class Parent {     String one, two;  public Parent(String a, String b){     one = a;     two = b;    }  public void print(){ System.out.println(one); }    }  public class Child extends Parent {     public Child(String a, String b){     super(a,b);     }  public void print(){  System.out.println(one + " to " + two);     }  public static void main(String arg[]){     Parent p = new Parent("south", "north");     Parent t = new Child("east", "west");     p.print();     t.print();     }     }  Which of the following is correct?()A、 Cause error during compilation. B、 south     east C、 south to north     east to west    D、 south to north     east    E、 south     east to west

class Parent {     String one, two;  public Parent(String a, String b){     one = a;     two = b;    }  public void print(){ System.out.println(one); }    }  public class Child extends Parent {     public Child(String a, String b){     super(a,b);     }  public void print(){  System.out.println(one + " to " + two);     }  public static void main(String arg[]){     Parent p = new Parent("south", "north");     Parent t = new Child("east", "west");     p.print();     t.print();     }     }  Which of the following is correct?()

  • A、 Cause error during compilation. 
  • B、 south         east 
  • C、 south to north     east to west    
  • D、 south to north      east    
  • E、 south     east to west


有如下程序:#includeusing namespace std;class PARENT{public:PARENT(){cout"PARENT";}};class SON:public PARENT{public:SON(){cout"SON";}};int main(){SON son;PARENT *p;p = son;return 0;}执行上面程序的输出是 【 12 】 。

请分析下列程序。 int main() { printf("This is in main program"); if(fork()==0) printf("I am in child process"); else printf("I am in parent process");} 程序正确运行后结果是A.This is in main program I am in child process I am in parent processB.This is in main program I am in child processC.This is in main program I am in parent processD.This is in main program I am in child process This is in main program I am in parent process

下列选项中的 方法可以正确地加入类Child中,且父类的方法不会被覆盖。 public class Parent{ public int addValue(int a,int b){ int s; s=a+b; return s; } } class Child extends Parent{ } addValue(int a,int b){∥do something…}B.public void addValue( ){∥do something…}C.public int addValue(int a,int b)throws MyException{∥do something…}D.public float addValue(int a,int b,float b=1.0){∥do something…}

有如下程序段: public class Parent { public int addValue (int a,intB){ int s; s=a+b; return 3; } } class Child extends Parent {} 则下列选项中,可以正确加入类Child中且父类的方法不会被覆盖的是( )。 addValue (int a,intB){//do something...}B.public void addValue() {//do something...}C.public int addValue (int a,intB)throws MyException {//do something...}D.public float addValue (int a,int b,float b=1.0) {//do someting...}

调用对象方法的格式正确的是()。 A.Object.MethodB.MethodObjectC.Parent.Object.MethodD.Parent.Method

下面程序是关于类的继承的用法。阅读下面程序,根据程序中的注释在每一条横线处填写一个语句,使程序的功能完整,且运行程序后的输出结果为:I am parentclass!I am childclass!I am childclass!注意: 请勿改动main()主方法和其他已有的语句内容,仅在下划线处填入适当的语句。class Parent {void printMe() {System.out.println("I am parentclass!");}}class Child extends Parent {void printMe() {System.out.println("I am childclass!");}void printAll() {______________.printMe ( ); // 调用父类的方法______________. printMe ( ); //调用本类的方法printMe ( );}}public class TestJieCheng {public static void main(String args[]) {______________myC.printAll();}}

有如下程序: include using namespace std; class PARENT { public: PARENT() { cout 有如下程序:include <iostream>using namespace std;class PARENT{public:PARENT() { cout <<"PARENT"; }};class SON : public PARENT{public:SON() {cout << "SON"; }};int main(){SON son;PARENT *p;p = son;return 0;}执行上面程序的输出是______。

