications.(73)A. trying B. checking C. testing D. coding
● The development process in the software (74) involves four phases: analysis,design,implementation, and testing.(74) A. maintenanceB. life cycleC. programmingD. upgrading
The development process in the software (74) involves four phases: analysis,design, implementation, and testing.A.maintenanceB.lifecycleC.programmingD.upgrading
The stages within the development phase of the software life cycle are ( 71 ).A.design, analysis, implementation, and testingB.analysis, design, implementation, and testingC.analysis, design, testing, and implementationD.design, analysis, testing, and implementation
Integration ______ is the process of verifying that the components of a system work together as described in the program design an system design specification.A.tryingB.checkingC.testingD.coding
软件重用是指在两次或多次不同的软件开发过程中重复使用相同或相似软件元素的过程。软件元素包括( )、测试用例和领域知识等。A.项目范围定义、需求分析文档、设计文档B.需求分析文档、设计文档、程序代码C.设计文档、程序代码、界面原型D.程序代码、界面原型、数据表结构
用计算机程序解决问题过程,正确设计顺序是()。 A.分析问题编写代码设计算法调试运行B.分析问题设计算法编写代码调试运行C.设计算法分析问题编写代码调试运行D.调试运行设计算法编写代码分析问题
●The development process in the software (74) involves four phases: analysis,design,implementation, and testing.(74)A.maintenanceB.lifecycleC.programmingD.upgrading
The development process in the software______involves four phases:analysis,design,implementation,and testing.A.maintenanceB.1ife cycleC.programmingD.upgrading
The development process in the software ______ involves four phases: analysis, design, implementation, and testing.A.maintenance]B.1ife] cycle]C.programmingD.upgrading
The stages within the development phase of the software life cycle are( ).软件生命周期开发阶段的阶段是A.design,analysis,implementation,and testing设计、分析、实现和测试B.analysis,design,implementation,and testing分析、设计、实现和测试C.analysis,design,testing,and implementation分析、设计、测试和实现D.design,analysis,testing,and implementation设计、分析、测试和实现