根据以下内容,回答211-214题。Summer Travel SaleNorth Sun Airlines is proud to bring you its annual Summer Travel Sale! As usual, fights be-tween selected cities in the U.S. and Canada are on sale for as low as $44 each way. Fares this low can't last long, so visit our website or call a customer service operator and book your tickets today!Prices below apply to travel beginning May 21st,2006. Travel must be completed by October lst,2006. Tickets must be purchased by May 1st to be eligible for the sale.Sample One-way Summer Sales FaresMinneapolis to Winnipeg $44Pittsburgh to Toronto $64Sacramento to Victoria $64Omaha to Denver$94Detroit to Ottawa $94Cleveland to Toronto $94Toronto to Dallas $94Columbus to Quebec City$104Philadelphia to Ottawa$104San Jose to San Antonio$114What is true about North Sun Airlines?A.It offers worldwide flightsB.It is based in the United StatesC.It holds a sale every summerD.It sells cheap round-trip tickets

Summer Travel Sale
North Sun Airlines is proud to bring you its annual Summer Travel Sale! As usual, fights be-tween selected cities in the U.S. and Canada are on sale for as low as $44 each way. Fares this low can't last long, so visit our website or call a customer service operator and book your tickets today!
Prices below apply to travel beginning May 21st,2006. Travel must be completed by October lst,2006. Tickets must be purchased by May 1st to be eligible for the sale.
Sample One-way Summer Sales Fares
Minneapolis to Winnipeg $44
Pittsburgh to Toronto $64
Sacramento to Victoria $64
Omaha to Denver$94
Detroit to Ottawa $94
Cleveland to Toronto $94
Toronto to Dallas $94
Columbus to Quebec City$104
Philadelphia to Ottawa$104
San Jose to San Antonio$114

What is true about North Sun Airlines?

A.It offers worldwide flights
B.It is based in the United States
C.It holds a sale every summer
D.It sells cheap round-trip tickets


解析:通过第一段第1和2句中的“annual”和“as usual”可以知道,此活动为年度例行活动,在每年的夏天举行,故选C。


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