下列代码的输出结果是( )。class parent{void printme(){System.out.println("parent");}}class child extends parent{void printme(){System. out.println("child");}void printall(){super, printme();this.printme();printme();}}public class test{public static void main(String args[]){child myc=new child();myc.printall();}}A.import java.awt.*;B.import java.applet.applet;C.import*;D.import java,;

假定一个表单里有一个文本框Textl和一个命令按钮组CommandGroupl。命令按钮组是一个容器对象,其中包含Commandl和Command2两个命令按钮。如果要在Cornmandl命令按钮的某个方法中访问文本框的Value属性值,正确的表达式是( )。A.This.ThisForm.Textl.ValueB.This.Parent.Parent.Textl.ValueC.Parent.Parent.Textl.ValueD.This.Parent.Textl.Value

在CardLayout布局管理中,用于显示parent容器的前一张卡片的方法是() A.void previous(Container parent)B.void show(Container parent,String name)C.void next(Container parent)D.void first(Container parent)

What will the author most probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?A. causes for the parent –teen conflictsB. Examples of the parent –teen war.C. Solutions for the parent –teen problemsD. Future of the parent-teen relationship





Given the following code:     1) class Parent {     2) private String name;     3) public Parent(){}     4) }  5) public class Child extends Parent {     6) private String department;  7) public Child() {}  8) public String getValue(){ return name; }     9) public static void main(String arg[]) {     10) Parent p = new Parent();     11) }  12) }  Which line will cause error?()   A、 line 3B、 line 6C、 line 7D、 line 8E、 line 10

现有      public class Parentt      public void change (int x){)     )      public class Child extends Parent{     //覆盖父类change方法     }      下列哪个声明是正确的覆盖了父类的change方法?()    A、  protected void change (int x){}B、  public void change(int x,  int y){}C、  public void change (int x){}D、  public void change (String s){}



单选题Which method of the ChildActionExtensions class calls a child action method and renders the result inline in the parent view?()ARenderPartialBActionCRenderDRenderAction

多选题public class Parent {     int change() {…}     }  class Child extends Parent {     }  Which methods can be added into class Child?()Apublic int change(){}Bint chang(int i){}Cprivate int change(){}Dabstract int chang(){}

单选题public class Parent{     public void change(int x){} }  public class Child extends Parent{     //覆盖父类change方法  }  下列哪个声明是正确的覆盖了父类的change方法?()A protected void change(int x){}B public void change(int x, int y){}C public void change(String s){}D public void change(int x){}

单选题现有      public class Parentt      public void change (int x){)     )      public class Child extends Parent{     //覆盖父类change方法     }      下列哪个声明是正确的覆盖了父类的change方法?()A  protected void change (int x){}B  public void change(int x,  int y){}C  public void change (int x){}D  public void change (String s){}

单选题Given the following code:     1) class Parent {     2) private String name;     3) public Parent(){}     4) }  5) public class Child extends Parent {     6) private String department;  7) public Child() {}  8) public String getValue(){ return name; }     9) public static void main(String arg[]) {     10) Parent p = new Parent();     11) }  12) }  Which line will cause error?()A line 3B line 6C line 7D line 8E line 10

多选题public class Parent {  public int addValue( int a, int b) {     int s;     s = a+b;     return s;     }     }  class Child extends Parent {  }  Which methods can be added into class Child?()Aint addValue( int a, int b ){// do something...}Bpublic void addValue (){// do something...}Cpublic int addValue( int a ){// do something...}Dpublic int addValue( int a, int b )throws MyException {//do something...}

单选题class Parent {     String one, two;  public Parent(String a, String b){     one = a;     two = b;    }  public void print(){ System.out.println(one); }    }  public class Child extends Parent {     public Child(String a, String b){     super(a,b);     }  public void print(){  System.out.println(one + " to " + two);     }  public static void main(String arg[]){     Parent p = new Parent("south", "north");     Parent t = new Child("east", "west");     p.print();     t.print();     }     }  Which of the following is correct?()A Cause error during compilation. B south     east C south to north     east to west    D south to north     east    E south     east to west

