1、以下广告语运用了哪种修辞手法? East or west, Guangzhou cuisine is best. (单选2 分)A.仿拟 ParodyB.拟人 PersonificationC.双关 punD.暗喻 metaphor

1、以下广告语运用了哪种修辞手法? East or west, Guangzhou cuisine is best. (单选2 分)

A.仿拟 Parody

B.拟人 Personification

C.双关 pun

D.暗喻 metaphor

谐音双关 homophonic pun;语义双关 homographic pun;反复 repetition;押韵 rhyming


Which cuisine is probably the best known Chinese cuisine in the West, especially in the United States?A.Sichuan cuisineB.Guangdong cuisineC.northern cuisineD.Huaiyang cuisine


In Trial 9, the electrical force exerted by Sphere Y on Sphere X and the electrical force exerted by Sphere X on Sphere Y were exerted in which direction(s)?A.east; eastB.east; westC.west; westD.west; east

定义枚举如下:publicenumDirection{EAST,SOUTH,WEST,NORTH}下列正确使用该枚举类型的语句是哪项?() A.DirectionDirection=EAST;B.Directiondirection=Direction.WEST;C.inta-Direction.NORTH;D.Directiondirection=2;

The sun _____in the east and ______ in the west.A、rise setB、rose setsC、risen setD、rises sets

Our teacher told us that the earth _____ from west to east. A、turnB、turnsC、turnedD、has turned

East and west, home is _____. (proverb) A、goodB、bestC、the bestD、the worst




During daylight savings time the meridian used for determining the time is located farther ______.A.west in west longitude and east in east longitudeB.east in west longitude and west in east longitudeC.westD.east

Which magnetic compass corrector(s)CANNOT be set on a heading of magnetic east or magnetic west ________.A.Heeling magnetB.Flinders barC.Fore-and-aft magnetsD.All of the above can be set on magnetic east or magnetic west headings

New Zealand is situated about 1, 500 km ()Anorth-west of AustraliaBsouth-east of AustraliaCnorth-east of AustraliaDsouth-west of Australia



class Parent {     String one, two;  public Parent(String a, String b){     one = a;     two = b;    }  public void print(){ System.out.println(one); }    }  public class Child extends Parent {     public Child(String a, String b){     super(a,b);     }  public void print(){  System.out.println(one + " to " + two);     }  public static void main(String arg[]){     Parent p = new Parent("south", "north");     Parent t = new Child("east", "west");     p.print();     t.print();     }     }  Which of the following is correct?()A、 Cause error during compilation. B、 south     east C、 south to north     east to west    D、 south to north     east    E、 south     east to west

New Zealand is situated about 1, 500 km ()A、north-west of AustraliaB、south-east of AustraliaC、north-east of AustraliaD、south-west of Australia

定义枚举如下:  public  enum  Direction{      EAST,SOUTH,WEST,NORTH      }  下列正确使用该枚举类型的语句是哪项?()    A、Direction Direction=EAST;B、Direction direction=Direction.WEST;C、int a- Direction.NORTH;D、Direction direction=2;

单选题The traditional dividing line in America between “east” and “west” is _____.Athe AppalachiansBthe Mississippi RiverCthe Rocky MountainsDthe Hudson River

单选题New Zealand is situated about 1, 500 km ()Anorth-west of AustraliaBsouth-east of AustraliaCnorth-east of AustraliaDsouth-west of Australia

单选题Which magnetic compass corrector(s)CANNOT be set on a heading of magnetic east or magnetic west().AHeeling magnetBFlinders barCFore-and-aft magnetsDAll of the above can be set on magnetic east or magnetic west headings



单选题During daylight savings time the meridian used for determining the time is located farther().AeastBwestCeast in west longitude and west in east longitudeDwest in west longitude and east in east longitude

单选题class Parent {     String one, two;  public Parent(String a, String b){     one = a;     two = b;    }  public void print(){ System.out.println(one); }    }  public class Child extends Parent {     public Child(String a, String b){     super(a,b);     }  public void print(){  System.out.println(one + " to " + two);     }  public static void main(String arg[]){     Parent p = new Parent("south", "north");     Parent t = new Child("east", "west");     p.print();     t.print();     }     }  Which of the following is correct?()A Cause error during compilation. B south     east C south to north     east to west    D south to north     east    E south     east to west

单选题Where is Burma?ATo the east of India.BOn the east of India.COn the west of India.

单选题定义枚举如下:  public  enum  Direction{      EAST,SOUTH,WEST,NORTH      }  下列正确使用该枚举类型的语句是哪项?()ADirection Direction=EAST;BDirection direction=Direction.WEST;Cint a- Direction.NORTH;DDirection direction=2;

单选题______ Pacific Ocean is ______ very large sea to the west of North and South America, and to the east of Asia and Australia.AThe; aBA; theCThe; theDA; a