A push operation adds an item to the top of a ( ).A.queueB.treeC.stackD.date structure

A push operation adds an item to the top of a ( ).

A.queueB.treeC.stackD.date structure


试题(10)—(11)基于以下描述:有一个初始为空的栈和输入序列 A、B、C、E、F、G:现发过如下操作:push, push, top, pop, push, push,top, push, pop, pop, pop.(10)下列哪一个是正确的从栈中删除元素的序列?A)BEB)BDC)BEDCD)BDEC

●试题七阅读以下说明和C++程序,将应填入(n)处的字句写在答题纸的对应栏内。【说明】以下程序的功能是设计一个栈类stackT,并建立一个整数栈。【程序】#includeiostream.h#includestdliB.hconst int Max=20;∥栈大小templateclass Tclass stack{∥栈元素数组T s[Max];∥栈顶下标int top;public:stack(){top=-1;∥栈顶初始化为-1}void push(const T &item);∥item入栈T pop();∥出栈int stackempty()const;∥判断栈是否为空};templateclass Tvoid stackT::push(const T &item){if(top== (1) ){cout"栈满溢出"endl;exit (1) ;}top++;s[top]=item;}templateclass TT stackT::pop(){T temp;if(top== (2) ){cout″栈为空,不能出栈操作″endl;exit (1) ;}temp=s[top];top--;return temp;}templateclass Tint stackT::stackempty()const{return top==-1;}void main(){stackintst;int a[]={1,2,3,4,5 };cout"整数栈"endl;cout"入栈序列:"endl;for(int i=0;i4;i++){couta[i]" ";(3) ;}coutendl"出栈序列:";while( (4) )cout (5) " ";coutendl;}

第 ( 10 ) - ( 11 ) 题基干以下描述 : 有一个初始为空的栈和下面的输入序列 A,B,C,D,E,F ; 现经过如下操作: push, push, push, top, pop, top, pop, push, push, top, pop, pop, pop, push 。( 10 )下列哪一个是正确的从栈中删除元素的序列?A ) CBEB ) EBDC ) BEDCAD ) CBEDA

有如下程序: nclude using namespace std; class Stack{ 有如下程序: #nclude<iostremn> using namespace std; class Stack{ public: Stack(unsigned n=10:size(n){rep_=new int[size];top=O;} Stack(Stacks):size(s.size) { rep_=new int[size]; for(int i=0;i<size;i++)rep_[i]=s.rep_[i]; top=s.top; } ~Stack(){delete[]rep_;} void push(int a){rep_[top]=a; top++;} int opo(){--top;return rep_[top];} bool is Empty()const{return top==O;} pavate: int*rep_; unsigned size,top; }; int main() { Stack s1; for(int i=1;i<5;i++) s1.push(i); Stack s2(s1); for(i=1;i<3;i++) cout<<s2.pop()<<','; s2.push(6); s1.push(7); while(!s2.isEmpty()) cout<<s2.pop()<<','; return 0; } 执行上面程序的输出是A.4,3,2,1B.4,3,6,7,2,1C.4,3,6,2,1D.1,2,3,4

试题基于以下描述:有一个初始为空的栈和下面的输入序列A、B、C、D、 E、F、G;现经过如下操作:push,push,pop,push,push,top,push,pop,pop。_________是从栈中删除元素的序列。A.BEDB.BDEC.BEDCD.BDEC

( 15 )请将下列栈类 Stack 补充完整class Stack{private:int pList[100]; // int 数组 , 用于存放栈的元素int top; // 栈顶元素 ( 数组下标 )public:Stack():top(0){}void Push(const int item); // 新元素 item 压入栈int Pop(void); // 将栈顶元素弹出栈};void Stack::Push(const int item){if(top == 99) // 如果栈满 , 程序终止exit(1);top++; // 栈顶指针增 1___________;}int Stack::Pop(){if(top0) // 如果栈空 , 程序终止exit(1);return pList[top--];}

( 3 )有一个初始为空的栈和下面的输入序列 A,B,C,D,E,F , 现经过如下操作: push, push,top,pop, top, push, push, push, top, pop, pop, pop, push 。 上述操作序列完成后栈中的元素列表(从底到顶)为【 3 】 。

以下程序实现栈的入栈和出栈的操作。其中有两个类:一个是节点类node,它包含点值和指向上一个节点的指针 prev;另一个类是栈类 stack, 它包含栈的头指针 top。生成的链式栈如下图所示。〈IMG nClick=over(this) title=放大 src="tp/jsj/2jc++j28.1.gif"〉下面是实现程序,请填空完成此程序。include 〈iostream〉using namespace std;class stack;class node{int data;node *prev;public:node(int d, node *n){data=d;prev=n;}friend class stack;};class stack{node *top; //栈头public:stack(){top=0;}void push(int i){node *n=【 】;top=n;}int pop(){node *t=top;if (top){top=top-〉prev;int c= t-〉data;delete t;return c;}return 0;}int main (){stack s;s.push(6);s.push(3);s.push (1);return 0;}

