A aboveB uponC againstD with

A above

B upon

C against

D with


The appointment or selection of a project sponsor is often based upon:AThe strategic importance of the projectBWho the customer isCWhether the organization is project or non-project-drivenDThe profitability of the projectEAll of the above

Interfacing with the customer after project go-ahead is the responsibility of:AProject sponsorBProject teamCProject managerDFunctional managerEAll of the above are possible, based upon the size and complexity of the project

Configuration (baseline) control monitors performance against theAscope baselineBoriginal scheduleCoriginal budgetDAll of the above.ENone of the above.

Creation of project objectives:A.allows for data collection and analysis and progress reporting against which standards of performance can be measured.B.is accomplished by selection of measurable variables against which performance can be judged.C.is required before funding of the project by the project sponsor.D.all of the above.E.A and B only

Upon completion of 75% of the project, the original schedules and cost estimates that were submitted at the inception of the project are referred to as the:A . Baseline costsB . Budgeted costs.C . Estimates upon completion costsD . Scheduled costsE . None of the above

193 Creation of project objectives:A. allows for data collection and analysis and progress reporting against which standards of performance can be measured.B. is accomplished by selection of measurable variables against which performance can be judged. C. is required before funding of the project by the project sponsor.D. all of the above.E. A and B only

23 Upon completion of 75% of the project, the original schedules and cost estimates that were submitted at the inception of the project are referred to as the:A. Baseline costsB Budgeted costs.C. Estimates upon completion costsD. Scheduled costsE. None of the above

183 Configuration (baseline) control monitors performance against theA. scope baselineB. original scheduleC. original budgetD. All of the above.E. None of the above

105 Upon completion of 75% of the project, the original schedules and cost estimates that were submitted at the inception of the project are referred to as the:A. Baseline costsB. Budgeted costs.C. Estimates upon completion costsD. Scheduled costsE. None of the above

18 Interfacing with the customer after project go-ahead is the responsibility of:A. Project sponsorB. Project teamC. Project managerD. Functional managerE. All of the above are possible, based upon the size and complexity of the project

32 The appointment or selection of a project sponsor is often based upon:A. The strategic importance of the projectB. Who the customer isC. Whether the organization is project or non-project-drivenD. The profitability of the projectE. All of the above

● The appointment or selection of a project sponsor is often based upon:A The strategic importance of the projectB Who the customer isC Whether the organization is project or non-project-drivenD The profitability of the projectE All of the above

● Configuration (baseline) control monitors performance against theA scope baselineB original scheduleC original budgetD All of the above.E None of the above.

Customs,upon boarding a vessel desiring entry into PRC port,would inspect which document? ______.A.Cargo ManifestB.Certified Crew ListC.Stores ListD.All of the above

The Merchant undertakes that no claim or _______ shall be made against any servant,agent or subcontractor of the Carrier which imposes or attempts to impose upon any of them or any vessel owned by any of them any liability whatsoever in connection with the goods.A.conditionB.determinationC.allegationD.engagement

Upon completion of fueling a gasoline driven vessel it is necessary to ______.A.keep ports,doors,windows,and hatches closedB.start engines immediatelyC.ventilate before starting engineD.None of the above

The nozzle of a gasoline hose or can should be kept ______.A.In contact with the fill opening to guard against static sparkB.From making contact with the fill opening to guard against static sparkC.In contact with the fill opening to allow proper ventingD.None of the above

Failure to comply with the above may______action being taken against the vessel.A.resulted inB.result inC.to result inD.resulting in

A. with B. against C. above D. under

One of the important decisions at the Yalta Conference was()Athe allied landing at NormandyBthe setting-up of a world organization,the United Nations,to manage peace and security after the warCcoordinated efforts in war against JapanDNone of the above

单选题Failure to comply with the above may()actoin being taken against the vessel.Aresulted inBresult inCresulting inDto result in

单选题Which characteristic is an advantage of Halon as a fire extinguishing medium?()AElectrically non-conductiveBRelatively inexpensiveCEffective against chemicals containing an oxidizerDAll of the above

单选题Successful combustion inside the cylinders of a diesel engine is dependent upon ().Afine atomizationBhigh temperatureCgood mixing of fuel and airDall of the above

单选题57. A towards B against C upon D throughAABBCCDD

单选题The efficient burning of fuel in a diesel engine is dependent upon the ()Atemperature of compressionBatomization of the fuelCpenetration of the fuelDall of the above

单选题The sealing function of the piston ring is brought about by the gas pressure above and behind the piston ring, which forces it () against the bottom of the ring groove, and () against the cylinder wall.Aupwards;inwardsBupwards;outwardsCdownwards;inwardsDdownwards;outwards

单选题The nozzle of a gasoline hose or can should be kept().Ain contact with the fill opening to guard against static sparkBfrom making contact with the fill opening to guard against static sparkCin contact with the fill opening to allow proper ventingDNone of the above

单选题Customs,upon boarding a vessel desiring entry into PRC port,would inspect which document().ACargo ManifestBCertified Crew ListCStores ListDAll of the above