阅读以下说明和C++程序,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】以下程序的功能是设计一个栈类stack<T>,并建立一个整数栈。【程序】include < iostream. h >include < stdlib. h >const int Max =20; //栈大小template < class T >class stack{ //栈元素数组T s[Max]; //栈顶下标int top;public:stack( ){top =-1; //栈顶初始化为-1}void push( const T item); //item入栈T pop( ); //出栈int stackempty( ) const; //判断栈是否为};template < class T >void stack <T >::push(const T item){if(top==(1)){cout <<"栈满溢出" <<endl;exit(1);}top ++s[top] = item;}template < class T >T stack<T> ::pop(){T temp;if(top==(2)){cout <<"栈为空,不能出栈操作" < < endl;exit(1);}temp =s[top];top --;return temp;}template < class T >int stack < T >:: stackempty( ) const{ return top == -1;{void main( ){stack <int> st;int a[] ={1,2,3,4,5};cout <<"整数栈" <<endl;cout <<"入栈序列:" <<endl;for(int i=0;i<4;i ++){cout <<a[i] <<" ";(3);}cout << endl <<"出栈序列";while((4))tout<<(5)<<" ";cout< < endl;}

Many linguists believe that these, along with other properties of presuppositions, are inherent in a particular morpheme, lexical item, or a structure.()

下面是一个栈类的模板,其中push函数将元素i压入栈顶,pop函数弹出栈顶元素。栈初始为空,top值为0,栈顶元素在stack[top-1]中,在下面横线处填上适当的语句,完成栈类模板的定义。template<class t>class Tstack{enum{size=1000};T stack[size]int top;public:Tsack():top(0){}void push(const Ti){if(top<size)stack[top++]=i;}T pop(){if(top==O)exit(1);//栈空时终止运行retum【 】;}};

请将下列栈类Stack的横线处补充完整。class Stack{private:int pList[100]; ∥int数组,用于存放栈的元素int top; ∥栈顶元素(数组下标)public:Stack():top(0){}void Push(const int item); ∥新元素item


下列问题是基于以下描述:有一个初始为空的栈和下面的输入序列A、B、C、D、E、F、C;现经过如下操作: push,push,pop,push,push,top,push,pop,pop。下列哪一个是从栈中删除元素的序列?A.BEDB.BDEC.BEDCD.BDEC


The operation of removing an element from the stack is said to( )the stack.A. pop B. push C. store D. fetch

A push operation adds an item to the top of a (73).A.queue B.tree C.stack D.date structure

有一个初始为空的栈和输入序列A,B,C,D,E,F,G,现经过如下操作:push,push,top,pop,push,push,top,push,pop,pop,pop。 下列哪一个是正确的从栈中删除元素的序列?()A、BEB、BDC、BEDCD、BDEC

What is the action of "pop" in the context of MPLS switching?()A、It removes the top label in the MPLS label stack.B、It adds a top label in MPLS label stack.C、It replaces the top label in the MPLS label stack with another value.D、It replaces the top label in the MPLS label stack with a set of labels.E、None of above.

()is the most frequent activities in the logistics, but generally adds no value to a product, those operation should be kept to a minimum.A、TransportationB、Handling and carryingC、Marketing forecasts

What is a rotating item?()A、A rotating item is an individual item that is defined with a common item number. An item is designated as rotating because one wants to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification,and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item record.B、A rotating item is a set of items that are defined with a specific code. An item is designated as rotating because one does not want to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item record.C、A rotating item is a set of kits that are defined with a specific description and GL. An item is designated as rotating because one has the single cost to manage prefers to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the assembly record.D、A rotating item is an individual item that is defined with a common item number and can be a spare part. An item is designated as rotating because one wants to be able to create multiple asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item set records.

You are designing the top-level OU structure for the external domain. On which factor/s should you base the top-level OU structure?()A、Physical locationsB、External partners and universitiesC、The company’s internal departmentsD、The company’s software deployment needs

单选题()is the most frequent activities in the logistics, but generally adds no value to a product, those operation should be kept to a minimum.ATransportationBHandling and carryingCMarketing forecasts


多选题You are designing a top-level OU structure to meet the business and technical requirements. Which top-evel OU or OUs should you use?()AATCBParisCBerlinDSydneyEManifastFHuman Resources

单选题You are designing the top-level OU structure for the external domain. On which factor/s should you base the top-level OU structure?()APhysical locationsBExternal partners and universitiesCThe company’s internal departmentsDThe company’s software deployment needs

单选题You are designing the top-level OU structure for the external domain.  On which factor/s should you base the top-level OU structure?()A Physical locationsB External partners and universitiesC The company’s internal departmentsD The company’s software deployment needs